2016-01-09-Aligning Your Memories in Divine Will
Topic: Aligning Your Memories in Divine Will
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Mother and Father, as we start a new calendar year of our lives, we also ask for a renewal in our relationship with you. Thank you for refreshing us in your spiritual substance and in bringing in those spiritual circuits of your being that will edify us at all levels of ours and help us be more aligned in the presence of our indwelling Father fragments. You know our needs and we gladly open ourselves to you now that we imprint upon your divine characteristics and be here in a manner that will edify our souls and afford us greater service opportunities to our brothers and sisters and our world. Thank you, may your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children, and Happy New Year to one and all! This is Michael. I am very pleased to again rejoin you in this manner, and invite you into another year of dynamic spiritual growth and soul attainment as more CHANGE energy imprints upon Urantian consciousness and helps the world awaken to its rightful place in our universe home.
Take a few deep breaths. Relax into the Spirit presence of your Mother, whose breath of life forms the very foundation of your beings. As you know, you live within the womb of Her being. You all have your own system of consciousness that takes origin in Her, and you have been given these gifts of mind to foster its development that you may indeed grow in Father-likeness and manifest His WILL here on the material plane. I am, as your Father, charged with guiding you through this journey of human life experience on through mansonia, through the various dimensions and levels of the universe. But here you start and here you are now.
Today it is my desire to help you continue to receive, continue to imprint, with the hopes that you would gain more in the way of your desire to be more masterful of your consciousness and come into a deeper understanding of who you are and a relationship with the powers of your mind that steer your development in accordance with the Father’s plans for your lives.
You are, as you know, a combination of various energy frequencies. There is a synergy in these frequencies, and they over time develop, what you might call, a memory structure in your consciousness—influences wherein drive your behavior, influence your thinking, condition your feelings. Some of these influences are positive—conducive to your development, and then there are those components of your memory structure that are not aligned in the Father’s WILL and act as deterrents for your soul attainment.
Therefore, your Mother and I wish to support your efforts in growing in the attunement of your minds to the leadings of the Father Within. I invite you to turn your attention and your desire to receive more of what you need and allow us to move in those memory patterns of your structure of consciousness that we may continue to help you sort through that which is conducive and helpful and release those energies which have deterred you from the desires of your heart and soul. All you need to do is to open in trust, faith while we bring in the attributes of our beings to support this sorting of the ways, as you might say. Feel your desire for us to move in your memory patterns. Relax and breathe, and come into that place of childlike trust in our divine watch-care and our ministrations in your beings. Let us begin. (Pause)
As we move in you, if you find it helpful to maintain a central focus or gaze in your own mind’s eye, simply place it over your heart centers and ask for your memory patterns to receive more of your Mother’s and Father’s energies. Feel your desires for this and let that be your gaze and desire as we move in your now. (Pause)
A memory is a record or transcript, you might say, of a life experience. You accumulate memories through your various experiences with life, in relationships with others, with the relationship you have to your planetary consciousness. There are spiritual beings whom you know as angels who also record the events of your life, and there is a spiritual transcript that is part of your life experience. When you reach mansonia and begin your morontia career, you will be given access to this spirit transcript to act as a comparison of the life experiences you have accumulated during the human lifetime to help you interpret where you have allowed yourselves to be guided in the Father’s WILL and when you have used your own decision-making abilities and they have not followed that trajectory.
What your Mother and I are helping you achieve today is a type of alignment in your memory transcript that will afford you more spiritual insight that you may make a decision in your own heart and mind to release or withdraw from those energies in your memory patterns that are holding you back or interfering with your soul development. As you allow this spiritual infusion into your memory patterns, it will act as a catalyst to illuminate your awareness as to what would have been a better approach to undertake in this memory experience. It is a sorting of the past to glean a higher way. It is part of the process in which you allow the Father more access to your human mind that you may attune your thinking and your feelings to what the Father wishes to experience through you.
Let these words settle in. Let this idea take deeper root in your energy systems as we continue to foster this spiritual enhancement in you, that your memory patterns may expand in love, compassion, forgiveness, comprehension of the Father’s WILL within. Continue to receive. Continue to imprint. (Pause)
In my human life as Jesus, part of my life experience was to allow this sorting of the memory experiences of my life and bring them to the Father for my own spiritual edification. I offer this to you, my children, that you may too trust in the goodness of the Father to continue to reveal TRUTH, GOODNESS and MERCY upon your consciousness system that you may too allow this sorting process to unfold and release you from the memory imprints that are a part of your planet’s history and legacy fostered by the rebellion.
Deviation from Father’s WILL has been such an ingrained memory habit upon Urantia that it will require many ages to expunge the energetic residue of sin and iniquity. But here is where you come in and here is where you provide the means by which others may continue to open and grow in their own recognition of who they are as a child of God. By you taking responsibility for your own consciousness and allowing it to be transformed, you are adding more vitality to the growing Supreme Mind of the planet and diminishing—albeit is a little at a time—the effects of rebellion in your planet’s consciousness.
What greater service can you provide to your world at this time? Truly I say to you, this is the greatest act of love you can perform. I know that sometimes it is frustrating; especially when you are confronted by so much evil each day, and you become frustrated in your own sense of self that you are not progressing fast or far enough. But I say to you, be patient! Come to your Mother and me. Come to us when you feel this tension within your mind and heart and ask for us to imprint upon those memory patterns that still cause you consternation. We know where you are being held back. We know where to imprint upon you what you need that you may become aware of your own limitations and see them in a new light that will bring you great revelations of truth and goodness—not only in your thoughts but in your feelings, and present you with more opportunities to heal and transform.
