2016-04-30-Deepening Our Experience With Mother
Topic: Deepening Our Experience with Mother and our Value
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Thank you, Mother and Father, for this time to be with you, to receive your words and to imprint upon your divine qualities that will help us become more spiritually fragrant and aligned in Father’s WILL for our lives. You know our needs. You know where we are in our transformational journeys, and we thank you for what you bestow to us today, that we may be ever more mindful of your presence in our lives and the Father’s guiding hand moving us forward. Thank you so much. May we receive now and may your WILL be done.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my little children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. There are many energies of CHANGE moving about your planet’s system of consciousness, and you are being upstepped from the inside out to bring you into further alignment with the energies of divine WILL and action.
This is an important transitional phase in your planet’s cultural life, and we encourage you to continue to seek that state of MINDFULNESS where you spend that quality time in communion with us and the Father’s Indwelling Presence, that you may be more anchored in PEACE, SECURITY, TRUTH, and GOODNESS while these energies of CHANGE swirl about you.
My message to you today revolves around the concept of going deeper into your energy beings. You are all children of what you call “consciousness.” You live, you think, you feel in the arena of MIND. This is a real place, and you are connected to me through these circuits of MIND. You are beginning to understand how deeply you are connected to me through these circuits.
I invite you today to feel that desire to open up to deeper places in your energy systems where my loving touch may expand into LIGHT and SPACE and LIFE, that the Father’s LOVE may penetrate into those chasms within your beings. There is a place where you begin to perceive more of who you truly are—your innate sense of self—your personalities that come from the Father Himself.
This infusion today is designed to help you perceive those inklings of Spirit that will fortify you in your spiritual development. All you need do is invite me in. If it is helpful, you may focus on me as your MOTHER, and simply hold that desire for my LOVE, my LIFE to go into those places within you where you still need that spiritual energy to craft new pathways of opening and comprehension of the Father’s Presence within you, and drink deeply of my LOVE. Let us begin.
If it is helpful for you to maintain a more quiet state of thought, simply focus on the word MOTHER and allow me to move in you now, my beloved children. (Pause)
Your lives are precious. Your Father and I love you beyond your comprehension. We uphold your lives in ways that you have yet to truly comprehend at the depths of your beings. But you are opening to these places within you. And it is our desire that you would experience more of the true VALUE of your lives and your experiences as evolving free will children starting life on material spheres.
Your evolutionary natures are important integral components of the fabric of LIFE, and the universe grows in completeness in the Father’s plans through your aligned actions in the Father’s ways—what you might call God’s WILL. In order for you to more fully engage your own unique personalities in this evolutionary adventure, it is fundamental for you to perceive your innate VALUE. Sometimes you use that term “worthfulness” to disclose that sense of your importance to the overall design plan of the Father’s outworking in creation.
Feel your need and your desire to feel this VALUE that your Father and I may indeed move more deeply into your energy systems to bring in more SPACE and LIGHT. That what holds you back from perceiving this falls away and these energies of our LOVE disclose into your minds and hearts and bodies the VALUE of who you are and how you were created to be and to grow in this beautiful fabric of LIFE AND LIGHT in the Father’s LOVE. Feel that need and desire as we continue to minister in you, my beloved children. (Pause)
This first step of perceiving your value is fundamental to your growing sense of self-mastery. We have been encouraging you to develop this sense of your self that you would learn more about who you are, how you function, and what you have to offer the divine creative plan of Father’s unfolding in the universe.
Your Father Michael in His human life as your brother Jesus is the best inspiration for you to draw from. His consecration to the Father’s WILL in thought, word and deed was paramount in His focus and priority for His life, and He can teach you more about that and share with you His human life experiences of how He was able to craft His raw human nature into a demonstration of such exquisite loving beauty, as He was so attractive to others and they drew close to him.
We have been encouraging you in this manner for much time now, and we continue to do so, watching you, supply you with help when you are in need. But much of what you are accomplishing is through your own individual efforts and that single-hearted willingness to lead Godly lives. This is a daily walk of faith, and the more you feel that innate VALUE, it provides you more of that internal environment for the Father’s Presence to shed those higher ideals of what you are accomplishing and render you more faith led on your path. It is as if you are able to release that animal driven will to the higher WILL within you.
And as you deepen into our LOVE and allow my presence to grow stronger in you, will you find this level of relaxation into the whole process of living in the SPIRIT, embracing and embodying the Father’s WILL. The naturalness of your brother Jesus’ actions was based on this utter reliance of the Father’s WILL within Him. And you are all gaining strength and it is expanding you in a depth of your being and broadening you in height and dimension.
As these words settle in, may they may become more imprinted upon your conceptual understanding of what it means to master your selves. And as these energies continue to move in you, may you perceive new insights that you may achieve this more consistently on a daily basis through your efforts large and small in your interactions with your brothers and sisters. (Pause)
Many changes are upon Urantian consciousness now. More LIGHT containing TRUTH is infusing your overall system of consciousness world-wide. You are all part of this change, and as the Father’s Presence grows within you, you may be prompted to consider certain areas of your lives in new ways. This will be for your own internal investigation to explore with your Spirit. And I encourage you to consider this as an invitation to say to your Spirit, “How may I best cooperate and collaborate with you to bring more positive change to this beautiful world?” “How may I best serve in helping our world grow in love?”
