2016-08-04-Mansonia Pets
Topic: Mansonia Pets
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Midwayer Mathew (33-3-33), Teacher Aaron of Urantia, Teacher Samuel of Panoptia
TR: George Barnard
Mathew: “There were long-ago ‘needful’ times on my home planet, too. Few difficulties at present, of course, for our world has for some time been qualified as being in the final stage of Light and Life and but for some of our kin assisting with routine human ‘translation’, we are all here on Urantia as a volunteer group.
“As do the Urantia Midwayers, we too can ‘pull’ an animal into our midway time-space reality and have a friendly and most docile pet as a companion for a time. Here is Teacher Aaron (Sandra Barnard’s Teacher)”.
Aaron: “This question about animals on the Mansion Worlds has been outstanding for a long time and even now, after all these years, what I am allowed to give you are partial answers only. However, it’s not all bad, for Mansonia is meeting your ‘pet wants’ and occasionally your ‘pet needs’ in a roundabout way. When your pets die, their minds return to the collective. Their personalities may or may not be reused in some way — that is unclear — but likely dependent on there being anything worthwhile about them.
“The pet animal you may receive on the Mansion World — if you will receive one at all — will not be a re-incarnation of the pet you knew on Urantia. It will likely look somewhat similar to your earthly friend, and probably behave in like manner, but it will not be a dog or cat or anything from your planet. It will be vegetarian and it will talk to you, smartly reminding you of things you may need to do and showing you the way to places you may need to visit. This is Aaron, who loves you both.”
Samuel: “This is Samuel, you two. I am reminding you of an eye-opener paper that came to hand prior to 1996. And if I mention the name of a lion called KOMERLI, you will well remember the detais of that event as described by a 13-year-old girl. We leave you now. Au revoir.”
Receiver’s Note: Here it is. I titled it: “Don’t be late, KOMERLI.” Find this exciting true story on the message board url below. It is a word-for-word copy of the original.