2016-05-30-New Era Conversations 70
Topic: Update on Celestial's Part of Co-creation
Group: N. Colorado TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
TR: Daniel Raphael
- Team Members: Roxanne Andrews, Michael McCray, and a Student
- Update on Celestial’s part of co-creation
MACHIVENTA: Good Morning, this is Machiventa. It is good to be here with you once more. We have mentioned in the past, and mention again now that we have been working our way through the people—individuals and organizations from the local level to the communities and states, regions, and nations, from individuals to companies and corporations, and governmental agencies, and those that are non-profit and philanthropic, and so on, to assist us in this work that we have with you. As this is co-creative, it is important that we enlist every individual, whether they are a local retired citizen or actively employed, or whether they are part of a board of directors, or trustees, and so on, of a corporation or non-profit organization or church. Individuals have always been the bottom rung, the solid rung, the foundation where we start, and so it is with individuals who occupy positions of authority, decision-making, and influence that we have been appealing to them with our message of peace, social stability, and social sustainability.
- Political turmoil in the US
You are now in the throes of immense political turmoil in the United States, as the world looks on to the debacles of your archaic political system. We have plans for you; we have many ideas from individuals that can be brought forward to make your staid democratic processes much more effective, and do so without having to uproot the traditions of your democracy. We are able to always think outside the box because we are not part of your culture; we are not part of your rational system and organization of your societies, politically or economically. We have, of course, had many of our “point people” who have written to organizations of national and international stature and size, to provide them with new ideas about their society and the way of doing business. You have the new influence of environmental sustainability, which is a major factor for organizations and profit-making companies and corporations to think about. It has been a process of softening up their thinking from profit-only to that of service and of profit-making that is compliant and assisting of the social, environmental and economic benefit or helpfulness of individuals, families and small communities.
- Need for revision of social institutions
As your have seen, the development of your industrialism has progressed mightily forward, to the age of information and technologies, and now you are into the necessary revision of your social institutions, whether it is the police and criminal courts, or whether it is government and even the basic forms of your democracy. Billions of people of developed nations realize that the old social institutions and social processes are not working, that they are actually working against the good of the people who are the foundation and the authority for all democracies. This has a need to come full circle so that citizens are once again the authority of the foundations, and the legitimacy of democratic operation. Where once democracies were founded upon the public as the final authority for the operation and installation of democratic governments, the public is now intelligent enough generally to participate in some way on a regular basis with their public executives, whether those executives are appointed or elected. It is necessary to complete the loop of democracy and of freedom and liberty, so that it continues to circle through the public and on to their governmental processes on a regular basis. Participating in such a distant and detached way on election day is not sufficient to keep a democratic nation or government in efficiency or effectiveness, or in compliance with the evolving needs of the public.
- Social evolution
As always, we do not advocate revolution or violence, however we do advocate social evolution, which would then carry over into your social institutions and organizations. Social evolution is a process that must become conscious among the populace so that there is an anticipation that social change will bring about improvements, rather than simply the next edition of the next cell phone. Social evolution is the way to the Days of Light and Life; you cannot have one without the other. This subtle times of Days of Light and Life require that your societies, your governments, and your economies evolve—evolve to become effective, efficient and more directly involved in that evolution of those societies.
It is a tedious process and the one from your unconscious participation in government, to the conscious participation and on. Anticipating the conscious evolution of your societies brings about transcendence. This is a state of consciousness that sees in the current generation that they exist for their own development and evolution, and for the foundations of future generations. The selfishness of current generations is insufferable and cannot be tolerated and creates egregious disparities among people. When there is an anticipation of future generations, then the current generation must and will come to realize that what is fair is, and what is socially just and equitably just is primary to the establishment of sustainable, sustaining generations into the future.
In summary of my opening statement, it is because of this that the Days of Light and Life will come about. It is because of this social evolution that you will have social stability and social peace, which allows individuals to have time to reflect upon their current situation in their lives and to gather the motivation to explore even more. It is because of leisure time that your cultures develop and evolve to become more capable and competent, and more inward looking, rather than outward looking. The evolution of a culture and social evolution means that the culture will become eventually less dependent upon material orientations for the value of individuals, and more on what they think and how they live and create a more stable and positive and constructive moral society.
