2016-02-28-Strive for Connection Not for Isolation

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Topic: Strive for Connection Not for Isolation

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Anyas


  • Edited by Linda Abell


Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about the misguided aggrandizement of the ego as it is unfortunately a frequently experienced occurrence on your planet. Due to the various states of separation — interspecies, inter-realms, inter-relational and within the layers that constitute an individual — too much focus is being accorded to the visible level of your reality and very little to none to the invisible realities. The air you breathe is invisible; the water you drink is colorless; yet, without them you could not exist.

“The invisible realities are actually primordial and when no conscious contact is established with them, you miss out on experiencing the multi-dimensions of your own being and live on a purely animalistic and ‘down-to-earth’ level. From that perspective, the pull of the physical gravity becomes even stronger as it is not counterbalanced by the spiritual pull of the Paradise gravity and you do not come in touch with your powerful spiritual side. This leads many to search for the gratification of their physical senses rather than their spiritual ones. The ego is being given too much importance and this gives rise to a great state of imbalance. Ego-centeredness shrinks who you are; God-centeredness expands who you are meant to be.

“Whenever you receive a beautifully wrapped gift, you are eager to open it as you are well aware that the wrapping — no matter how attractive it is — is not the gift. The gift itself is invisible to the eyes and the receiver of the gift will eagerly remove the wrapping in order to reveal its content; the lovingly wrapped gift brings the assurance that the gift has been carefully sought out so as to satisfy the needs of the receiver.

“Aren’t you curious to see what has been lovingly ‘wrapped’ within your being? Your personality is your first amazing gift — a unique edition. This gift comes with many accessories, including your talents. The Divine Fragment who comes to indwell you at your first moral decision is your second priceless gift — a fragment of Paradise lives within you! Can you fathom how blessed you are? The Father is an anonymous Giver and does not blow His own horn. He lovingly endows you with potentialities and leaves it up to you to develop them so as to bring forth your own beauty as a heartfelt acknowledgment that His gifts have not been taken for granted and have been put to good use.

“The Father does not gift you with the finished product. In His wisdom, He gifts you with kits that will require you to put your God-given intelligence, your God-given energy, your God-given intuition and your God-given imagination to good use. These are called educational gifts. The Father provides you with all the parts and all the tools needed to put the gift together. He also lives within you to read to you the owner’s manual whenever needed. There is a constant hotline that is accessible to you whenever you find yourself at a loss. All that you have to do is to turn within and clearly articulate your perplexity. By doing so, it will simultaneously bring you some level of clarity. The Father is truly your BFF and such an eternal friendship is the best sounding board you could ever have — unconditionally loving, inspiring, understanding, encouraging and non-judgmental.


“Do not live your life in such a way that you will kick yourself later once you come to realize that you have not been meant to live in a state of separation, but that you have been inserted in a social setting where interaction takes place at all levels of your being. Strive for connection, not for isolation. This is from where all the answers will be forthcoming.”