2015-12-02-The Furnace of the Divine Heart
Topic: Furnace of the Divine Heart
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Anyas
- Edited by Linda Abell
“Divine love does not merely forgive wrongs; it absorbs and actually destroys them.” (188:5.2)
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you are asking me this morning to expand on the above quotation from The Urantia Book. Truly, the answer to everything is Love as Love is the origin of everything.
“Love is burning in the furnace of the Divine Heart. It is cleansing and purifying. The exquisite height of its vibrations could be compared to the all-consuming heat of a thousand suns. Nothing could stand in its presence without being transmuted into a different state of being.
“Your Master Jesus stood in this place of unconditional love. He did forgive wrongs on the spot; He did not take them personally, but considered them as ignorant offenses to His Heavenly Father and He put Himself in the loving position of Public Defendant. As a human being in a very physical and down-to-earth body, He was able to translate to the Father the extenuating circumstances in the lives of the children of the earth. “Father, forgive them as they do not know what they are doing.”
“He came to bring Light to a darkened world—a reality distorted by the lies and misrepresentations of the rebels who claimed that personal liberty was more important than Love. By claiming that there is no God, Lucifer also took the reality of Divine Love out of the equation. Liberty stripped from love is like a brain functioning without a heart. This results in a state of spiritual havoc and mayhem.
“Yet, whether acknowledged or rejected, Divine Love is nevertheless a cosmic reality with far-reaching effects. This divine fire, when activated within each soul, has the powerful ability to absorb and destroy wrongs. This is well worth pondering as therein is the key to a powerful Love activation. Pray to the Father that you can feel such a Love.
“As you interact daily with one another, learn to consciously invite such an unconditional love in your relationships. I will help you expand it in your being and you will remember that it is your first nature and that it has the power to dispel within you any lower and contaminated forms of love. Call upon the assistance of Divine Love to synergize your own abilities to love so that your love can have a positive impact.”