2016-04-10-Focusing on the Sovereignty of Christ Michael
Topic: Focusing Upon the Sovereignty of Christ Michael
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Serena
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Thank you, Mother and Father, for this time together with you and our Magisterial Mission team as we co-create with you in our connections heart to heart, soul to soul and spirit to spirit for the Father’s WILL to become more tangible in Urantian consciousness. As you connect us into this circuit of co-creation, we offer you our love, our faith, our hope, and our intentions to participate with the creation of a new way of life on Urantia, one where love is the dominant force and compassion, kindness, patience, and tolerance are part of our daily behaviors. Thank you for opening this circuit to our Magisterial Son and may our efforts do much good through this co-creative synergy of human minds collaborating with Spirit. Thank you so much. May your WILL be done.
SERENA: Good day one and all, my dear brothers and sisters! This is Serena. I am most pleased to join you once again in this conscious cooperative and co-creative circuit of bringing the Father’s WILL into deeper levels of Urantian consciousness.
Take some deep breaths. Invite the energies of the Magisterial Mission to calibrate your energy systems to what is contained within this circuit. The hand of heaven is upon Urantian consciousness. Spiritual vitality is growing. People are sensing an inner change is occurring. Some feel it more easily and readily than others but it is now a strong current moving in this system of your planet’s consciousness.
We have invited you to focus on the attribute and quality of the SOVEREIGNTY of your Father Christ Michael over the past several weeks. This is an important endowment of your Father to provide His children with a sense of their own personal power that takes origin in the fact of your personalities originating from the First Source and Center. We will continue with this vein but with a little bit of a different focus today. To use our regular format we will ask you to focus receiving in your own energy systems and then to use what you have received to focus outwardly into the circuits of Urantian consciousness.
We will continue to impart these energies of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL into these circuits, and we invite you now to see in your mind’s eye the words the PERSONALITY CIRCUIT. We ask you to focus on these words and to have that intention for the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL to move in this now. It is not necessary to engage your thoughts as to what this means. Simply drink deeply, relax into your bodies and simply turn your gaze upon the PERSONALITY CIRCUIT as we move in you now, my dear brothers and sisters. Let us begin. (Pause)
Michael’s LOVE is such that it penetrates into the deepest places of your energetic systems. As His SOVEREIGNTY energies are applied into you through these circuits, feel your desire to become more like your Father. If it is helpful, we encourage and invite you to focus on His human life as Jesus for He was able to reach that point of personality synthesis with the Father’s WILL. He desires this for all of His children. He is making available certain attributes of His nature to commingle with yours. This happens at a level beyond your human waking consciousness. It is received in certain areas of your energy systems to support your own inner transformations that you may become more Father-like in thought, word, and action.
Allow these energies to move deeply within you. His MERCY can touch you in places that you cannot and may not be able to perceive in yourselves. Over time as these energies renew and refresh you, you will feel a new fortitude urging your forward that you may be of greater service to Him, through your Mother, during this time of correction. But for now, as we continue to minister to you, simply receive with the intention for Michael to move in you into those deep, deep places of your energy systems as you focus on these words PERSONALITY CIRCUIT. (Pause)
Michael’s MERCY extends to each individual. His hands are open. His embrace is available to all who are ready to walk the path of TRUTH, LOVE, GOODNESS, and MERCY. Forgiveness is a key component, and we invite you to feel that desire to forgive your erring brothers and sisters that more of Michael’s MERCY may flow through you to touch their hearts and help them receive their Father—to perceive His LOVE and FORGIVENESS that is available to them. This is a very tender place of transformation. Your brothers and sisters may not understand that this is what they need and have been seeking. You can help them and share this with them by allowing these SOVEREIGNTY energies to move in you and strengthen you in those wonderful, majestic, glorious qualities of His personality that strengthens you in spirit to share that with another human regardless of where they are on their paths. This is a deep need of their souls.
