2016-04-09-Father Awareness
Topic: Father Awareness
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re grateful for this time with you today. We thank you for opening up the circuits of our consciousness to imprint upon you. You know what we need—each and every one, each individual need, each individual desire—and we thank you for helping us receive you today. We are here to grow in your WILL through your LOVE, and we thank you for what you bestow to us today. May your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is Michael. Challenging times are upon this planet. There is a massive uprising within the human heart for a better way of life, an internal longing that cannot be satisfied by the usual status quo mentality and material pursuits. As more children of this world seek to find that which is gnawing within them, I ask you to open yourselves to me that you may become more aware of the Father’s Presence within your beings—your beloved Mystery Monitors.
There are many circuits within your being that can be altered and re-patterned that will render you more receptive to the Spirit Within. You know well how fundamental the practice of stillness is in this attempt of the human mind to make contact with the Divine Presence. I am here today to support your efforts as you bring your attention to that place of quietness within your minds wherein the Father’s Presence within you can be perceived.
I invite you to focus the simple phrase FATHER AWARENESS. But do it with great love in your hearts as the desire to make more direct conscious contact with your Indwelling Spirits grows deeper, expands you wider. Your Mother and I will move in you as you place your internal gaze on FATHER AWARENESS. As we have asked you in the past, it is not so important to engage your intellects as to the meaning of what we provide to you entails. Be in that place of trust and allow us to move in you now as you focus on FATHER AWARENESS, my beloved children. (Pause)
The circuits of your mindal systems are receiving certain spirit-like sparks of light to create a greater interlacing of spirit energies to help you perceive the divine Inner Voice. Your beings are precious to us. Your personalities are unique and so richly infused with certain potentials and objectives the Paradise Father wishes to co-create with you and through you. This is all part of the growing, evolving Deity of the Supreme Being in which you all participate—in which we all participate. I am here to foster your development and to provide you with certain parental attributes that will sponsor your souls’ development.
We have talked in the past about self-mastery, about trusting in us, and about your own inner personalities that are gaining more internal bandwidth, you might say, to express the Father’s WILL through your own unique individuated abilities, gifts and talents.
In today’s infusion, your Mother and I desire that your focus on FATHER AWARENESS will help you perceive more of this divine inner leadings that you may bring forth more of the treasures of your own unique potential to share with the world during this very important time of correction. It is a matter of you continuing to seek to be guided, trust in the loving hands supporting and encouraging your development. It is not to say that you will know what your potential is intellectually. You must live it. But the development of it comes from the living—the pure expression into your material reality of that which the Father knows you can co-create with Him. This is all part of your self-mastery, my children. It is yours for the striving, and we encourage you to continue to strive, continue to desire, and continue to trust in your own inner potential that only you can make real and participate in the growth of the Supreme.
Allow these words to settle in. Your Mother and I will continue to minister into you. (Pause)
New truths will illuminate your minds as you become increasingly aware of the Father’s Presence Within. It is as if your comprehension of reality will find new associations to expand your perception of reality. The universe is so vast, so wondrously beautiful and complex, and there are many mysteries for you to penetrate that you increasingly grow in the mind of God. You learn and then you take what you learn out into the world and make it real through the amalgamation of various ideas, concepts that all represents the ideals of the Father.
The process you are now well on way to actualize your potentials will be one you enjoy many years to come. And it is paramount that you truly trust in the Father’s Presence that you may be more guided through your sincere cooperation and dedication to live according to the Father’s WILL. You only have to look my human life and ask me to help you as you take each step of faith for I know well this human path of aligning my human will with the Father’s, and I share all with you, my children whenever and wherever you are in need.
Maintain your focus on FATHER AWARENESS as we continue to help you open to more of the spiritual currents you need to grow and flourish in who you are. (Pause)
I will leave you now in this manner, my children, that your Mother may address you and share more of Her presence with you. As you relax in your devoted loving Mother, let Her presence wash over you and carry you up into a higher stream of energy wherein your personality potential can be further activated. The Father Within you is ready to illuminate more of who you are to help you express and experience deeper truths seeded within you. And always will you be ever guided forward into the ascending adventure of being a beautiful creative son and daughter of the Paradise Father Himself. I leave you in His LOVE, my children, and I thank you for your efforts to grow and be the way-showers of the Father on our beloved Urantia. Good day.