- The independent Order of Melchizedeks
Roxie: Machiventa, in the Urantia Book it says that the Order of Melchizedeks has a self-governing system. Are any points of that helpful to guiding us into being more self-sufficient and having a better form of government, or have you already conveyed all of those ideas?
MACHIVENTA: You have asked several questions and I will begin at the beginning of your statement. Yes, we are an Independent Order of Beings; the Melchizedeks are administrators and teachers, and as an Independent Order. I was selected and I volunteered to become incarnate on your world as the Sage of Salem, to bring about a refreshing of the concepts of God, the “One God,” the sole God, the I AM, the Creator of this world and the universe. This was in preparation for the time and life and appearance of Christ Michael as Jesus, some years in the future. The “One God” concept provided for an evolved religion, an evolved relationship between the individual and the Creator. Jesus brought forward the Father image, the Father figure of the Creator, the perfect Father relationship between the individual and God. This is an essential part of your relationship, which will be completely thoroughgoing through your ascendant career until you truly meet your Father Creator in Paradise.
You know that we are here in force to teach and work with [many] individuals. Many individuals have consulting mentors, Melchizedeks who are consulting mentors to individuals in addition to their Guardian Angel and their Celestial Teacher—if the individual has chosen to have a Celestial Teacher. It is important that even those who do not believe in God are guided by the best interests of Nebadon and of Christ Michael, and of Urantia in their daily conduct. Just because a person does not believe in God does not mean that they are incapable of making moral decisions that are helpful to the social evolution of your planet, and to your nation and to its societies. It is most unfortunate however, that an individual could be making wonderful decisions that support the good of humanity and of this world and not have that same experience contribute to their soul growth and the density of their soul, as they progress through life. This is, however, their personal choice. The Father and we choose to accept all of you, individually, whether you believe in God and the afterlife or not.
You can trust that the Independent Order of Melchizedeks works completely in alignment with Father Melchizedek and [our] relationship with Christ Michael. You can accept that we work with the Most Highs in their efforts within organizations. We see within organizations, whether they are corporations, churches, non-profit or philanthropic organizations, or your school’s Parent Teacher Associations, opportunities for teaching. There is something for everyone to learn in teaching environments, and in teaching, we gain experience with you mortals who become our mouthpieces. We offer individuals who are teachers in schools and other places, insights into their lessons. Some follow them more deeply than others, and some make tremendous contributions to the students, whether the students are adults or children. You never know within a teaching situation when a child or student will have an “ah-ha” moment that gives them insight into greater realities of the world and of the universe. It is a wonderful facet of the Thought Adjusters who work in the minds of individuals to bring about those “ah-ha” moments, which are inspiring and motivating for greater inquiry and for the later development of their curiosity. It is most fortunate that humans are natively curious, that they have within them the ability to search into areas and to think about areas that other people have disregarded—or even that they might have disregarded totally in the past. So, curiosity is one of the motivating factors that the Seven Mind Adjutants use to help individuals “configure” the programs of their mental activity.
Roxie: Thank you, Machiventa. Does anyone else have questions related to the opening statements?
- Becoming more involved through sharing
Student: I have one I’d like to ask, please. Machiventa, when you were talking about people in government, whether it is a political or whatever type community, to be effective you cannot just ‘do it on your own.’ I sort of had an “ah-ha” moment in the fact that the word ‘sharing’ came into my mind and it clicked because of the 6 core values; by bringing these consciously into peoples’ minds, they will start to share and become more involved in their communities and in their government. Am I on the right track?
MACHIVENTA: You most certainly are and we are delighted for your “ah-ha” moment.
Student: I sit in sometimes at our local community level council meetings. How can I introduce sharing of the public, into the councilors’ minds, because they all think they have their own Ideas as they are elected officials. Have you any suggestions, please?
- What motivates people?
MACHIVENTA: Yes. Remember that the values are innate to everyone. They are the motivating factors of all humans for what they choose in their hierarchies of needs. The question you might share is, “What motivates people to participate in government committees as volunteers?” “What motivates people to benefit the public and their community, other than being selfishly oriented toward their own good?” This is the human motivation theory that is based on these values. People are motivated to think of higher things, besides what they basically need. When you have a large percentage of the public who are in material need, who do not have the fundamental elements that support their physical existence, then you have despair in a society and this must be directly engaged by governmental agencies and programs, and/or with non-profit organizations.
