2015-11-14-Love Is The Only Viable Response to Hate
Topic: Love Is The Only Viable Response to Hate
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Anyas
- Edited by Linda Abell
Thought Adjuster: “Dear Child, the painful events which took place in France yesterday are other manifestations of the destructive and meaningless power of hate. Hate is separation; hate consists of intentions infused with negative energies. Why in the world would human beings chose to function in that frame of mind? How does it serve a higher purpose? How could it please the Almighty?
“In a world created around the loving values of Truth, Beauty and Goodness, hate is a completely foreign element — a factor of imbalance. It is like throwing a stone in anger in a pure and serene body of water. It noisily splashes disturbing the peace at its various levels and having a ripple effect.
“Do not allow hate to grab hold of your heart. Your heart, if connected with its loving Source, can create its own antibodies to such a potentially contagious emotional disease. Do not be caught off guard! It is in your free will power to refuse to have any give-and-take with this low vibratory emotion. Why would you chose to contaminate your being rather than to protect it and, by doing so, to acquire more inner fortitude and a stronger emotional immune system?
“You have a song whose lyrics are “Love makes the world go round.” Love is truly the substance that oils the perfectly conceived cosmic organism. Spheres and circles are present everywhere in the universe. They are shapes of predilection because they offer no angles of resistance. A circle flows and a planet follows its predetermined orbit.
“Whenever hate makes a blunt statement, it truly throws a wrench in the smooth running organism. This wrench could trigger a chain reaction of dangerous mishaps or it could be identified as such and rejected as a foreign body by the organism. The Father has infused His creation with a powerful immune system—at all levels.
“Love is the most efficient ‘antibiotic’ to counteract the threatening elements of hate. It is time for humanity to take back its power by consciously refusing to become affected by hate. Instead, boost up your Love Power and send it to the ignorant souls who are creating havoc on your beloved planet. This is how Jesus operated. He did not sink at the level of hate to later reemerge from it. He acted in the moment to shield Himself from this threat to His emotional integrity. He forgave instantly! What a powerful statement of unconditional love it is!
“As Christians, willing to walk in the Master’s foot prints, it is essential that you stay in love and in forgiveness. This will disarm those who mean you harm as you will not provide them with any justification to keep going on their nefarious path. Loveless souls have been stunted in their growth as they have not experienced the transformative and soul expanding power of love. By sending love and light their way and by willingly forgiving them, you are making it easier for them to reform their ways as you are breaking the ‘an-eye-for-an-eye’ cycle of insanity that ends up blinding all those who partake into it. Should you resort to the same modus operandi as theirs, you would immediately sink to their level and add your share of hate to an already very unstable situation.
“Turn to the Source to replenish your Love Tank whenever you feel it has been depleted. Love is flowing abundantly and continuously from Paradise and you can chose to be nurtured by its living waters which will make you untouchable to the angry fire of hate. You can quench hate with love rather than allowing it to devour the good elements of your being. This is your choice at any given moment and this choice has far-reaching consequences. Do not allow hate to gain on momentum. Rather initiate the ‘snowball-effect of love’ which will set in motion an irresistible avalanche of love, disempowering the love-starved recalcitrant souls and helping them to understand that God’s will is love-filled — never hate-filled.”