NEBADONIA: My precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! You have heard the expression there is safety in numbers. One of the tools of the Correcting Time to help you grow in the expression of your Father-bestowed personalities is to amass a large number of truth seekers that you may engage in the Father’s UNITY and HARMONY and WHOLENESS to cooperate together to bring about the changes that are necessary for the healing of this world.
One of the endowments of these spiritual frequencies we impart to you is to forge of bond of connection from soul to soul. When you engage with your brothers and sisters in this soul bond LOVE is exchanged, information is exchanged, and this all grows together in the fabric of LOVE that is the foundation of the universe.
Now you well understand that this world suffered from tremendous lack of love expressed in human relationships. And we now encourage you to think about growing in your soul bonds with one another that will afford you greater self-mastery over your minds in how you engage with one another out in the world.
A soul bond is a quality of relationship. It can grow, expand, deepen, heighten over time as your own soul grows and you connect soul to soul with another individual or a group of individuals with whom you are in contact. The potential of this is staggering, I assure you, my children. And now it is time for this body of soul relationships to grow upon Urantia.
In today’s focusing on FATHER AWARENESS, this infusion can act as a catalyst to help you grow your own soul expression by catalyzing certain personality potentials for you to manifest out in the world. And as you express more of the divine ways in your daily lives, you grow your souls. You know this intellectually, and now I invite you to set this as another intention for your lives—to forge these soul bonds with your brothers and sisters.
If you would like, take a few moments to reflect on these words with that intention to grow these soul bonds with one another. We will move in you now and help you gain more spiritual footing, you might say, to support your intention and efforts in develop these soul bonds with your brothers and sisters. If you like, you may shift your focus slightly. In your mind’s eye envision the phrase FATHER AWARENESS and also add the visualization on the phrase SOUL BONDING WITH MY BRETHREN. We will minister in you now. (Pause)
As you become more aware of the Father Within, there will be a heightened desire to love—to see that individual before you through the Father’s eyes and to connect in that soulful manner which will forge this beautiful relationship of spiritual kinship. What you are actually doing in this experience is recognizing and realizing the Fatherhood of God and the Family of Humanity—the Family of all Life.
But as you are on this earth plane, it is your human brethren with whom you can share the Father’s LOVE. It will be your delight to gain strength in this inner change and grow, for in this soul sharing as this bond is forged, there are certain energies that another person can share with you that will augment your own growth. And you never know what gem will come from another person to you to be given as a gift.
Allow us to help you calibrate these energies we are providing to you today that you may more naturally open to what this means for your life, that you may perceive the value for your lives and find immense satisfaction and joy from it. (Pause)
My precious children, what treasures you are! Allow this infusion of FATHER AWARENESS help you to see your own internal treasure troves that you may share this with your brothers and sisters more fully and freely, and in turn, they will find it more acceptable and desirable to share their treasures with you. That all combines beautifully, harmoniously, melodious in the growth of the evolving Supreme Being. You are becoming more aware of your role in this Godhead now and of your responsibility as cosmic citizens. Your earth life sojourns is so short contrasted with your eternal potential, so it behooves you to begin to think of yourselves as cosmic citizens—ascending Paradise pilgrims taking these faith steps of life experience one at a time day by day by day by day. Over the next several days these energies will integrate, calibrating you to higher frequencies that will help you become more Father aware, and it will also encourage you to seek for that soul to soul connection with your brothers and sisters.
As these energies settle into your entire systems of consciousness, respond to the inner promptings with greater faith that you may make gainful progress on your journeys of soul growth and creative personality expression. You live in me, my children, and I live in you. Together we are growing this fabric of LOVE, and more and more you will be guided to those with whom you can collaborate in soulful ways and continue to weave the fabric of the Father’s LOVE into Urantian consciousness, altering it and helping your brothers and sisters grow in their potential as children of our Creative Father in whose MIND and HEART we all exist.
Enjoy your day, my children. My blessings are upon you now. Farewell.