The motivation to do that has to do with empathy. It is important that the empathy that people have for others is not dismissed as some religious element or carryover from church on Sunday. Your empathy is innate to yourself; your willingness to reach out in compassion to aid others is innate to you. This is how you aid others who are in need, without looking for benefit to yourselves. The difference in true service that Jesus taught is that you reach out in compassion to others to assist them without ever having a thought of return to yourself, that you would do this without thought of being praised or receiving public acclaim for your services and duties. The motivation to do good must become a conscious element of your council meetings, if you can make them curious about that, Dear One.
Student: Oh yes, thank you! And now I have another question: I’m going to talk to some high school students this week, and my biggest thing was how do I come across with the 6 core values so that maybe they will completely understand it? What you just said about motivate, and also if I ask the question as to what motivates them, then if they… empathy; yes, empathy absolutely! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
From what I understand is happening or going to be happening in the school system in our Province, is that our government is looking at ways of getting rid of public schools. I, personally, am looking at this as a “good thing,” and it is probably a “bad thing.” Could you give me some ideas, please, as to the good part of transitioning from public to private?
- Public versus private schools
MACHIVENTA: Certainly. There is immense confusion among democratic nations concerning their educational institutions. What is primary to the work that you are seeking to understand is that education has lost its intention for existence. You are at an extreme pivotal point of awakening the consciousness and professional awareness of educators to become the educational leaders of the world, and this has to do with the values and the motivation aspect we just spoke of. The intention of education must be to prepare people to survive, and to then exist, and then to maintain their existence and to become self-sustaining, socially stable and peaceful—in that order. The intention of education must be directly tied to the 6 core values of your humanity, that children need to be socialized and enculturated and educated and trained, that these values are primary to their existence.
The intention of education is to improve the quality of life of individuals, and in doing so, collectively it improves the quality of life of a whole society, and then in doing so, it empowers individuals to explore the potential that is within them, that helps them improve their quality of life and as a natural resource, the good welfare and growth of your societies. It is only through the development of the innate potential of individuals that you have social progress, technological progress, industrial progress, and commercial progress. Governments do not progress because they are simply steeped and staid and crystallized in their original forms of their incorporation or constitution.
Do you see the connection? (Student: I certainly do!) Education is a public responsibility; it cannot be abrogated, delegated, shifted, or substituted with anything else. If the public is not concerned about education, then you will have a continual dumbing down of the educational process. By having a corporation teach and take over the schools, then you have the profit motive for education. , What they will do to increase their profit margins, while decreasing their expenses. The expenses—obviously the expenses are in materials and teacher’s salaries, and so they will go to other means to instruct and teach children. This could have a beneficial prospect, but we doubt that it would occur. You have also seen the corporate takeover of criminal corrections of jails and prisons. You have also seen this in medical care for the public, as well. Wherever corporations are involved, their standards for their performance are insufficient to satisfy the higher, deeper, and sustaining needs of individuals in your society. We highly advise against privatization of public education.
Student: Thank you, Machiventa. I don’t have any more questions right this minute.
MACHIVENTA: May I add a comment to your question? (Student: Yes, please.) What is missing from corporate education and public education is a standard. You must reinvent your standards for education, which must be coupled with the 6 core values of human social sustainability. When you do this, then you will have a different way of looking at education completely, and of the performance level of students. We would begin by suggesting that the developmental level of individuals be ascertained, which is usual, but what happens then is that the artificial assignment of children to classes according to age completely abrogates and nullifies the testing for developmental readiness. It is important that children be placed in developmental increments of education. You may have children who are 14 years old who are in the 3rd grade-reading group. It is important that 14 year olds come away from their education experience with the capability to read—to read the instructions on a power drill or on ingredients for a recipe, or for mixing chemicals together. It is important that people are able to read and write and to do the fundamentals of arithmetic at the appropriate levels that they are ready for. Do you understand that this way, that the developmental assignment of children to various classes is organic rather than artificial? Artificiality of education is what has subverted educational processes into dumbing down of your societies, which is a terrible waste of human potential that wastes the capacity of individuals to grow and develop their souls into becoming “heavy weighted individuals” who will choose the afterlife.
