2015-09-09-About Groups
Topic: About Groups
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe
TR: George Barnard
- Edited by Linda Abell
The Scribe: “There are some who call me Sananda, even Lord Sananda. Some call me the Scribe. Why, however, do I prefer the latter over the former? It will be easy for you to understand, for when I worked with your Master, Christ Jesus, in perfect unity (in Damascus), it was then that He came closest to knowing My loving mind — human met divine.
“Personalized is what I became, rather than being fused with a human to gain personality. And I have since been given permanent local universe tasks of great importance to Nebadon. Creature contact, however, is my need. From the most elevated of Deity to the lowest of God-knowing mortals, aloneness can make one feel diminished. We are, all of us, of a common ‘sociable spiritual DNA.’
“Little wonder then that as one’s foundational earth life expires into mansion world existence, mortals carry on with the trend they earlier established. Those who were rather sociable on this planet soon find thermselves belonging to a group and soon after to more than one group to either learn from, or teach to. Those less affable simply take longer, but they will never buck the trend toward greater involvement.
“To belong to a group is to teach and learn. On your steady climb to perfection the behaviors of others — right or wrong — present ever clearer windows into the self with the opportunity to, in both instances, improve your mindset and behavior. Might I suggest that your countless centuries and more on Mansonia and further study worlds will destine you to become a Urantia poster child?
“There is nothing like your involvement with spirituality and mindal challenges to give you an awareness of the shortcomings of the human mind endowments that must function with the electrochemical brain. Beyond your earth life it is all electrical with all aspects of the morontia minds. And of the vastly more advanced angelic mind you will one day inherit.
“I can tell you but little about the angelic mind right now. Suffice it to say it can accurately predict outcomes on scant input. It can ‘bring time forward’ to evaluate circumstances that have not yet occurred. It can look back in time and observe places never visited, but these are minor aspects some of you can achieve today.
“More about what your future minds will do for you waits to be revealed. For now I ask you all to prepare yourself each day to becoming Urantia’s universe graduates. I Am the Damascus Scribe, closer to you than your beckoning call and leaving you My Love.”