2015-09-09-Unlimited Free Will
Topic: Unlimited Free Will
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Cherubim ‘I’ll be Frank’
TR: George Barnard
- Questions from a 28-year-old
“I’ll be Frank”: “This is Frank, always frank. Alice and I are what one generally considers to be among the best-educated of Cherubim. The subject of Human Behavior is our choice of study and expertise and it has been our commission for more than a few centuries. The reason for our being overlooked so often may deal with our somewhat diminutive stature (he is no taller than a three-year-old and I’m sure he is joking).
“As we understand it, the question that is asked of us is this: Does free will continue to apply to resurrected humans on Mansonia and beyond? The answer is a resounding ‘yes.’ Free will is a personality prerogative. It applies equally to all personalities, even to those who ever do things right as a matter of cause. Alice and I have free will to investigate anything at all, but we focus on our continued studies of the complex human mind by our free-will choice.
- Speaking to the enquirer now.
“Caught up as you are, unable to change your associates, ‘imprisoned’ by your relationships, we quite understand you presently have no alternative but to bear it all until the end of your contract. However, such is not the case on the Mansion Worlds. Whereas one can choose to be among those of one’s immediate past, there is no such need or obligation if the past was unpleasant. There are myriad other groupings to suit your requirements at any given time. And this is so all throughout the Mansion Worlds.
“Once fusion has taken place you will still have your unconstrained free will. I do warn you, however, you will find it impossible to do anything wrong, laze about, waste time or ‘produce’ anything that is innately useless. You may well have developed a mindset that inclines you to seek out all of those who once distressed you back on Urantia — to close that troubling chapter or to see what you can possibly do for them when they, to a man, did to you the unspeakable.
“Find strength in the knowledge that you will relatively soon be out of the present predicament, that you will wisely choose your next ‘venue of operation’ and that anywhere and at any time beyond this life there exists unlimited free will. This is Frank, always frank.”
Alice: “We travel light and we travel fast. We will look in on you when we can and you might even become aware of us. Frank and I leave you our love.”