2016-04-17-The Supreme Mind of Urantia
Topic: The Supreme Mind of Urantia
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Serena
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Thank you, Mother and Father, for this opportunity to once again gather in your WILL as we are connected heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, spirit-to-spirit in this circuit of our Magisterial Mission. We offer ourselves to you that we may be focused and guided by our celestial helpers, those members of the Magisterial Mission who are here to support the human involvement at the physical level. We thank you for this dynamic time together as we are guided in faith, in your WILL, through your LOVE that the circuits of planetary consciousness may fully transform in the Father’s LOVE. Thank you.
SERENA: Greetings, my dear brethren! This is Serena. It is always a joy for us of the celestial realms to reach down into these circuits of your planet’s consciousness to facilitate your greater reception of what is available to you in the universe circuitry that pervades all time and space.
You have studied in your Urantia text the concept of the Supreme Being. This is the evolutionary expression of Deity through human and celestial involvement. It grows over a very, very long period of time and we all are participating in its unfolding and manifestation. As a part of this, your planetary consciousness is evolving in this Supreme Being Deity consciousness. It is something that you, as children of the material realm, grow within, contribute through your actions based upon loving thoughts and feelings to blend into the over-arching Supreme Being that is part of the time-space continuum.
Take a few deep breaths now. In today’s focusing we guide you into the circuitry of your evolving planetary Supreme MIND. This is the divine MIND of the planet Urantia and it is something you will increasingly become more infused in your own energy beings the more you seek the will and manifest the action of the Father in material reality.
Circuits are now in place for the further development of this planetary Supreme MIND. We have been inviting you to focus on certain attributes of the Father in Paradise as well as your Father, Christ Michael to facilitate your reception and expression of the Father’s WILL in your daily lives. The recent focus of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL has been presented to you that you would gain more of your own sense of inner confidence and personality expression that takes origin in the Father and this is all part of the contribution you provide to the evolving planetary Supreme MIND.
Continue to breathe deeply. Let this idea of the planetary Supreme MIND gently sit upon your thoughts. Invite the Father’s presence within you to help you translate this into a frame of reference that will support your inner transformation. Feel your connection, if you can, to this evolving Supreme MINDof the planet. However, if that is elusive, you may focus on the desire to be more attached and encircuited in this growing divine MIND that will support your own inner transformation. If it is helpful, see these words, DIVINE MIND OF URANTIA. Place it over your heart center and we will move in this circuit now to help you receive what your Mother and Father desire for you today. Continue to breathe deeply and relax into this infusion, now, my dear brothers and sisters. Let your energy systems calibrate to the DIVINE MIND OF URANTIA. (Pause)
The SOVEREIGNTY your Father Michael exists within this circuitry of the planet’s Divine MIND. We have been guiding you to receive and imprint upon the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL infusions to support the reconstruction of your consciousness that you may become more aware of your responsibilities to the growing evolving Supreme MIND. This is the mindal system that will continue to support and elevate your consciousness that you may perceive more of the leadings of your own Mystery Monitors.
And so, if it is helpful for you to continue to receive, you may also invite the SOVEREGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL to flow through this DIVINE MIND OF URANTIA to infuse you, to circulate through your energy systems and to provide you with a deeper infusion of the power contained within these circuits to heal and transform your lives. These are gifts from your Mother and Father, and it is up to you to welcome them, appreciate them, and drink deeply thereof of their ministrations to you that you may participate more in this time of correction and the revelation of the Magisterial Mission upon Urantia. Continue to receive, allowing your Father’s SOVEREIGNTY to continue to build you in these circuits of LIGHT and LIFE. (Pause)
As more spiritual pressure is applied to this world, more change will occur as more TRUTH is revealed. This is a very dynamic time for you all to receive these infusions of Spirit that will render you more physically stable in the midst of inner turmoil that many of your brothers and sisters will be undergoing. TRUTH is a living reality of a nature of LIFE. It is active. It is vibrant, and it cannot be contained any longer within these circuits of the rebellion consciousness that has fostered a type of veil or shield upon the human mind. You are all participating in something truly transformative, truly groundbreaking, and we continue to support your individual efforts large and small, to outwork the past that you may step in to the present and co-create with the Father through your own unique individual personalities.