Student: Thank you, Sir, yes! I totally understand that and I just wish that there were a way that I could start implementing that, but that’s a long way off, I think. But, Oh, thank you for that thought.
- Education is a public responsibility
MACHIVENTA: We hope that these thoughts will give you arguments against the privatization of education; it is a public responsibility.
Student: Yes, Sir, definitely! There is a private organization that does run some schools up here in the Province, which does address the individuality of the child more than it does their age, and I thought that was a good way to go, but it’s private and not many people can afford to even go there.
MACHIVENTA: That is another aspect that we did not discuss, but you are aware of.
Student: I don’t have any more questions right now.
- Teaching social sustainability at the college level
MMc: Jeff Cutler and Liz Cratty are people well known to myself, and maybe to you; they have been involved for some time on a proposal with Southern Oregon University to establish a class at the University to teach students how to function in a design team. Jeff wrote me an email last week saying that when you challenged them in NEC #67 to come up with a bold co-creative plan, both he and Liz were re-energized and have agreed to work on this during the summer. He has several questions for you: “Would it be advisable for Liz and I to redraft our proposal to Southern Oregon University?”
MACHIVENTA: It would be helpful if the one who asked the question—or the two who asked the question—would give more options to the answer of their question. An either/or is rather black and white; it is rather bi-polar in many ways without a choice of options. We see that there are aspects of your former or existing draft that are very good, and there are needs for it that need to be improved. We do not suggest that you dismiss your old or existing draft, but use it as a resource for redrafting your proposal. We hope that this answers your question.
MMc: So you need more information in order to make a determination in this case?
MACHIVENTA: The way the question was presented leaves us little option to understand how the proponents of the proposal wish to proceed. We could understand the question as they wish to totally dismiss what they have done, and write a totally new proposal. We are not in favor of that option. The other way of viewing this is to see the redraft as using elements of the existing proposal, and then adding more functionality to the second proposal. This is one that we would advise you take.
MMc: His second question is: “Is the Kettering Foundation an appropriate partner for us, and if so, should we try to partner with the Kettering Foundation in New York?”
MACHIVENTA: Yes, your two-part question is yes to the first part, and maybe the Kettering Foundation in another location. You would want to participate with them in their educational programs. From our perspective, our need for you to work with the Kettering Foundation is to educate them, make them aware of these values and of the theory of human motivation based on these values. As social sustainability is a highly, very culturally new topic that has not been engaged with by these older organizations, it is important that you create a curiosity in them about what you are doing. Your proposal would need to raise their curiosity to want more information.
MMc: Last question: What help could be provided to meet David Matthews? (David Matthews is the President and CEO of the Kettering Foundation.)
MACHIVENTA: One moment. It would be highly beneficial if you could meet with him personally, that he would be curious about what you are doing and would need to do research into what you are doing for your interview. You would want to provide him with access to background information about social sustainability, and particularly as it would be oriented to teaching it as a class at the University level. You must, in your proposal for a class, also have adjunctive ideas about future classes and in a basic degree program within sociology or social anthropology or social psychology. You do not need to spend much time with these adjunctive ideas, but it would help them know that their money could be forthcoming for the development of a program that would lead to something more.
A one-time-class that would teach a topic and then leave it as, “Huh?” is something that they are not necessarily interested in. It would be much like teaching a one-credit hour class in global architecture—it is a nice thing to study and understand, but what does it lead to? This class needs to have the ability, capacity to lead to something more important and developmental—and even evolutionary in the educational setting. One of the faults of large foundations now around the world is that they are not diverse enough, that they continue to put their money into “safe programs” year-after-year and they are being chided by some exploratory foundations and the government for not using their huge financial resources to really, truly benefit the massive cross-section of human population, particularly those who are entering into higher education. This too, would become a part of the interview process. It must awaken the President that you are aware of the larger responsibilities of a Foundation. Your proposal and interview with them would be such that it would awaken in them the curiosity to fill out the larger needs that the Founder had used in their founding statements. We definitely support what you are doing and urge you to proceed with a larger vision.
- Discussion on subject of war
MMc: In Paper 70:2 of the Urantia Book, it talks about war and the positive aspects of war. One of the aspects of war and peace that it talks about is that man is a species that is derived from animals, and all animals are bellicose. It says in Paragraph 15 “That man will never accept peace as a normal mode of living until he has been thoroughly and repeatedly convinced that peace is the best for his very material welfare, and until society has wisely provided peaceful substitutes for” this bellicose-ness. I am having a great deal of difficulty imagining peaceful substitutes that would gratify those emotional substitutes that would normally lead to war. Would you help me with this, please?