If you like, you may spend a few moments reflecting upon this question, and invite your Spirit to draw close to you and share with you what you may wish to consider. (Pause)
This is a momentous time in the history of Urantia. You are all participants in this time of correction and change. Make your mark upon planetary consciousness! Live your value! State your truths with vigor and gusto! Know your selves and live more fully from that place each and every day!
Now if you wish, you may bring forth your questions or comments and I will be happy to address you. You may stay in a meditative space if you like. I am ready whenever you are.
Student: Mother, this is L. I would like, if you could give us some clarification on Michael's message on RESURRECTION and the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL in our Magisterial Mission call of 3/27. He discussed the experiential and experimental changes of our life form to a composite material-morontia being, and it’s a bonding and blending of material life energies with those morontia. And I'm not sure I quite understand what that means. Is this something that we on this call can experience in this lifetime, or is this something that will slowly evolve with future generations? Will it change our appearance? Will it affect our health, our lifespan? Will it help us with our ability to communicate with our Thought Adjuster? I do not expect you to answer each question, but I just use these questions as an example of how I can get a better understanding of what is happening, and what the implications are for this change. Thank you so much for listening to my question. Thank you.
NEBADONIA: L, my dear daughter, the overarching answer to your questions is yes. This material-morontia blending is experimental in so far as the damage done to your planet's consciousness because of the rebellion is being changed and we are helping you incorporate new energies. But it has not been tested and tried in Nebadon to the degree that you need in order for this planet's consciousness to truly heal and transform.
These circuits are being implemented slowly, carefully, under observation, and there are certain individuals who have, you might say, volunteered to receive these circuits. Now many of the individuals of this world may not receive a greater infusion of these as other individuals are. Some of it is done under the auspices of that individual's Father Fragment due to factors of genetic health, and the ability of that individual to cooperate with the time of correction and participate in the construction of a more loving order of life upon this world. The implications for this will play out over a long period of time.
Individuals who are receiving greater infusions of this are watched carefully to perceive how these energies are functioning within them so certain adjustments can be made if necessary. Much of this is happening at very subtle levels of your overall awareness, and yes, it is designed to help you become more spiritually fragrant and receptive to the leadings of the Father's Presence within and there are also many other benefits.
There is this morontia substance which is identified in your Urantia text as MOTA, which is a substance for the mind to help you expand your ability to receive and contemplate higher universe realities. Much of what you are already perceiving is a part of this. You may notice your thoughts are changing and new insights are now being perceived within your waking consciousness. This is all a part of it, and over time, the human physical structure will function better in alignment with the natural order of life that was interrupted because of the Adamic default, and the fact that you did not receive the full complement of Adamic energy that this world was designed to receive.
So there are many things that are happening within you and the endowments that we provide to you are all part of the circuitry, the connection, and infusions of the energies of LIGHT and LIFE and LOVE to support you in this transition to a higher order and a higher culture of life. Does this help, my daughter?
Student: Yes, very much. Now, one other question—do the individuals or will the individuals who are going through this be consciously aware that its happening to them, or is it going to be on a other conscious awareness?
NEBADONIA: Again, the answer is both. It is happening to those individuals who have been apprised by their Father Fragments that this is happening, and for others who have spiritual potential to participate in this time of correction, they are receiving it as well. Some people are more attuned to these frequencies than others, but it is largely dependent upon that individual's Father Fragment to help them awaken to the deeper implication of what is transpiring for them.
Student: Okay, thank you so much. Thank you so very much.
NEBADONIA: You are most welcome my daughter, and be in my PEACE.
My children, your Father and I do so appreciate your trust and faith that you demonstrate. Truly you are coming into a reality level of your integral importance to the fabric of LIFE and this will help you maintain that sense of composure as more change comes to this world. Allow your brothers and sisters to see you—to see your spiritual stature. They need this now. They need to know and perceive there are Godly men and women who are able, capable service-oriented individuals to help them in their own awakening and growth processes.
There has been so much confusion upon Urantia, and you are here to help them open up to the TRUTH that lives within them and to encourage them that there is something wonderful, good and great within them that will bring them much satisfaction, joy and a sense of purpose. This is the true spiritual hunger that the children of this world are facing—they need to know their value and purpose. And you are being prepared as those vibrant and vital way-showers as you walk your path of faith and maintain that state of peace throughout your day.
Call on us when you need that refreshment. Spend time in the stillness and the Father to guide you, helping you release the worries and cares that have troubled your heart and soul that you may deepen your experience of faith and demonstrate those beautiful fruits of the spirit for more and more people to witness.
I leave you in my LOVE, my children. I am your devoted MOTHER. Allow me to speak through you and provide with those blessings you need to be a blessing to others. Good day!