2015-09-24-Of Barter, Money, and Currency

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Topic: Of Barter, Money, and Currency

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Teacher Samuel of Panoptia, Teacher Aaron of Urantia

TR: George Barnard


  • Edited by Linda Abell


Teacher Samuel: “Greetings to all. This is Samuel of Panoptia and Teacher Aaron is with me right here on Mansonia Seven. Panoptia is not a place on your planet, but an inhabited world, famous for its entire population having separated itself from the perverted teachings of its rebellious Planetary Prince. Teacher Aaron, on the other hand, is from your planet and he is indeed the brother of Moses with whose endeavors you are rather likely to be more familiar.


“We have agreed to devote a little time to the subjects of barter trade, real money and mere currency. These are important matters on all evolutionary planets. Beyond total distrust and aggression, even consumption of one’s enemy or neighbour, there almost certainly develops a thriving barter trade. Let us say that two lambs for one large milking goat would be a fair trade.

“However, whereas the two lambs will have a difficult time making it over yon rocky ridge, the goat will make play of the difficult journey. Better to bring the owner of the goat a small basket of 100 rare sea-shells to exchange for the goat. Can you see how the precious shells almost represent real money, although still of undetermined value? It’s a wonderful progression to coins of gold, silver and copper that widely have and always retain a considerable value.

“The next forward move in lively trade is when the coins are replaced by lightweight certificates of equal value to the coins. Finally, there is credit — have it now and pay later.

“Now here I want to say that when we talk about critical times to come, we are discussing the Machiventa-organized Teachers Corps, the spiritual values it tries to instill in you ‘pointy-eared’ students and the valued records you will leave behind. We are not at all talking about war and economic circumstances — not until this brief meeting, at least.

“Your persistent questioning of this receiver is now answered by us, only in-so-far as we are permitted to delve into worldly matters, of course. Are there dangerous times coming? Perhaps. We may well experience a lessening of hubris, arrogance and lies from our world leaders. They might decide to ‘parler’ about the common good for the common people. Armies might well mobilize in the case of an earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood or drought and fight wars no more.

“Still, just in case I’m a little over-enthusiastic about your men and women at the top, the peace and goodwill towards all in their minds, do have some cans of beans, a sack of rice and some coins of the noble metals. You’ll sleep well.


“This is Samuel the Panoptian. Aaron and I wish you a fine and productive day.”