MACHIVENTA: Most certainly. You are one who has evolved in your thinking to accept that there are alternatives to war. However peaceful a nation might be, when it is attacked internally or externally by a belligerent force that has only in mind the need to expand their territory and to dominate and control others, whether it is for religious or purely selfish reasons, you will have great difficulty finding substitutes for war. The great difficulty that you have not included in your question was whether competition contributes to this bellicose nature of humanity. It certainly does when you consider that you still have boxing and violent physical matches between individuals. In a personal, physical confrontation, whether they are using just their fists or their feet or their teeth to hurt others and to dominate and win the match, then you have the situation where your populations that watch these matches are enlivened by the adrenalin, which they get from watching this.
It is better to have competitive programs of an intellectual nature. Chess and card games and table games of a peaceful nature are excellent substitutes. For those who are physically oriented in life, they will despise and denigrate and condescend upon those to enjoy lesser physical competitive encounters. Your question anticipates the future of many nations where there are literally millions of individuals who are totally convinced that war is useless and unproductive, and does not contribute to the benefit of humanity. This is a very evolved moral position and opinion that is worthwhile in pursuing. The difficulty of your world is that you are in an immense, IMMENSE cultural transition. You have nations of people and tribes of people who are still cannibalistic and religious orientations that would suggest that eating the heart or liver of another individual gives them special powers.
Then, on the other hand, you have evolved individuals who sit in peace and contemplate peace and project peace upon the world, and who are vegetarian and who feel that violating the life force of living beings with blood in its veins is contrary to the peace of the world. However, they are willing to kill vegetables to do so. It is a matter of perspective, is it not? You are in a culture that is violently in change—VIOLENTLY IN CHANGE—and that by peaceful bystanders oftentimes victims and this is most unfortunate. We, of course, as part of the Correcting Time support the peaceful development of your nations and societies because only a peaceful nation and population can become self-sustaining.
MMc: Thank you. I have no further questions at this time.
- War and population control
Roxie: Concerning what you were just talking about, because we are so over populated, it seems to me that the “tension” between individuals is because of the over population is creating some of that bellicose nature that wants to go to war. If we didn’t have wars, our population might be in bigger trouble than it already is. Would you comment, please?
MACHIVENTA: Yes. You are aware of the Four Apocalypse, and that war, famine and pestilence, are the primary means for of population control. Not a conscious effort to reduce population, but definitely a part of the human nature to maintain a stable population. And it is true that an increasing population in a nation oftentimes creates the impetus for intrusions across national or cultural boundaries, ethnic boundaries, into others’ territories without permission, and to do so violently. This is the primary opportune time for the Correcting Time to take place because your world is fully populated, that it is extraordinarily bloated in population and that the decimation of the human species is a foregone conclusion that will occur.
The inertia of a growing population will not peak until approximately 2070-2080, at which time populations will begin to decrease. However, at that time, your global population would be well over 15 billion people, twice of what is here now, with the same limited resources that your planet earth brought with you from the beginning of its population explosion. So, you are seeing that in the future if this population continues without abatement due to some cataclysmic pathogen, that you will have more and more extreme wars and that wars will be intentional to decrease population and to grasp more resources.
You will be seeing a period of time in your world, a time of immense desperation, where the quality of life of individuals will be such that less than 0.1% of your world population can enjoy an adequate lifestyle to grow into their potential. Your world’s population is on a course of self-destruction. It will not be caused by any one of us, for sure, as it is an observable phenomenon for us to see your populations grow with immense difficulty. You have seen this with the influx of individuals from Africa, particularly, into Europe, as you are seeing the transition or emigration from Mexico and Latin countries of Central America. Many of these places are desperately inadequate to sustain [the] lifestyles to the north, where there is hope for better standards of living and to enjoy the material benefits of a technologically developed society and culture. Of course, it is that human need to compare yourself with others economically and materially, to improve the quality of your life, compared to how you are living now that causes these tremendous influxes of population. You will have a time after the decimation of the human population where humanity will literally stop and take a breath and examine where it is and how it exists. It will be quite surreal compared to what you see now and what you will see in the near future.
