2015-07-20-Anatomy of the Two Reserve Corps
Topic: Anatomy of the Two Reserve Corps
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe
TR: George Barnard
- Edited by Linda Abell
The Scribe: “Before we get into the answers to the (self-evident) questions posed, I want first to relate to you that the Thought Adjuster of your (potential) future fusion was long known to me for both human and superior creature failures and thereby for extreme experiences. Whilst this Adjuster has a generic name among the ‘bird tribes,’ to me he is a special friend of countless, countless centuries.
“Moreover, I want you to see my position as a Fragment of our Father Creator gifted with a unique personality by our Father Creator. To clearly analyze and determine the reality of my being, I am of God, therefore I am God and therefore rather than my addressing you as my friend — which you also truly are — I see you as my son and in our dealings here and beyond this sphere, I will address you as such.
“My son, the questions that once more have been posed deal with the Reserve Corps of Destiny and the Cosmic Reserve Corps of Universe Conscious Citizens and what might be the difference between the two. In the Creator Father’s eyes there is no difference as all His children are equally loved and He will foreknow that all helpers of planetary progress and stability will in the distant future stand before Him.
“They are equal, all of them; yet in the way they come about there is a difference and it mostly relates to the Adjuster involved. The Adjusters of those human helpers will at some juncture decide to belong to a Reserve Corps of Destiny to indwell their future betrothed in the knowledge that there is a potential for them to be involved for a time, but they may not know what experiences such will bring.
“Those human helpers, who are counted together with their fully versed Adjusters among the Cosmic Reserve Corps of Universe Conscious Citizens, are predetermined and foreknown to be involved in progressing or stabilizing the spiritual sphere within the mosaic of their time and their society. Many of their experiences come about as if hardwired into their determined minds.
“All in all these are the main differences for most helpers belonging to either corps, but I note to the inquirer that so very little difference exists as to make both groups members of a specially educated whole. Even so, the experiences of each vary considerably and the records of these happenings are what you take with you to Paradise and only then officially pass on to your Creator.
“They are the Father’s experiences through you and they are your experiences by the Father’s fiat. Make them as memorable as you can for on this earth there exists the greatest opportunity to, for all time, determine your standing in the morontia spheres and the spiritual realm thereafter.
This is the Damascus Scribe leaving you all my love and remaining available to you merely at your beck and call.”