2016-02-10-You're a VIP in Father's Heart
Topic: You're a VIP in the Father's Heart
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Anyas
- Edited by Linda Abell
"To each of you and to all of us, God is approachable, the Father is attainable, the way is open" . . . Urantia Papers 63:06
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you had the thought that a true friendship — a heartfelt relationship — has to occur heart-to-heart, not through go-betweens as is the case in many the religious affiliations. A true loving relationship with the Father does not need to be ‘channeled’ through an intermediary who claims to have a monopoly to the Father’s ear; it can be established person-to-divinity just the same as you build each friendship person-to-person — by direct communication. The Father neither practices favoritism nor any form of discrimination that would go against the unconditional quality of His Love.
“You witness frequently that some individuals refuse to speak directly to one another due to grudges they hold. At times, they hire some mediator in the attempt to deal with one another in a civil manner. In some situations when the communication has entirely broken down, they only address each other through such intermediaries.
“Whenever communication is not direct, there is a great risk that the initial message “gets lost in translation” — in its interpretation — as actual memories may start blending in with imagined elements, thus causing the actual truth to get distorted and engendering more misunderstandings.
“The same applies to your relationship with the Divine. God is a personal God, not a Very Important Person (VIP) God that only speaks from a pulpit or a pedestal through some highly placed ambassadors who claim to be ‘the chosen ones.’ God deals both with public affairs and human affairs. Wouldn’t it be more effective and faster to turn directly to the Source rather than to go-betweens — some of them in their own right, but others who do not have the right life credentials and are not tuned to the right frequencies if their lifestyle differs from their spoken words.
“Learn to discern where to invest your trust. Turn directly to the Source and you will get uncontaminated feedback as to your personal course of action. The Father knows you best and is your best adviser. By listening to your Still Small Voice, you bypass the process of potentially being misguided or delayed in the reception of the solicited answers.
“It is then up to God to bring into motion the events or individuals that may contribute to your inner enlightening. All it takes for you is to stay alert and aware so as to acknowledge receipt of the Divine input. As you validate your own inner guidance, you will be able to encourage others to turn within as they, too, are privileged to their own inner guidance. Everyone is a VIP in his or her own right in the Father’s heart.”