2016-08-04-About Guidance
Topic: About Guidance
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Anyas
Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Guidance. How can someone be guided? It depends on the level of introspection exhibited by that individual. Due to so many placing the accent on the material side of their existence, they allow their physical senses to rule their life’s experiences. However, more often than not they turn out to be episodes of ‘misguidance’ — missed guidance.
“Your physical senses are meant to be your navigational instruments. Sadly, they are taken over by the desires for self-gratification rather than being put to higher service — to contribute to the sound development of your Higher Self.
“Even though many humans refute the existence of a spiritual reality, it does not make them immune to the influences from higher realms. They may not have gotten in touch with their spiritual side; yet they are connected to it as it is part of their organism. If you were to refuse to open your eyes and prevent them from guiding you through your physical reality, this self imposed handicap would be compensated by the sharpening of your hearing that will have to perform double duty.
“Just the same, Spirit will find ways to compensate for the lack of spiritual awareness of the creature. It will find ways to place meaningful clues in its path in order to awaken its innate curiosity and entice it to engage on its spiritual quest. It is, however, much easier for Spirit to work with a willing and collaborative creature than with one in a state of stubborn resistance.
“Dear children, it is a worthwhile endeavor to scrutinize your daily activities as to their content and to ask Spirit to help you sort through them so as to eliminate from your life the ones which are detrimental to your soul growth. Remember that you grow ‘experientially.’ This means that the best breeding ground for personal growth is to be actively engaged in your life and create worthwhile memories and meaningful achievements — your own, not those of others. Do not live your life by proxy or through the illusion of virtual reality, which has become a detrimental addiction for so many, putting them in a hypnotic state and causing them to neglect what would truly make a difference in their life: genuine relationships.
“Pray to be guided, guarded and protected. Follow your inner guidance knowing that loving parameters have been put in place and that you are safe in God’s Hands.”