2016-03-26-Life Consists of Lessons

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Topic: Life Consists of Lessons

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: The Beloved One

TR: Lytske


  • Edited by Linda Abell


The Beloved One: “Thank you for being dedicated and taking the time to honor your appointment with Me. It is a joy in that I am able to depend on you to step up to the plate so that I can divulge further insights, and if needed, admonitions to you.

“At present, we are commemorating a very special occasion in the history of this beleaguered planet and many entertain the notion that the whole crucifixion affair of the Beloved Ruler of this Universe has come to naught. However, there never were or ever shall be any chains to bind this mighty Son of God who knew all about the plans of certain Elders to do away with the mild-mannered carpenter from Nazareth.

“With their scheming attitudes, they caused Him to be nailed to a cross as they refused to understand and accept who He truly was. They inflicted the most horrible death on Him that they could think of, and yet, He prayed whilst being nailed to a piece of wood, ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do’ – so great was His merciful understanding for His deluded children.

“It is, indeed, a great pity that the Christian faith became contaminated with the belief that He died as a ransom for their sins. This was and remains a gross error! There never was any reason that God would need an innocent Son to pay for the misdeeds of His erring children.

Human beings will always be responsible for their own behavior and their willful ways. Please do away with the puerile and erroneous thought that someone else will pay for whatever you are doing. This is a gross misunderstanding about the loving mercy of God as a Father. A loving Father would never punish an innocent child.

“Please wake up and do see yourselves as beloved children of the Universal Creator God. Know that it is never a mistake being alive on this particular planet, which was chosen over 200,000 years ago, as the theater to host the final culmination of the Son of God as the Son of Man in the final act to earn His Sovereign Rulership over this section of the cosmos. After all, He could have chosen any planet among the millions of planets evolving in His mighty universe.

“You humans who are alive at this time in history, do think about what you eventually will have to show for your allotted time here on Earth. Will it be a well-spent time or will it be filled with regrets? You all came equipped with a divine purpose to fulfill. The Creator in His unbounded generosity gave you the free will to discover this purpose for yourselves.


“Indeed, the time will come for each of you to give reckoning of how you conducted yourself here on earth and the questions that will surely be asked of all of you are, ‘Did you add to the evolutionary progress of this precious planet and leave it a better place?’ ‘What are you doing to evolve your eternal spirit-soul so you have something worthwhile to build on in eternity?’

“These are probing questions and On High it is hoped that your ‘report’ cards shall show a passing mark of lessons well-learned.”