2016-05-29-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: No Greater Contrast
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: LIGHT, Jonathan, Dr. Mendoza, Nebadonia
TR: Cathy Morris, Mark Rogers
Light: [Cathy] I join you in bringing a focus of light and healing. Let us also bring light and healing to this world in conflict.
Jonathan: [Mark] Good morning my friends, I would greet you, I am Jonathan. The invitation of my name opens the door for me to stroll through. It is one of the principles at play of thought, word and deed. The orchestrating of the event, the invitation for events to transpire, these set the stage and roll the carpet out so that we are free to pass and stroll by. I feel welcome to join you in your circle, whether you are focusing on health and healing or on anything of a spiritual nature, I feel free to join you because I have been invited, I have been made to feel welcome. You have set a place for me, as it were, at the table and I have taken up your generous offer to be with you, even as one among you.
Reference was made to how unusual a reality like the one we share at this very moment might be to others and this is true. This is a clear demonstration of the scope of levels of awareness to be observed. It is interesting to observe that two individuals in the same room may be so completely "not on each others wavelength" as it were and to be occupying different levels of awareness side by side. This is never at its greatest contrast more than in your existence on Urantia, where all fledgling souls are attempting to discover what the flow is, where the flow is and even seeking to go with the flow.
As you pass through your successive stages, this diversity will not present itself as it does here in your first incarnation, where you and all of the others like you are attempting to integrate into the whole and discover where you are connected and where you fit in. The more incarnations, the more you will have discovered your place, you will have settled on your perspective and your position in the great scheme of your universal careers.
Enjoy the contrast that you perceive at this time. It is so great, even while it is all so contained and surrounded by grace, by truth, beauty and goodness, there still exists this contrast to be observed. These examples of difference are your gifts so that you may navigate through these signposts and determine your own individual direction based upon how closely you wish to align yourselves with these different aspects of your experience. More and more you choose to join the flow and go with the flow. Less and less are you troubled about what to do and how to do it, as you are more and more secure in your position, in your spiritual family.
I cherish this gift of grace we share even now. I affirm its reality and its truth to myself and for you. This is all that matters, our personal experience, our personal growth and our unique encounter with divinity. It is and will remain a cherished aspect of our development and I am grateful to have the opportunity to share this success with you, the success of the growth of spirit that we have both enjoyed. It has been my pleasure to join you once again. I look forward to further meetings, good day to you all.
Dr. Mendoza: [Mark] A good morning to you my assistants, I am Dr. Mendoza and I would like to further our exploration into the dimensions of health and healing. You are all quite familiar with the outward signs of success that one is privileged enough to get when there is a sudden burst of health and healing that comes over an individual and it is obvious to observe. This gratifying sense is a confirmation to you and to your patient that this healing is effective and powerful and real and one always treasures these instances which are so tangible to observe.
There are a number of other dimensions wherein your efforts meet with apparently different results, that is, results which are harder to discern, which are more difficult to decipher. But I tell you today plainly that all your efforts meet with certain success. As you have just been informed by your friend, all spiritual growth is considered a success. Your efforts and discipline for your duties as physician's assistants meet with certain success for they accomplish the growth of your spirit and perhaps the growth of others.
These results are far more different of discernment and must be grasped in faith, but nevertheless they are equally as true, equally as right, equally as real as any of the others which take other forms of manifestation. The real key to your success as healers is to meet your patients where they are at, to be with them on a spiritual level wherever you may find them. Touching them in this way means you have met with success, means that you have accomplished your purpose. You have comforted in spirit, you have brought them the lifeline of spirit. You have represented the spiritual dimension as good and faithful representatives, you have met with success.
We must grow our faith to accommodate this awareness and the understanding of this truth. All efforts donated on behalf of others in service meet with certain success. So I congratulate you all for your success in your mission to be of service. One day you will be afforded an opportunity to glimpse the many effects of your intentions and your actions, but for now, I invite you exercise your faith muscle that all this is so because you have been told and because you can seek the truth of this out, within.
It is always a pleasure to drop by and hold these meetings. I enjoy the opportunity to explore the many dimensions and the many principles involved as we go about attempting to do good. Thank you for your attention, farewell.
Nebadonia: [Cathy] I join you my children in embracing this world and all those upon it. Your Father and I continue to bring healing energy to Urantia.