2015-07-10-Discussion About Ongoing Education
Topic: Discussion About Ongoing Education
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Planetary Prince Machiventa Melchizedek
TR: George Barnard
- Edited by Linda Abell
Machiventa: “This is Machiventa. I’m here now, so let us get into the subject and you can transcribe the discussion when you have more time. Let us compare the studies of universality, ethics, history and spirituality on the Mansion Worlds with common university teaching as it applies to your personal past. Remember how after one specific lecture most of you entered the next theater still shaking your heads? You all had been confronted with an unbridled intellect beyond your measure.
“Was the professor sane? You bet he was! Still, you failed to follow his sharp reasoning because you were all fresh at the subject and the groundwork leading up to his specialty, his ‘baby,’ had not yet been taught. Think back now. In those early times you gathered more of the initial knowledge from your impromptu college tutors, your official university tutors and the sundry Ph.D. students that might be bothered to give their time to your merry band…”
George: “… of international misfits. Sure.”
Machiventa: (ignores the remark) “As below so above, my human friend. How often has your inquisitive mind been satisfied by healthy advice, information and reminders from your Midwayer friends? Countless, countless times! The only occasions on which you were taught by professional lecturers — fused individuals — was by Mary, mother of Jesus and by the Andite Leader of the South American migration effort of long ago, Ionah, yet only because of your association with his treasured Midwayer friends (see links below).
“Whilst post-Mansion World resources are abundant, the organizing that goes into grouping all the intermediaries as translators can be so tedious as to cause interruptions to many a project each and every one of these Paradise pilgrims and angelic carers are themselves involved with. Those near to you are always best equipped to take you to the next level. Tutors have fresh in their minds both the possibilities as well as difficulties they personally dealt with. Most claims of one having largely fused Teachers deals with ‘big-noting’ the self.
“Although I have Thought Adjusters among my Advisors and Assistants, I am not fused. Few are greater in knowledge and wisdom than Orion, but your Life Carrier friend is not fused. Can their be greater joy than to hear Michael say that He loves you? Nebadonia? Our evolving and most caring Goddess, Urantia (Gaia)? The Scribe? They aren’t fused. They are God!
“Carry on with your international … ‘mischief.’ This is Machiventa. I leave you my love. Good night.”