2016-01-23-Nebadonia on Change
Topic: Nebadonia on Change
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re grateful to have this time with you wherein we can continue to imprint upon your energies and receive the spiritual infusions that support our growth. You know the challenges of change in the planetary consciousness that we are undergoing, and we lift ourselves up to you that we may receive what you wish to share with us and help us become more aligned in the presence of our indwelling Father fragments. We trust in you. We love you, and we thank you for your WILL being done in us now.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my beloved children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! Yes, indeed, change is upon you, and it will continue to move upon Urantian consciousness for many years to come. The efforts of planetary transformation are largely undertaken by the humans of this world. We do support your efforts to grow and change in the energies of divine WILL, but it is a very monumental task to bring a world that has long suffered the consequences of rebellion to move it into the trajectory of Light and Life.
The plans of correction implemented by your Father Michael are continuing to progress, and you have now seen some material evidence that things are changing—people are awakening and responding to the call of spirit, even though they may not yet be able to identify it as such.
Today I invite you to focus on these energies of CHANGE that will assist you in your efforts of self-mastery. The goal of self-mastery as demonstrated your Father as He lived His human life is worthy of attainment. You all know this, and you are striving to reach those levels. Therefore in today’s infusion I invite you to allow the energies of CHANGE to continue to move in you, supporting those desires of your heart and soul to attain these elevated levels of conscious living in Spirit wherein you and the Indwelling Father’s Presence become more unified and aligned.
Take some deep breaths. Let your internal gaze focus on the energies of CHANGE—this word that you come to understand as the process of growth. As you focus on this, feel your need to become more unified with the Father Within as we move in you now, my beloved children. Simply receive. Relax in your bodies into these energies. (Pause)
While many of your brothers and sisters are reluctant to change—they fear what this means for their lives and harbor resistance to it—you are gaining confidence and willingness to move into these components of progress that CHANGE represents. If more individuals understood the nature and presence of the Father Within, would they begin to welcome how these endowments and infusions of CHANGE can support their higher development. So we have looked to you, dear children, to demonstrate how CHANGE can truly reform and renew the human condition.
You may not yet realize the impact of your spiritual development has on others around you. And the more you accept this CHANGE energy, allowing it to move through you, will you be more readily able to demonstrate the fruits of the spirit throughout your daily lives. You know this. You have internalized this concept, and we invite you to allow these energies of CHANGE to move deeper into you. Allow it to go into those memory experiential patterns of your lives as Spirit Within helps you sort through truth and error that more light may illuminate your beings and cast forth that radiance from your souls. That light from your souls is an attractor. It will attract others to you—those who are also ready to awaken and grow spiritually.
As these words settle in, continue to desire the CHANGE energy to move through you, deepen its presence in your energy systems to refresh and renew you. (Pause)
When you look back and recall the experiences of your life that have fostered your spiritual development, does this not encourage you for more growth—to achieve more progress in the Father’ WILL?
As these energies continue to move through you, feel your need for CHANGE to continue to support those deeper and wider efforts and energies you need to go the distance, as you say, in achieving alignment in the Father’s WILL. If it is helpful, call upon the memory experiences of Jesus now, as He paved this way for the children of the world to reach that heightened state of being. Spend a few moments with your brother Jesus as He shares His energies and experience with you of how He moved through this process of CHANGE to reach the pinnacle of human achievement aligning in the Father’s WILL. (Pause)
Another component you gain through these energies of CHANGE is SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP. This world needs true spiritual leaders—those individuals who are able to bring people into their personal relationship with the Father. Whether you recognize it or not, you are spiritual leaders! You are living lives rich in Spirit. The Spirit Within is leading the way and you are gaining confidence, acceptance, obedience to the divine WILL, and by that you are forging a path that will help others perceive and wish to follow.
Allow these energies of SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP in-work through these energies of CHANGE, that you may develop your own particular leadership qualities under the direction of the Father Within you. All you need to do is desire this. The Spirit will infuse you with what you need. (Pause)
My beloved children, how far you have come in your spiritual progression! Be proud of your efforts and know that every effort is acknowledged. And even when you think you falter, it is because you have not lived up to the standards you have set for yourselves. But know that faltering means that you have made an effort, and even though you may not have achieved your desired goal, you made the effort and that is what is acknowledged and important.
Should you desire to converse with me now, you may speak when you feel ready. But also feel free to remain in this meditative state continuing to receive if that is your preference. I am ready whenever you are.
Student: Mother and Father, this is L. I do have a question about consciousness and the change that you are talking about. Recently I seem to be experiencing some changes in my consciousness at the awareness levels [levels I am aware of], and in transformation sessions it's been stated as RESTRUCTURING OF CONSCIOUSNESS. I'm just wondering if you could speak more about that, the importance of it and is it something that is happening to some degree for everyone on the planet. Thank you.
NEBADONIA: L, my dear daughter, the answer to your question is yes to certain degrees. As you know there has been a mindset operating upon Urantia that is the legacy of the rebellion agenda, and as more Spirit moves through this planet's consciousness, TRUTH light is shining within the human mind to reveal that which is misaligned in the Father's WILL.
We use the term "restructure" for this indeed is a component of the change in consciousness. You are reforming your identity, your understanding, your belief systems and your feelings about them. This is happening to a larger or a lesser degree based on the individual's desire to grow in spirit. We make these energies available to you for you to use. And some people are entirely clueless as to what is transpiring on the planet, so we look to you our awakened children to teach them, to help them, to share with them some information they may find intriguing and appealing.
You know from your study of your Urantia text that your mind continues to evolve and grow into new concepts. The term used is "scaffolding." Scaffolding is, you might say, a brace or a means by which new concepts are built upon one another. At some point the scaffolding yields and the new structure of consciousness is able to maintain a position of strength and authenticity and confidence.
So when we use the term restructuring we are helping you to grow and evolve so that the scaffolding around your consciousness will begin to fall away and you stand strong, courageous, emboldened in the new structure of your consciousness which is aligned in the WILL of the Father. Does this help, my daughter?
Student: Yes, it surely does, especially the description of the scaffolding. My heart is full and I am so thankful for the beautiful way that you work in our minds and allow us to develop at our own rate. Thank you so much.
NEBADONIA: I appreciate that my daughter, and I am so happy that you are at the point in your development where you recognize the relationships that you have with deity. Most of your human brethren still struggle with this type of spiritual intimacy with us. As you continue to grow in us, what joy you will have in sharing our LOVE with your brothers and sisters that they may experience the joy and the beauty that you already know as a living reality in your soul. Continue to grow and know that your Father and I support all the efforts you make large and small every day whether you recognize that you are making gains or not. Thrive in us, my daughter. (Indeed, thank you.)
My beloved children, as you move through these times of change, let your hearts and souls lead the way. It is a very dynamic time upon Urantia, and we know that the human heart can become weary when you see all of the negativity that still must be outworked. But do not fear this time as more TRUTH bathes the planet’s consciousness. For this truly is the outworking of the ways of the rebellion, and there is so much more GOODNESS, TRUTH, and BEAUTY to infuse this planet’s consciousness, to uplift the human condition, to heal the planet and all life here. We have barely scratched the surface!
So we look and encourage you to continue to walk your paths of faith and gain that inner fortitude and confidence of our presence within you, the Paradise Father’s Spirit urging you forward, and your universe brothers and sisters assisting your steps and cheering you onward. It is a wonderful transformational journey and process, my children, and we encourage you to journey in joy and to love how LIFE is leading you on the path of GLORY!
I leave you in my LOVE, my children, and I wish you a most spiritually bountiful good day.