2015-07-19-An Honorable Life
Topic: An Honorable Life
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
- Edited by Linda Abell
The Beloved One: “Once more you willingly seat yourself at the keyboard as you sense an important message forthcoming. You awoke this morning with the two words ‘spiritual nobility’ on your mind. This started an avalanche of questions in your mind as to what this could refer.
“Well vessel of my indwelling, stated in a few words: all thinking mortals do have the Seed of nobility of the Creator God in them to make you all into spiritual nobility with the help and guidance of your Thought Adjusters. Let this so very exquisite and important information be a grand lesson to you and to everyone who might chance to read these words.
“This important information needs to be told: that all evolving human creatures with a mind to think have the potential of future spiritual nobility; to serve eventually in the presently evolving universes of outer space. However, connected with this is always the most important preparatory time towards perfection as nothing less will do.
“Therefore live your beginning ‘pupa-stage life’ here on earth as honorable as possible as this is the required foundational earth-life for all the levels following the mortal estate, the most important stage during which you earn immortality. This important decision to strive for immortality is decided in this first stage of existence, meaning during mortal life.
“So ponder this for a while and forget about reincarnation because thought-forms float by on the wind and can attach themselves to human vessels. The result can be so vivid that the mortal thinks he or she has been here in various lifetimes. However, it is each one’s responsibility to sort out this erroneous belief system.
“Many superstitions abound that unfortunately keep many a mind busy so it doesn’t take the time to think about the most important one: to develop a relationship with God’s Nobility within them. And this is the crux of the matter: that eternal life is not taken seriously enough as one can always come back in a different form, even in the form of an ant or a mouse, as so recently was conveyed to you. This was shocking to you as the person seemed totally convinced. And you thought: ‘How spiritually impoverished this person is in thinking that.’
“The Father on Paradise knows the intent of each heart and also knows how many mortals there are who live in fear due to ignorance because of what they have been told by well-meaning elders in their places of worship. There are many, many seemingly lost souls; however, in reality, none of them is lost as they simply have not yet discovered the Noble Gift from God within them.
“If mortals would only prioritize some time and start listening to their on-board Guide and Partner, which can be theirs for all eternity, how soon they would strive to open the God connection and strive to lead an honorable spiritual life. The almost dormant seed-souls would start to evolve and become active by living the golden rule. They would be fed and nourished through the fruits they would yield, making their lives rich and satisfying in the spiritual sense and promising for the next morontia level of existence.”