Roxie: You mentioned that the population could be 15 Billion in 55 to 65 years from now. Do you see that our population is not going to decrease before that time?
MACHIVENTA: It will decrease as we do anticipate decimation between the year 2020 and 2050 with a more likely period of being around 2030. It is a matter of technology, transportation, sanitation improvements and so on. We have an excellent idea of when the depopulation of the world will occur, and have made plans in preparation for that. It is a situation that is not preventable either by humans or by the will of spirit and of the management of Nebadon or of Urantia. It is the intention of Spirit and of Planetary Management from Salvington to Urantia to prepare the remaining populations for reorganizing as sustainable societies.
- Speculative cause of increase in homosexuality
Roxie: I have some more questions on different topics and some of my own that I want to get in, but I want to ask one from one of our readers first: She says, “How wonderful it is this possibility to have questions answered by our Planetary Manager, Machiventa. I am truly intrigued by some of the answers we are getting from Machiventa via the NEC. My question is: Due to the rampant increasing homosexuality in our societies, I sincerely wonder if this could also be a Luciferian legacy, as both Prince Caligastia and Lucifer were quite familiar with the plans of the Life Experiment Laboratories on the Constellation Headquarters. Might they have been busy altering our DNA here on our planet, and as a result, create many dysfunctional and disturbed families?”
MACHIVENTA: I do not mean to be harsh in saying this, but your speculative question has no value in being answered. You are still stuck with the problem of homosexuality in the human population, and how to resolve it, and how you personally, as an individual, perceive the others as a living, worthy being, worthy of God’s attention and forgiveness and love. You must deal with this as it is; speculating about the nefarious work of Satan, Lucifer and Caligastia does not do you much good, but really redirects your creative energies into worry and further speculation. We do not support your speculation about this topic and question, not because we cannot address it and yes, there is definitely an answer to that, which we will leave without making you aware.
- The Spirits of Trust
Roxie: I’ve been doing some reading in Part II of the Urantia Book, and in Paper 39:5.9 is says, “In the more advanced planetary ages these seraphim (i.e. The Spirits of Trust) enhance man’s appreciation of the truth that uncertainty is the secret of contented continuity. They help the mortal philosophers to realize that, when ignorance is essential to success, it would be a colossal blunder for the creature to know the future. They heighten man’s taste for the sweetness of uncertainty, for the romance and charm of the indefinite and unknown future.” Would you please elaborate on this?
MACHIVENTA: There is no need to elaborate on it; it is very clear, and this has been explained to you repeatedly in the past that foreknowledge of events makes for personal indolence and social indolence as well.
- “Uncertainty is the secret of contented continuity”
Roxie: There are some statements that I find I haven’t been able to apply, and one of them is the “truth that uncertainty is the secret of contented continuity.”
MACHIVENTA: Let me explain it this way, Dear One. With uncertainty there develops a trust in your relationship with Spirit to provide what you need without being aggravated by what you do not have. The uncertainty creates a certain appeal to curiosity and to the future, and to the unfoldment of your personal life, and wishing that to be happy and fulfilled, and so this is in agreement with the highest moral standards of our relationship with you, to assist you in developing your potential to insure that your future does become sure and contented. You must realize that this is the course of your life; when you fight against that then you are in that personal aggravation and you want things “now.” Living with uncertainty and calmly doing so is the secret to your own self-confidence and the confidence in your relationship of faith with the Father.
Roxie: That helps. I wasn’t looking at it from that angle.
One of the reasons that the Urantia Book readers won’t accept the Teaching Mission and the Magisterial Mission is because they do not believe that the Lucifer Rebellion has been adjudicated, because, if it were, then they would be able to hear universe broadcasts. They won’t accept my reasoning that since they do not know the languages of the universe, they wouldn’t be able to understand them anyway. Do you have any further comments?
MACHIVENTA: We have no further comments.
- Creativity in the afterlife
Roxie: The Urantia Book puts a lot of emphasis on creativity. I understand how this works on our world, and how we work with you in the co-creative process. My question is: As we ascend throughout the universe where there are many trillions of beings that have already explored creativity thoroughly, will there be anything more left for us to create when we get to that point?
