2016-06-25-Imprinting Upon the Cosmic Mind
Topic: Imprinting Upon the Cosmic Mind
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for all of the ways in which you upstep our lives into the higher frequencies of Spirit that are bathing this planet. You know the deficits we face in our energy systems, and we thank you for being the suppliers for our bodies, our minds, our hearts to open and imprint upon that which will foster our spiritual transformations and soul growth. We are here to receive from you—receive your words, receive your energies, and we’re so grateful for what you provide to us. Thank you, and may your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: PEACE be upon you, my beloved children! This is Michael. Your lives are very important to your Mother and me. There is spiritual undercurrent that supports your complete growth process into higher states of consciousness, that which you have come to understand as the circuits of MIND—the intermediary between the frequencies of spirit and physical matter.
The mind is the arena in which you live. Mind is the place where you think and feel. Your thoughts form in this environment. Beliefs you hold near and dear to your heart are all contained here. So you might imagine well that this is very large repository of all kinds of information. Some of the information data stored in your minds is highly beneficial and supports your spiritual development. Conversely, there are other influences within your mind that are not helpful and actually act as detriments to your spiritual development.
What you are currently undergoing, not only in your own personal growth but as a planet, is this sorting of what is truth, what is right, what is good from that which is not aligned in divine LOVE. It can be very confusing to the human mind to undergo this sorting process. Much foundational restructuring is necessary to help you perceive that the nature of spiritual growth is effortful and produces certain qualities or character development that you deem noble and noteworthy to develop.
Your Mother and I are here to support your inner transformational processes and journeys. There are many exchanges happening within your beings—exchanges of information physically, emotionally, mentally—to provide you the environment for the spiritual circuits to relay the quality of information you need into your minds. This is what you might call a passive action on your part to simply quiet your minds, stilling the mental currents and chatter, to receive these spiritual infusions to communicate throughout the various bandwidths of your energy systems, affording you those spirit-sparks of LIFE and LOVE that are part of your divine birthright to receive.
You have all been receiving these LIFE sparks for quite a while now. While they may be subtle energies, and sometimes you are not necessarily aware of what you are receiving, your energy systems are all undergoing this great attunement to facilitate greater parting of the ways—that which is unreal and unholy—to lose its grasp in the way you think and feel and respond, that you may demonstrate greater fruits of the Spirit throughout your day in your interactions with your brothers and sisters.
I am giving you a rather lengthy preamble today for what your Mother and I wish to provide to you, and that is what you might call the substance of the higher MIND—the quality of information that is perceived as energy to filter in to your own systems of consciousness to facilitate this greater parting of the ways.
I invite you focus on your desire to receive this higher imprinting now. As we facilitate this for you, I would encourage you to allow the energies of the COSMIC MIND to be your focus internally, and to as well feel the need for this higher level of information to seed you with the frequencies necessary that you may continue to realign yourselves in TRUTH and let these lower frequencies of what is untrue and unreal to fall away. Invite your Mother in. Focus on the COSMIC MIND and receive me now, my beloved children. (Pause)
COSMIC MIND facilitates your energy systems to attune to the frequencies for expansive TRUTH, LIFE, GOODNESS, and MERCY. These infusions are designed to expand not only your ability to perceive reality from a divine perspective, but to also foster your own innate gifts of personality that you may be here on this world as living vessels of LOVE. The commitments you make to grow spiritually are taken very seriously. And the more you desire to be the agents of change and transformation for your world, the more we invite you into this inner journey of transformation that you may receive those spiritual LIFE vital frequencies necessary to be the TRUTH, to be the LOVE, to be the GOODNESS that will truly transform this world.
Many humans underestimate their potential. They have cut themselves off from their spiritual origins and personalities who wish to sustain and nurture them. It is very difficult for certain individuals to put their faith in certain religious belief systems due to certain traditions, theologies, rituals, and dogma that have little relevance to their lives. It is at those times when we look to you to be our representatives of the ways of SPIRIT that your brothers and sisters would look at you and see someone who is centered, balanced, peaceful in the midst of turmoil and chaos.
This is not necessarily an easy time for many people on this world. Your culture of ease and complacency is being rocked, and it is a good inner quaking occurring designed to help people perceive the Inner Voice beckoning them to awaken to their own spiritual potential.
This infusion of the COSMIC MIND then today is here to lift you to a higher plateau wherein your own transformational journeys will be further supported and more shifting and sorting can be accomplished. So when you have a new idea or concept spark your imagination, know that it is the COSMIC MIND sharing more of what you need to know and learn to apply for your own lives that you may continue to grow and be those beacons of LIGHT and LOVE to your brothers and sisters. Continue to receive as these words settle in. (Pause)
An inner TRUTH foundation is gaining strength. Let this inner TRUTH expand. Yes, it can be somewhat uncomfortable for a time when new energies are imparted into your systems of consciousness. There is what you call ‘growth pains’ as many bonds of resistance start to loosen, making room for more TRUTH-LIGHT to shine upon that which contains error and has deceived human consciousness in various ways. Let the TRUTH expand you! There is nothing to fear! And in doing so will you feel more empowered and recognize the effect that fear has had upon the way you think and feel. It is time to release this type of energy and the way it has impacted you.
But in this infusion today, let the TRUTH grow stronger, brighter, holier, making way for greater spirit substance to infuse your minds and render you more filled with a great abounding, bountiful love that will truly bring you deep satisfaction and purpose for living. (Pause)
Now you may engage with me if you wish. I invite your questions or concerns. You may stay in this meditative place however if you desire to remain in silence. (Pause)
My precious children, this season of growth as you sort that which is error into the truth of who you are and your relationship to creation brings you great joy. It will take some time for these endowments today to do their utmost to support your transformational journeys. But over time you will know notice that you have more receptivity for GOODNESS and TRUTH, and that your own inner desires of what you value will shift slightly towards the spiritual.
You are all growing in FAITH. You are all gaining a certain very solid trust in the goodness of the universe and your role in the continuum of LIFE. It is your birthright to grow in your comprehension of who you are and the expression of your beautiful personalities. You have certain divine birthrights that come from the Creator of all—to live, to love, and to learn. As you open to more of the COSMIC MIND these three rights will become more enhanced within your awareness and stimulate your creative imaginations to bring forth beautiful potentials within your personalities—to build noble characters, perform wonderful acts of loving service, to heal and transform this world.
As these energies integrate, trust in the forward momentum you perceive within, and know that you are always opening to that which is new, true, real and good as you filled with the substance of LIFE itself.
My blessings are upon you, my children, and I withdraw, leaving you in my LOVE. Good day!