2015-12-22-Awaken to Become Your True Self
Topic: Awaken to Become Your True Self
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: A Mentori Spokesperson
TR: Lytske
- Edited by Linda Abell
Mentor: “At last you notice that we are here, clamoring for your attention. It has been a while since you calmed your mind sufficiently to note that there is more going on in the unseen world than ever was the case. The reason is that we are in the process of awakening many more mortals as the situation on the planet is noticeably getting darker.
“However, dear one, don’t misjudge the strength of God’s energy, which is allowed to grow stronger by the moment. You are familiar with the saying that: ‘It is always darker before the dawning of a new day.’ Such is the case here. There is absolutely no need to give in to indulging in bad dreams as this would only add to the icy fear of a threatening nightmare.
“The dawning of this new day is filled with hope as the first rays of sunshine make their way over the horizon of many awakening minds on this planet. Indeed the populace would be well served if they would gradually open their minds wider and relish in the hope that the coming day will be filled with untold possibilities. A brand-new day is looming — still a blank page in the book of earth’s history in which every man, woman and child shall write their own story of life and the opportunities they seized.
“Everyone is being called to participate in this unheard of new era of correction — in that which is being ‘downloaded’ into the minds of all awakening souls. Life is for the living and those who are becoming aware will take every chance to make a difference in the lives of others. Each mortal can enrich the life of another mortal. The possibilities for serving one another will become more obvious as more people begin to realize the eternal truth of being kin to each other, rather than strangers. This goes beyond all boundaries of all countries on the planet. Indeed this truth crosses all distances in space and embraces your space brothers and sisters.
“It is small-minded thinking indeed that you humans would represent the only ‘civilized’ beings in the immensity of space, holding the rather odd thought that ‘others’ are out to get you. Truly, don’t you think that it is about time to act more maturely and apply a higher level of thinking? The average thought barely rises above the planet. This is a great pity as most of your God-given inventions are still being used for ‘childish’ war games, which are becoming increasingly more obnoxious and dangerous in the hands of immature, unthinking and unfeeling mortals.
“From our celestial observation post it is becoming clear that there is less-than-adequate attention being paid to the Will and the Ways of the Universal Creator God, which is to live by the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would like to be treated — with love and respect. Awaken to become the person you are supposed to be. Awaken to become your true self, filled with love, tolerance and forgiveness towards self and all you meet on the path to God — especially in your earthly estate — to make this world a better place.”