2016-10-09-Healing First Nation Circuits
Topic: Healing First Nation Circuits
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Serena
TR: Leoma Sparer
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are so happy to be in your presence today. As we feel our energies joining together and merging with yours we become of one heart, one mind, and one soul. You know the desires of our hearts, the changes we want to see in this world, and most of all to be of service to help bring in the Magisterial Mission in actuality so we may work more diligently for change on this world. Prepare us now as we welcome all those present with us to hear, to receive. Thank you.
SERENA: Today it is Serena who speaks for I am closely associated with the transmitter. It is natural for her to both receive and give my energy signature, so today’s call may be a little different. Let us begin.
We do indeed know the deep desires of your hearts, the longing of your spirits to break free of the shackles that have bound you and held you in their grip for far too long. This is our journey with you to break you free. In your work with us you have often experienced that your personal growth connects you with what is needed for the collective consciousness of Urantia. It all goes hand in hand. Our purposes today are to join you energetically even more seamlessly with the uploading of information that comes from the Planetary Supreme.
Allow these words to bring energy into your being. The Planetary Supreme is in one sense a storage house of information and energy that supports the inhabitants of this world. Both the connection and the delivery of such information and energetic support have long been attenuated, subdued, even completely broken for most inhabitants here. It is time now to reconnect, to engender a relationship between humans and the earth. We have worked several years now with you to engender your relationship with the divine. Think not that this is any different. It is simply a different aspect, another realm, you may call it, of consciousness that has been nearly severed by the downstream effects of the Lucifer Rebellion. So in these times of correction this one area is yet to be healed. So for these next few moments let us concentrate on the words PLANETARY SUPREME to begin opening your energetic being to receive from that energy system. (Pause)
My sisters and I are well equipped to assist Urantians in weaving these energies and this knowledge into your personal energy systems. So in the next few moments allow us please to weave more of these energies into your systems. (Pause)
All of Urantia’s first nations or indigenous peoples have for thousands of years known and understood and in fact dwelled within the Planetary Supreme’ s energies and knowledge. It is no surprise to them that there is a returning now—the seeking of others to find out what knowledge they hold and can teach others as part of this time of correction. Some are beginning to awaken to the need for this to occur. Relationships of earth, sky, and water, of all living things, have never been broken for those who have held on to the indigenous ways of their ancestors. This knowledge is not lost. It remains within the tree, the blade of grass, the bird, the bear.
It only needs to be allowed to share its information, its energies of being in harmony with the Creator, with the First Source and Center, to allow those teachings of energy to reach through the fog that has been created by the downstream effects of the Lucifer Rebellion, to reach back into the planetary psyche to remember, to re-member, to put back together, those memories, those teachings of spirit so that they can be brought forward again to be uploaded from the Planetary Supreme and the Earth Mother.
So now for the next few moments we ask you to open yourselves to allow the reception of more of these energies held within the Planetary Supreme. For this focus, if you find it to be helpful, you may use the words EARTH MOTHER or whatever suits your imagination to connect. (Pause)
Now let us elevate our attention and our energy presence to the divine realm to enjoin all of these energies and this knowledge that you have allowed to permeate your energy systems to connect more clearly with that of the Divine Presence. It is all one energy, of course, but in consciousness allow these to merge in your personal consciousness. Sense the unity, the harmony within all of these energies of existence. (Pause)
Into you, Divine Father and Divine Mother, we lift our hearts, we lift our spirits, we lift our gratitude for the abundance, the harmony within all things you have provided and continue to provide every moment. You have blessed all on Urantia with many things now to be awakened within, to be rediscovered and embraced. We thank you for this time of remembering, bringing back together all those things that have been disassociated including relationships with the divine as well as with each other. Thank you for answering the call and yearnings of Urantians hearts to be free, to have true liberty and sovereignty that is fully aligned with in your divine power and presence.
So now we direct all of this attention, all of these beautiful energies to all of Urantia, for all of her inhabitants, past, present, and future, for all are linked as one. There is a great a web-like highway, if you will, system gaining strength and connectivity within the consciousness of the planet. In the indigenous traditions they would see it as a spider web joining at many points and creating a grand design that is congruent with nature and the divine, for they are one and the same. If you would like now, visualize that great web work as being full of light and surrounding Urantia. Let us all lend our energies to see that grow in strength, in power, and in light. We will amplify the offerings of your hearts and souls. Let us begin. (Pause)
Before the worlds began, our beautiful Spirit Mother Nebadonia, held open the space for the coagulation and intentions of energies to begin the physical process of creating a world and all that is on it. The spark of life and the sacred breath enlivened all that dwells within and upon the planet. She creates that same sacred space within each mortal wherein light and love and truth can dwell, wherein our abiding Spirit, the indwelling fragment of God can inform and energize that which is held by Mother Spirit to help each one to grow and to seek to live in harmony with all that is.
So now we have come full circle in our time together today to now focus again within the individual to see each of you enlivened by that spark within, to flow more of that sacred breath into your being. So again allow yourself to receive. As you receive allow my sisters and I to weave this more into your energy systems. (Pause)
A great circle of life, which the indigenous peoples know of and experience every day, is being restored into the hearts and minds of many. Thank you for participating today and for lending your heart-felt energies to restore this within the collective consciousness. It is an integral part of the stream of which all are a part. So we leave you in this manner today, thanking you, appreciating all that you do to uplift your planet and yourselves in these wondrous times of transformation. Good day.