2015-10-13-Those Almost Immediately Eligible
Topic: Thought Adjusters
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe, Midwayer Chief, Bzutu
TR: George Barnard
Session 1
- October 13, 2015
- Edited by Linda Abell
The Scribe: “When you smartly elucidate to whom you wish to speak, that Teacher will come through to you. Of course, when your mind is not clear and you ‘vaguely move through’ a list of your Teachers, they may well shrug their shoulders and await a specific call. Now tell your story here first.”
George: At some time during 1974 or 1975 Midwayer Chief Bzutu and I discussed the further treatment of a deeply troubled patient. What we came up with between us more than pleased us both and I chanced the remark: ‘We’re as old as the Hills, you and I.’ It was a casual way of saying that neither of us was born just yesterday. The Chief answered: ‘You are older.’ Then he was gone.
The Scribe: “Can you think of anyone who would better explain what the Chief had in mind? He, of course, spoke of the Gift from God you mostly call your Thought Adjuster. I am a Thought Adjuster. I was a Virgin Adjuster and through various — mostly disappointing associations — I became a Self-Acting Adjuster, then a Supreme Adjuster (serving both Machiventa and Jesus), now a Personalized Adjuster of which there are but relatively few.
And so I am the one who with a few words can explain what your friend, Bzutu, meant. In the years he spent on this planet he is unbelievably older than is your body, or your brain, or mind. It is concerning your Thought Adjuster that he informs you, you are older.
“Firstly, my dear friend, your Thought Adjuster left Divinington’s ‘indoctrination’ with his universe Ph.D. long before the Secondary Midwayers of your planet were ever thought of. And secondly, more importantly, Thought Adjusters are Fragments of the Creator of All. They are not offspring of God. Oh no! They are Segments of the eternal Father. They predate time, together with the Creator. In fact, there is no one older. We are all — you might say — ageless.
“Of great importance — and this was the conclusion you were invited to come to at the time, which you did — Midwayers are not hosts to Thought Adjusters. Angels host no Thought Adjusters and neither do Life Carriers, nor do Melchizedeks. It is almost entirely a human phenomenon and those few creatures, not of your races, that do occasionally become indwelt by a Thought Adjuster are unrevealed to you.
“Humans must have Adjusters. You are almost immediately eligible. It is beyond your reasoning and imagination to conceive of a world where your races were not to be indwelt. Inconceivable, you say? Yes, you are right, you might likely still be on all fours.
“Truly, all matters dealing with Adjusters are always best attended by me. I leave you now for a short time, dear one, but I leave you my love.”
Session 2
- October 14, 2015
- Edited by Linda Abell
(Having finally solved a difficult problem, George is visibly happy about it, but it’s rather late . . . again.)
Bzutu: “Now would be the time to contemplate how you would feel if you had a real brain, rather than just good luck.”
(subdued laughter — there are others already asleep here).
The Scribe: “The lateness of the hour and your wandering mind made me cut short our discussion before, my dear friend. This is the Damascus Scribe who bestows upon you his love and admiration here and for all time in our local universe, yes, and even into the eternity realm of Paradise.
“The fact that Midwayers — indeed all Midwayers, Primary and Secondary — have no Thought Adjusters allows you to more clearly understand that they can only be brothers and sisters insofar as you all have the same Parents — Michael and Nebadonia.
“The Midwayers are two different species. The Primary Midwayers are related to the Planetary Prince’s servants. Adamson and his Nodite wife, Ratta, were the grandparents to the “Spirit Guardian” friends of your youth. However, neither are indwelt by Thought Adjusters, although both species frequently work closely with both Angels and Adjusters.
“However long it takes for any evolutionary world to attain Light and Life, fusion for Midwayers is on hold. And so it goes for Life Carriers, Melchizedeks and countless others you do not yet know, even your Celestial Engineer, brother Isaac. It will often be reported that the Angels are envious of your kind, perhaps even outright jealous, but would any of them enjoy having to function with a mind 100 percent dependent on a electro-chemical brain? Not likely, and furthermore, would they enjoy serving the two earthly masters — their physical as well as their spiritual needs?
“Human beings live short, intensive lives and would fare badly without an Adjuster, even if many are hardly aware of the Godsent Helper. Morontial beings generally have easier lives while their lives before fusion can be thousands, yes, millions of years in duration.
“It’s all right to wish to be in another’s shoes, or ‘sport another’s wings,’ so to speak, but how many would question the Eternal Father’s decision to grant anyone the gift of life of one kind or another? I am the Damascus Scribe. Goodnight to all.”