2016-03-08-Be the Phoenix Rising From the Ashes
Topic: Be the Phoenix Rising from the Ashes
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Anyas
- Edited by Linda Abell
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you were reading in the Urantia Book about the emergence of your planet from the nebulae of Andronover billions of years ago, it seems that this nebulae had to be deconstructed to give birth to many planetary families and systems. Yes, the process of creation is a continuous birthing process where the old is replaced by the new — where the former is a foundation for the latter.
“The Father’s Will encompasses a very long range and it is hard for finite creatures to intuit it. Yet, each creature is part of this plan that stretches far into eternity. What matters is not that you have a perfect grasp of the Divine Plan, but that you go with the flow as it carries you to your intended destination.
“Just as the wind blows and lifts many objects on its passage, the Divine Spiritual Wind is also the forward carrier of many simultaneous creative and evolutionary projects. The same goes for the co-creation of your being. It happens in stages — through various lessons that life is catering especially for you — for your personal growth.
“Be curious and be excited about each one of your life surprises. Ask relevant questions as to these events so as to discover their intelligent subjacent intentions. Each test can help you shift within your being. Whenever you feel inner resistance, this points the way to potential positive development. Tests can seem to be bitter pills to swallow; yet, sometimes their bitterness has to be ingested in order for them to be catalysts for difficult and yet very necessary adjustments.
“The more you resist change, the stiffer your spiritual articulations become so to speak, as this inner resistance reveals itself in inner stiffness. The best remedy against stiffness of the joints is to activate them—not to constrict them into a cast. Even though you may feel pain whenever you have to deal with seemingly overwhelming challenges, they are coaching you to expand your inner strength so as to be continuously “reborn” as a renewed and upgraded version of yourself.
“Just as your physical body is constantly shedding dead cells, so does your spirit need to do the same. By accepting to release the old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you, you are becoming eternally youthful beings that are constantly being reborn from the old into the new. Yes, the Father is blessing you with many interconnected life mutations — each one springing from the previous one and being the gestational stage for the next one. Do not fight your metamorphosis! Go with it and enjoy the emergence of the beautiful phoenix that rises from the ashes to soar invincible above them.”