2016-02-21-For the Love of Learning
Topic: For the Love of Learning
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
- Edited by Linda Abell
The Beloved One: “This subject is a switch from learning to love, is it not? Now you are wondering what the true meaning of this subject is. Truth be told, one is never too old to learn. You are a prime example of that, to start a new course at an advancing age, because truly, the mind never stops learning. Since you are under My tutelage you are following My prompts, because you gave Me your free will some years ago.
“It is amazing to you when looking back over all the experiences in your life to realize that you could not have planned it any better yourself; and what a learning curve it has been.
“When God and humans get together, great things can and do happen and surely you have been on the receiving end of some. This is the secret of walking through the door of faith and trust and to know that all will manifest in its own time. It never ceases to amaze you how everything is taken care of. There are simply no coincidences anymore; everything evolves according God’s immutable law.
“This is an important part of loving to learn. Just open that door with faith, trust and willingness as God will approach anyone in their own way and according to their own capacity to receive.
“It is extremely important to trust the inner prompting, especially when decisions need to be made. You learned about a beautifully simple system which is Stillness Meditation. By allowing yourself to go into a meditative state you tap into the infinite wisdom that is hidden within your being thus getting the help you require to make informed decisions.
“To you that is nothing short of a miracle, so simple and yet so powerful. This is all part of the subconscious and it is inborn in each human. The one requirement is that one learns to listen to one’s own body. The subconscious knows everything and never forgets anything. The subconscious comprises about 95percent of the human intellect and will never steer you wrong when you need an honest-to-goodness answer.
“Mortals have been endowed by the Creator with never-ending curiosity so there will always be more to learn. Why stop at mundane everyday knowledge of 5 percent consciousness when 95 percent of all knowledge lies untapped in the subconscious? The more the mortal is willing to learn of the mysteries of life, the more doors will open up if close attention is being paid to unexpected happenings. One just never knows when another unexpected door of new insights and knowledge may open in the mind.
“Think about it; how this can enrich your life even into advancing age, since the zest for learning is always there when one pays attention. This prevents a lot of boredom. Actually, that word does not even cross the minds of those who love to learn new things that enrich their souls and help them evolve to a higher level of thought and action.
“It is an amazing grace what the Creator has in store for you all. Never mind the length of eternal life because the zest for learning simply never stops.”