2016-05-17-These Are Changing Times
Topic: These Are Changing Times
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe (Sananda)
TR: George Barnard
- Edited by Linda Abell
The Scribe: “These are changing times, my friend. Firstly, these are times when, potentially, you may become stressed about your Midwayer Friends leaving you when they are otherwise directed to perform their tasks. Secondly, another situation requiring your thoughts is the number of receivers that are now transmitting their Thought Adjuster (TA) transmissions. We will deal with this question first, although the two matters are related.
“The question you might ask about the Urantia Papers giving communication with the TA as very difficult, is it right or wrong? The answer is both yes and no. In the first half of the 20th century the answer was ‘yes.’ It was rare to hear the TA. In the first half of the 21st century it is ‘no.’ It is more common to hear the TA, as the middle 1980s brought us the total adjudication of the Sector-wide rebellion.
“A seeming disappearance of the (11:11 Midwayer) platoon and celestial associates is more easily explained in this way: Midwayers and a number of their associates are capable of communicating with all kinds of people — the political animal and the warfaring kind. As long as any of these parties believe that a future war can be survived, you are all at risk. No one can win the next world war. Not a chance. But the Midwayers can do much to save you all.
“As a former Supreme Thought Adjuster, now a Personalized Adjuster, I can communicate with all TAs far and wide. As a group it behooves us to keep in mind that we may well be called upon to produce an instant or instants when human free-will is to be voided to save your species. Should such a move become appropriate, do not doubt it will be instigated by us when ordered from on High.
“This is your Friend, the Scribe, always delighted to be in your presence. Until we meet again, I leave you my love.”
George: “Thank you for calling on us. We love you.”