2016-03-26-What Is Love

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Topic: What Is Love?

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re deeply grateful to gather in your midst and to come together as your children in our family of LOVE to receive what you wish to provide to us. Thank you for deepening our relationship with you and that of our own Indwelling Spirits that we may perceive, not only the divine leadings, but that essence of LOVE that ever renews and refreshes us in your WILL. Thank you so much. May your WILL be done now.


MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. So many children of this world have asked the profound question: What is LOVE? I say to you this question has provided many human souls with much consideration. It is after all the foundation of your being that comes from the Paradise Father Himself. It is question that runs deep within you, and so to answer that question, you must go to the Source—the Source of LOVE, the Source of your innate relationship with the Source of LOVE in order to receive a satisfactory answer.

Many individuals skirt the answer to this question by pondering at, what you might call, an intellectual level—to describe what LOVE is. But in order for you to truly discern its meaning and value, you must experience it.

I invite you to focus on this question now: WHAT IS LOVE? Set that intention to delve deeper into the answer that will be the most satisfying and meaningful for you in direct experience. Sit with this now, my children, as your Mother and I move in you. Relax and receive us now. (Pause)

You’ve heard it said that love is the greatest power in all creation, and you ponder what does this mean? LOVE after all is an experience. It evokes certain feelings within you. It promotes certain actions for you to consider and then actually take. It is not my intention for you to engage your intellects at this time as it is for you simply receive and allow the energies of LOVE to bring into your being the various vibrational frequencies that convey deeper values of the Father into your energy systems.

Over time you, in your daily lives, will be able to demonstrate how LOVE-filled and dominated you actually become. You will be living vessels of LOVE and that in itself will answer the question. People will perceive you and they will be able to recognize those qualities that you exude of the Fruits of the Spirit, and they will know you are loving.

Your Mother and I wish to provide you with an enhancement of those frequencies that will attune your beings to the nature of LOVE, and from that point of reception you are then to appreciate more of its true nature and value in your own lives. Continue to receive. (Pause)

When you engage with your brothers and sisters, I ask you to simply love them. This has been very challenging for the humans of this world, but there is now a resurrection occurring—the RESURRECTION OF THE POWER OF LOVE. It is a world-wide resurrection. The POWER OF LOVE is gaining strength, and as you allow these circuits of LOVE to expand in you it will be much more available for you to stay in that place of LOVE when you interact with your brethren. There is something that occurs within the relationship dynamics that offers you a place or space to receive who that individual is as a child of God; the human tendency to be self-centered yields to this desire to simply appreciate an individual for who he or she is. There is no jockeying for position, a tendency to dominate. It’s a space of mutual sharing, caring and appreciation.

Your Mother and I provide you with these frequencies that you may maintain this state and quality of LOVE for longer periods of time that you may embody these aspects of LOVE and learn the meaning of it through your actual life experience. Everything springs forth from this place, and in so coming to you today, it is my desire for you to become more LOVE-saturated to carry out into the world.

As I said to my human brethren at the time of my life here as Jesus, “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE.” I share this with you: YOU ARE THE RESURRECTION OF LOVE. YOU ARE THE RESURRECTION OF LIFE. Receive this now, my children. Drink deeply of the very molecules of LOVE. (Pause)


I will leave you now, my children. Remember who you are and carry this LOVE with you out into the world today that the POWER OF LOVE THAT YOU ARE can carry out into the world and leave that indelible impression upon those whose lives you touch.

As you move into the energies of Easter Sunday know that this will expand in you as more individuals remember my life and focus on the power of the Resurrection—the POWER OF LOVE AND LIFE. Celebrate this day with joy in your hearts and with a great ease of spirit knowing that the heavenly ways are being restored upon my beloved Urantia. Happy Easter, my children!