You are becoming aware of a very important process of life, my children, and it is up to you how far you will grow in understanding and use this for your own edification, as well as in service to this world. We provide you the opportunities to grow, but you must make full use of them for this is your journey to the Father and it is up to you to make use of it as your heart desires, as your mind seeks to learn the ways of the Father and as your Spirit guides you upon that path.
Again, allow these words to settle in and expand your awareness that you may continue to grow and feel that sense of momentum grow as you desire to be all things of GOODNESS, TRUTH and BEAUTY in the Father’s presence within. (Pause)
Oh, my little ones, what joy you give your Mother and me as we watch you grow, as we observe your efforts to shake off the ways of the past and stand in the renewal in the presence of Spirit! It is your birthright and destiny. I know the path you trod, and I invite you to come to me and ask me for my human experience as Jesus to help you for those human insights as you traverse this path and grow in Godliness. It is not easy. The path is before you and you are gaining a sure footing on it to stay on the path for longer periods of time and to grow in that breadth that you may maneuver more broadly on that path as you move from experience to experience, finding those challenging experiences in your lives to bring forth the good fruits of the Spirit. And ever it will be your path as you traverse from Urantia to Paradise, growing along the way, learning life’s lessons and coming to know more of the Father in His immense MAJESTY and GRANDEUR. What a journey it is, my children, and I will accompany you for many, many, many years to come. So you have more help than you know and everything within you need.
I will leave you now that you Mother may address you and continue to minister to you. Allow these energies to move in you and through you and use them well in your stillness meditations as you journey through another year of great attainment. I leave you in my love, my beautiful and precious children. Good day.
NEBADONIA: My blessings are upon you, my precious ones! This is your Mother, Nebadonia, who speaks. Do you not receive joy and experience a sense of wonderment and lightheartedness when you see a small child stand and walk; speak his or her first words, and have those moments of recognition when they learn something new and it delights them? This is what we experience when we see you make those strideful efforts to grow and to learn new things and they become part of your soul.
Your souls are beautiful, and the memory experiences of your lives are designed to help you bring forth this treasure and beauty of your soul. So even though some of you have very difficult challenges and life seems hard and almost insurmountable in its difficulties, there is so much treasure to be mined from these memories that forge this beautiful jewel of your souls. And we encourage you to continue to open to us that we may support you with the spiritual fortitude, perseverance, courage, strength and curiosity that develop these beautiful aspects of your soul.
The memory experiences of your lives are here for you to explore—to mine for that treasure, to look for the gem. And when you only see darkness, ask for the light of the Father Within to shine upon the treasure. You may take that up with your hands, feel it, touch it, explore it—not with your physical senses, of course, but through the power of your thoughts and feelings. There is so much goodness to reap; so much truth to behold. And I dare say that you have only scratched the surface of your consciousness in mining for these treasures.
Yes, you have made many strides in your growth, but can you go deeper? Can you go wider? Can you look at those influences around you in your culture and mine for the treasures within them through all of the distortion; through all of the misrepresentation of the Father’s LOVE? Subtle sophistries that have been designed to lead the human spirit down a wrong path—but these can all be mined for the treasure, for truth cannot be buried. At some point it will reveal itself, and you are miners, you might say, for TRUTH, BEAUTY and GOODNESS. And in going into these memory patterns through our help, you are excavating more love and goodness to be revealed to the world.
Are you up for this challenge? Are you up for the experience? I daresay you are, and even though some of you may grumble and hiss and moan and think, ‘oh, this is too hard,’ you know in your souls that you have it within you to go the distance and create this work of such great beauty and artistry for the world to behold. And we are here to support you, to comfort and guide you. So let this be a journey of joy, of love, courage, hope, and above all a faith in the Father. You are indeed embarked upon a most wonderful journey; not only developing your souls—this mining for treasure in your memory experiences—but you are growing the spirit consciousness upon Urantia and you are supporting the efforts of planetary transformation. This is a great service you provide, whether you are aware of it or not.
I will give you some time to allow these words to absorb, and your sisters of angelic energies will minister in you now and help you receive more of my presence within your minds. Breathe and relax. Simply allow what I wish to provide to you to deepen upon your energy systems. (Pause)
There is a coming time when more of the world will learn what has occurred upon Urantia to cause this deviation in the divine plans of evolution, and many, many individuals will be hard pressed to accept this reality or know where to turn for their comfort and solace. This is one of the reasons we spend much time with you, helping you outgrow and outwork those influences that you may be the bastions of peace, hope, faith and courage for your brothers and sisters. What a great service you can provide to them! So continue to grow and strengthen yourselves in Spirit. We are with you and you know you only need to turn to your Father and me when you need help. We may impart these energies to you and help you open more of your consciousness to the Father’s presence within. Let these energies go deep. Let the hand of Spirit gently reform your consciousness; as more light infuses your being, more life sparks new transactions of LOVE in yourselves as more spirit quickens and catalyzes more growth in you. (Pause)
I withdraw from you in this manner, my children, but truly I am never separated from you. You have attuned your consciousness to me, and so it is that you may feel a shift as you return to a different state of mind. But know you can come to me at any moment and ask for my Mother’s LOVE to support you as you move through these changes of energy and grow a little bit more beautiful each day in the LOVE of Father and in the GLORY of LIFE itself.
Allow yourselves to relax into this process of becoming and know that you have so much help at your disposal by your side, in and outside of your beings as you traverse this journey of attaining this Paradise GLORY and the Father Himself. Our blessings are upon you my children and I wish you a most blessed, joyful, peaceful and wonder-filled good day.