2016-03-08-The Greatest Thing
Topic: The Greatest Thing
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
- Edited by Linda Abell
“How wonderful it is when a soul on this darkened planet awakens early in the morning with this hymn playing in the mind. This shows true soul progress and functions as a light-beam towards heaven, which shall not go unnoticed.
“It is wonderful that you can express your adoration and thanksgiving in such form at any time when a higher inspiration strikes. Especially after a good night’s sleep without interference of man-made chemicals, which are making their appearance in many people’s minds.
“It is so important to keep the mind pristine. A clear mind not eroded by man-made chemicals is truly recommended when walking the path to perfection as this is truly the ultimate purpose for having been given life.
“It may be a source of much regret and sorrow later for a majority of humans living on this special and beautiful planet, if they do not realize why they are alive and therefore squander their precious time with non-essentials and greed; rather than paying some attention to the super-conscious part of their mind.
“Even important gifts of healing hidden in the subconscious part of the mind do not see the light of day because of grudges, resentment, jealousy, anger and its ilk; therefore practically all humans suffer needlessly rather than exercising the heart-felt healing methods of love, forgiveness, compassion, tolerance and acceptance toward one another.
“These values alone would increase personal well-being and raise the quality of life and the joy of being alive. This is the secret of living a life of thanksgiving towards the Creator of all, who would be ever so pleased if more humans would increasingly recognize more of His Gifts embedded in their divine blueprint given to them at their birth.
“It is a sad truth that there are so few true teachers in your places of worship to teach and live these truths of love, forgiveness and compassion, which could elevate most of humanity practically in one generation.
“You have had many teachers in the past who have tried their best to educate you in these most important values of life, until the Master Teacher Jesus came, a Son of God himself, to instruct you. Well, we all know what happened to him, as the elders of that faith conspired to nail him to a cross, when they hardened their hearts against this Innocent Light from Heaven.
“Think about this.
“The greatest thing in the whole world is opening your personal heart-connection to Him and having a two-way conversation with the Creator of your being. Your lives will improve exponentially just by learning to listen to Heaven’s Guide within gifted to each normal-minded person.
“It is in you to do so.”