2016-02-28-Improve Your Listening Skills
Topic: Improve Your Listening Skills
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
- Edited by Linda Abell
Beloved One: “Thank you for making yourself available to take dictation from Me, even though I have kept you in the dark about the subject to be dictated. Yet you remain faithful to your promise to be of service to Me and the planet. Sincerity, dedication and truthfulness are always necessary for you to remain true to a sacred promise made long ago.
“The Creator-God needs mortals who are willing to be his hands, feet and life-blood to be of service to Him on this sorrow-stricken planet. The future indeed looks bleak for many humans.
“However, this situation does not need to remain as such. All it would take is a change in attitude to become aware of hopeful signs everywhere. Many good things can and do happen when people start believing in themselves and shed that nefarious ‘poor me’ self-image.
“Indulging in a poor self-image is like a cancer in the body and is a curse for healthy minds. Start taking note of all blessings — especially the one of being able to get out of bed in the morning by your own strength. Offer a prayer of gratitude for the chance to experience another new day, which could well be the last as accidents do tend to happen when you least expect.
“Taking things for granted does not lead necessarily to a higher more spiritual level of thought, instead it makes the days appear grey leading to a dreary humdrum life. What is the sense of living downheartedly without hope and inner joy?
“Break through your inertia, do put your thinking cap on and see what you can do to change your life. A smile works more wonders than a frown and is more attractive and akin to the law of attraction, which is the secret of life itself. You get out of life what you put into it and are always beholden to the law of cause and effect.
“Gratitude and thanksgiving go a long way towards making the heart happy, which in turn feeds the physical brain and body. Your attitude is in your own hands; therefore do not take life for granted for one never knows what circumstances await around the corner. It is advisable to make a solid connection with the God of your being and accept Its guidance so you can make decisions that help you lead a more spiritual and uplifting life.
“Gain inner strength by living more mindfully with the help of daily conversation with your God. If you experience trouble, write a letter to God; then pause and wait for an answer. You may start writing and perhaps no words may come. Instead you may experience an indescribable feeling of being accepted just the way you are, which will be forever anchored in your soul. God always listens, but mortals often don’t take the time to wait for an answer.
“Therefore, waiting in the Silence will be greatly beneficial to you for improving your listening skills. Over time the benefits accrued will increase peace in your soul whilst your mind becomes more tranquil.”