Becoming attuned and aware of your responsibilities to the evolving Supreme MIND is another one of the cornerstones of your spiritual growth—your status as cosmic citizens of our divine FAMILY OF LOVE. We are all brothers and sisters, functioning at various frequencies or dimensions but it is all part of the fabric of LIFE and you are being more craft-fully, carefully woven into it. So, invite the lessons your Father Fragments are imparting to you. Welcome them, savor them, enjoy them – they all have so many delicious flavors and nuances for you to attenuate to and you never know what you will experience unless you truly open up and ask for the Father’s WILL to prevail in your lives.
As these words settle in, continue to receive these infusions today to help you become more receptive to the workings of the Father’s WILL within you, that these circuits may continue to integrate within you and liberate you to live as noble sons and daughters in our wonderful family of the Father’s LOVE. (Pause)
Take a few moments now to shift your focus. As you have done so many times in the past, focus from your hearts the desire for the DIVINE MIND OF URANTIA to grow stronger and for the infusions of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL to go deeper. If it is helpful, you may spiral these two infusions around the planet in that counter-clockwise rotation. As you do this, feel your desire for more healing and transformation to occur. It is the energy of your love and your desires for more healing to occur in Urantian consciousness that we use. The words are simply a means for you to focus and maintain that integrity that we need to support the environment of the world to change as it transforms. (Pause)
May the fabric of planetary conscious open to the divine sparks of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE that stream from the cosmos to build this new quality of life in the hearts of all life here – all life forms. (Pause)
Should you desire to alter your focus, you may apply these energies into various circumstances, situations, geographic regions of the planet to further support more healing and transformation to occur. You are familiar with this as well, so in doing this, we will follow your gaze and add what we can to support this movement into the DIVINE MIND OF URANTIA through the circuits of Christ Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY. Take your time as you do this, with great love in your hearts for the welfare of your brothers and sisters and all life to grow into the new way of Spirit. (Pause)
As you focus on these places, feel you desire for the Father’s LOVE to flood these places with LIGHT. Feel your desire for Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY to transform these places where His POWER and AUTHORITY are operative and dominant. (Pause)
Let us now elevate our gaze to Paradise. Invoke the presence of the Father, Mother-Son and Spirit to stream through the Isle of Light, bathing this world in Paradise LIGHT. Hold that space and attitude of appreciation for LIGHT to bathe this world, and as you spend these moments with us in worship, also allow your gaze to project the words PARADISE LIGHT to spiral around the planet counter-clockwise.
Father, you hold this world in your LOVE and LIGHT and we thank you for this infusion of the LIGHT emanating from Paradise. The stream and the continual flow of your MERCY uplifting what is good to You, uprooting what is unholy and making it real and true, good and beautiful, in Your WILL. We thank You for this infusion of LIGHT bathing this world as we join together with our brothers and sisters in this circuit of worship. (Pause)
Take a few moments as you descend back to Urantia. As you see yourselves standing on the ground, invite the DIVINE MIND OF URANTIA to stream underneath your feet and to draw up into your beings, into your hearts, a deeper connection to this beautiful body of consciousness. (Pause)
Over time, you will integrate more of your energy systems into this Divine MIND as the Father within you spiritizes the way in which you think, the feelings that you experience,e and your daily actions. But first, it is part of your responsibility to become aware of this evolutionary circuit of Deity and to recognize your unique responsibility to participate in it. So, in the coming days, consider what we have shared with you and ask how you can become a more vibrant member of our cosmic and divine family of LOVE.
On behalf of all of the personalities who have attended this call today, I thank you. One day you will know more fully the good that you have helped co-create with us in these circuits of the Magisterial Mission. For now, it is a matter of faith but we hope that it is gaining more faith-certainty within your beings and that that faith-certainty is the springboard for greater acts of love for you to share with your brothers and sisters during this time of change and transformation. I withdraw now in this manner and ask for the Father’s LOVE to continue to bathe you and renew you in all ways. Good day!