[This is Daniel: Machiventa is laughing up his sleeve at this one.
Roxie: Yes, I kind of thought he might.]
MACHIVENTA: My Dear One, your question raises quite a chuckle among all of us here, and what we see is humorous, that you, as a unique individual, with a unique personality among all the trillions of beings in the universe would have no unique ideas of how to create something new? Oh, surely, you must have more faith in yourself and your relationship with your Thought Adjuster, for we will truly believe that between the two of you, you will bring something magnificent and unique into the universe.
- Robots in our future
Roxie: Okay. (Chuckling.) Concerning the effectiveness of mechanical devices, some people fear that robots will take away their jobs as has been done in the automobile industry. Do you see this as a valid concern?
MACHIVENTA: Yes, most definitely. However, if you put yourself in the position after the great die-off of the human species, you will see that automation would be a very wonderful thing to have available. This allows a supreme time of engaging another human being on personal terms, rather than impersonal terms, that the individual who serves you at a restaurant is an individual who chooses to do so, whereas a robot could do the same thing for you in a cafeteria, imaginatively. The personal interaction becomes much more supremely valuable to the quality of your life that you have the opportunity to be friends with individuals who are like you, who wish to be at peace as well.
- Space travel
Roxie: Because of our immaturity, which I totally agree with, we are confined by gravity to this planet. Does that apply to our efforts to travel through space to other spheres in our solar system?
MACHIVENTA: Your question is so broad as to be ambiguous. I will answer it this way, that there is a necessary restraint of gravity to keep your species here on this planet. This is one of the primary reasons that we have not allowed the “null-point energy systems” to be made available to humanity at this time. Your aggressiveness and the belligerent, bellicose nature of humanity of some individuals would use an unlimited power source to dominate and destroy other planets as you are destroying your wonderful Mother Earth.
Roxie: Thank you for that answer! Is there a moratorium at the present time that prevents other worlds from making contact with us?
MACHIVENTA: Yes, most definitely!
- Software problem in the brain
Roxie: When one has great difficulty learning foreign languages, math or chemistry, is this due to a physical aspect of their brain, a matter of genetics, or a software problem of their mind?
MACHIVENTA: It is fundamentally a software problem. What has happened is that when the flexible, malleable era of learning in childhood has passed, what has then been learned becomes a trite program of thinking, and this is why you have such great difficulty that you call it “cognitive dissonance” when new ideas become available to you. Some people simply shun new ideas because it is too difficult for them to integrate into their life. This is what we are experiencing with the values of social sustainability; it is a completely new idea that there would be an ideology for living life based on these values and that would develop into a morality that is integrated, logical, and systems oriented. It is a systems oriented morality, as opposed to the morality that your Western civilization has used for the last 4,000 years, which is not integrated, which is not systems oriented, and which does not contribute to the sustainability of human thinking and living.
Now, as you wrap your head around those ideas, you realize how new this all is. It will require the reinvention and reframing of all your—what you call “English Common Law of precedents” and the precedents of your legal systems that help courts make sense—whereas in the future, precedents will not be as important as are the proofs of the truths of sustainability to create reliable social proofs that can be used repeatedly again and again in similar situations throughout the world, regardless of the nation or culture or ethnicity of the people engaged in those controversies.
Roxie: Thank you. I have no more questions at this time. Does anyone else have an additional question before we close? (None.)
- Parting comments
MACHIVENTA: Thank you for this session. We hope it was very informative for you. We would encourage those individuals who are approaching the Kettering Foundation as to be more broadly thinking and creative, and to put themselves in the shoes of the CEO, who might be wishing to explore greater purposefulness and usefulness to fulfill the Foundation’s original missions. Thank you!
We here are appreciative of your time to continue reading these transcripts. They will be a source of great information and motivation for those who later come forward to ask questions about the reasons for life, purposes of life, and who is in charge. Fundamentally, many people do not believe that anyone is in charge, which is a profoundly sad and unfortunate mindset that becomes ingrained with further disappointment in life. There is much joy in knowing Christ Michael personally as Jesus, and of knowing that the Mother Spirit is here, caring for you with her many millions of spiritual angels and other spiritual entities of her making, to contribute to the benefit of your life for joy and for forward-looking, and to fill your curiosity in the most helpful ways. Thank you and good day.