2016-08-05-About Gratitude and Understanding
Topic: About Gratitude and Understanding
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Frank and Alice, The Damascus Scribe (Sananda)
TR: George Barnard
- Edited by Linda Abell
Cherubim Frank: “Alice and Frank here. We are children of the Goddess who creates mind endowments for all creatures great and small. We are Nebadonia’s offspring and for many, many years and decades we have been studying the unbelievable diversity of Urantia’s human minds. Here to tell you about a quirky streak of some human minds — something Alice and I have personally witnessed — is none other than the Scribe.”
The Scribe: “This is the Scribe, announced by our upbeat Cherubim pair. When your Master Jesus resurrected and rose from this world, I appeared on Paradise and our Father bestowed upon me the personality you clearly sense and by which you recognize me so well. It was then I could say, ‘I AM,’ for until that moment in time I was divine, I was perfect and I had not made a single mistake for more than 100,000 years in space-time, but I lacked personalty. Suddenly I was now complete, an independent operator, fortunately still in the service of Whom I served earlier.
“I tell you this because I want you to realize how incredibly sudden a major spiritual upstepping can come about. In fact, you could already know, or my telling you could give you that ‘jolt of realization’ that you played a part in this upstepping, this awakening, this major change in direction and spiritual outlook. I remind you of the lady who was visibly beside herself.”
George: “Oh, God . . . I’ve got goosebumps thinking of her sitting there with a perfect version of herself right there beside her. Two of her! I fixed the problem with words from the Akashic Construct, I think. Don’t even know precisely what I said.”
The Scribe: “You were being guided. Everything was being brought together for you to be there in that restaurant, for you to be seated across from that lady at the long dining table, for you to even be there to later watch a life play that did not interrest you. It was essential for her to faint, practically into your arms and for capable hands to help you carry her to a rest room. It was also of importance for the perplexed usherette to witness the ‘spooky magic’ of what happened there — it sure opened her child-like mind, oh yes!
“Altogether, much was achieved with the lady’s TA first of all leaving her to portray the gray copy of herself sitting next to her and making her feel lost, deserted and incomplete. Then, during the treatment you gave her, the TA returned to her and she clearly understood that her God was now with her again. It was a spiritual upstepping, for with the return of her TA came the ultimate in gratitude and understanding.
“The other winners were her children. She took them away from the man who was not true to her and who was violent and a further danger to both her and her children. Here you see that the ultimate of her anger, her fear, her hurt and her hatred could be used even by the TA to, in a timely fashion, resolve an impasse and create unheard-of spiritual progress.
“Isn’t it surprising where one may find opportunism in His universes? I am the Scribe of Damascus. I love you all.”