2015-08-07-Of Absolute and Relative Truth
Topic: Absolute and Relative Truth
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe
TR: George Barnard
- Edited by Linda Abell
The Damascus Scribe: “My son — I proudly call you that — I wish to converse with you about Truth and relative truth. Truth with a capital T is what you may class as absolute truth and of this I will give you three examples. Firstly, the Creator Father is the sole initial Creator in all the universes. All other Creator Sons and Daughters are so capable by fiat of the Father’s will and His given commands.
“Secondly, the sustaining power that holds up and progresses the galaxies of universes from Paradise to the outlying giant new galactic creations is love. Anything contrary to love like hatred, disinterest, and jealousy is of a fleeting existence and whilst temporarily challenging, will in time, provide positive results through the mere fact that such aberrations to love do provide learning opportunities.
“The third example of absolute truth is in reply to your questioning mind about the Master and I. Should the man, Joshua ben Joseph, have been an ordinary mortal, he and I would have fused on Urantia. Yes, yes indeed, just like Elijah. And the Saviour of mankind would likewise have been seen here no more. It was during your Master’s duties in Damascus when and where we functioned as if fully fused.
“It was our ability to truly function as one in deep love for each other that allowed the celestial onlookers of that time and place to later think back on these events and then name me the ‘Damascus Scribe,’ which name I gratefully accept.
“Here you have some aspects of absolute truth among many others, one must declare. Although, most of what mortals accept as truth is only relative truth, personal truth and much of it of a religious nature.
“On normal worlds where a much larger percentage of the population always deals with celestials — especially Midwayers and Morontia Cherubim and Companions, indeed, not forgetting the Planetary Prince and entourage — the principles and doctrines of evolutionary religions fall away with great ease. But this is Urantia’s Correcting Time and good changes are to come here, too.
“This is the Damascus Scribe. I part with you now, but leave you my love. Call me.”