Continue to receive these infusions for a few more moments before we focus our gaze into the planet’s consciousness circuitry. (Pause)
Join with us now as we focus these circuits of Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY more into the circuitry at the deepest levels of your beings. Your Father Michael is the vine and you are all the branches of His being. If you wish to use this a visualization, let your gaze center at your heart with the words MICHAEL’S VINE branching out, wrapping the world, holding it in that web of love light that rotates in that familiar counterclockwise spiral. Allow the energies from His personality to flow through this circuitry of personality that the hearts of His children may be fed with Michael’s essence. He is the vine. You are the branches. Simply feel our desire for this to be infused upon the planet through these circuits of PERSONALITY. (Pause)
We invite you focus on the energies of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL to flow through these branches extending out all over the planet, even into those very small tendrils that are a part of the living vine of the personality of Christ Michael. Allow your gaze to center on these words as they gently pulse through your system through the heartbeat of your Mother. She distributes this into Her beloved children that all may feed upon Michael. All may receive. (Pause)
All through the ages of your world’s evolution has the personality circuit operated and developed. The Adjutant Mind Spirits of your Mother have had difficulty in reaching into this level of your beings because of the obstruction influences of the rebellion. This is all being corrected now. It is time for the children of Urantia to know their origins, their history and their destiny.
While many of you have been intellectually prepared to serve in this time of correction, you must likewise be spiritually equipped to handle the heightened energies that come from the First Source and Center as shared with you by your Mother and Father that you may be more spiritually fragrant and demonstrative of the fruits of the spirit that are so attractive and gracious and noble and delightful. This is what will bring more individuals into your sphere of influence for you to share in a soulful bond to help them receive what they need from their Mother and Father.
You do this in the spirit. It is not so much a matter of what you say but what you do and who you are. There is a spiritual integrity that you need in order for you to reflect the Father’s LOVE out into the world. This is your soul light. You are being called to exercise this more—to grow your souls, to seek certain challenges of growth that you may demonstrate through your actions that you have indeed not only received these endowments of Spirit but that you are actively using them.
This goes beyond the power of your intellect—your reasoning abilities—and takes you into the realm of dynamic loving service. While your Mother and Father share these qualities of their nature with you, you must use them; apply them diligently, wisely through your actions every day—even moment by moment if you can be so mindful of what is before you. So enjoy your growth processes. Do not grumble or become concerned when you falter from time to time. Look at what is before you. Take a few moments to breathe deeply and ask the Father within you, “What can we do together that will demonstrate love in this very moment.”
As you practice this you will increasingly come into power that exists in your own personality and connects you to the First Source and Center that renders you more receptive to your Mystery Monitors and giving you that environment for your soul to grow. You do this in selfless service in love and support for another in their journey to the Father.
Take some deep breaths. Feel your desire for the world to receive more of the SOVEREIGNTY of your Father to allow His love and His essence to move through you as you focus out into the circuits of your planet’s mindal systems. Allow Michael to gently pulse His I AM THE VINE. YOU ARE THE BRANCHES through you into the world. (Pause)
My beloved brethren, join with us as we elevate our gaze to Paradise. If you like, simply focus on the word PARADISE. You may place this over your heart and feel your desire for the Paradise presence and all that it may to contain to flow into you and out into the circuits of your planet’s consciousness, even into the physical domain. Feel your love for our Paradise Father, the Eternal Mother-Son and Infinite Spirit. Let their energies to move through this visualization of Paradise, grow in you and flow through you as we spend these final moments together in worship.
Father, you are the creator of all LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. We thank you for your presence streaming through these circuits of your Being even down into the tiniest ultimatonic particles of your children that they may grow in who there are and represent who you are more and more each day. We are grateful for these men and women who have stepped up to be participants in this Correcting Time and we uphold them to you. We thank you for receiving our thanksgiving to you now, of your GLORY, your MAJESTRY, and your LOVE bathing them, empowering them that they may be mighty vessels of your LOVE to transform this beautiful world. May Your WILL be done in and through them. As it is above so below. (Pause)
Take some deep breaths. Let your internal gaze move back into your bodies and see yourselves standing upon the ground upon this beloved beautiful world. Stand upon the earth strong and tall. Allow the connections you have to your physical planet be strengthened in your bodies connecting you to certain circuits now in place for the manifestation of the Father’s WILL to be expressed through you in material reality. You are mighty sons and daughters of the First Source and Center. As you gain awareness of the deeper meaning of who you are, the Father’s LOVE will grow in you and be able to be expressed more freely and generously, abundantly through your lives.
You are also members of the Correcting Time and it is now time for you to become aware of your cosmic responsibility to the Supreme Being as you live dutifully, responsibly, mindfully each day in the Father’s WILL. More change is upon this world, my brothers and sisters. You are part of it. Rejoice in this time of correction and be ever mindful to the Father Within you that you may respond appropriately to the calls of service that will be placed before you. Enjoy your adventures and we will be there to help you as together we build more LOVE upon Michael’s beloved and very blessed Urantia. Good day.