2017-01-14-Energies of Change
Topic: Energies of Change
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Mother and Father, as we open ourselves to your presence today may we feel that deep inner peace and relaxation of mind and body to help us further imprint upon what you provide to us today. You are our divine Sources and we are grateful to be your children and to receive what you so generously provide to us. As we open ourselves to you now, may we receive what we need to continue to grow and transform our lives in Spirit, growing closer to our Indwelling Spirits to perceive the guidance of Father Within. Thank you so much for this opportunity. May your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children and peace be unto you! This is Michael. You are heading into more tumultuous times of change. Many things are coming to light in the forefront of your consciousness of these energies of CHANGE to help you grow in Spirit comprehension and in the greater truths of reality of which your world is a part. You know from your study of your Urantia text that there is an evolving nature of God and that you actually participate in co-creating this evolutionary Deity.
Part of your responsibility as a child of God is to become aware of this evolutionary Deity and how you participate in its evolution—the growth of the Supreme level which will one day render the universe perfectly stable and coordinated in divine WILL. The entire universe is cooperating and participating in this unfolding, and your part is very important. Everyone has a role to play, and the more you become aware of who you are as a child of God, the more will you recognize the inner urgings to co-create the WILL of God in this evolving Godhead.
All worlds participate in this evolving, evolutionary Deity. All life participates in this. While your world has suffered a setback for many millennia, this is all being corrected now, and you are, as you say, getting back on track to evolve in the natural order of things as deemed by the creative plans your Mother and I have set forth for this particular world.
What we are here to provide to you today, are certain circuits of LIFE and LOVE and LIGHT to help you grow, and to help you in your connections to this evolving planetary Divine Mind. The more you open to us, the greater spiritual energy we can flow into your minds to help you outwork that which is still attached or attributed to patterns of the past that have thwarted your spiritual progression.
When you lose your attachments to this evolutionary mind, you are actually not only liberating yourselves from the energies of the rebellion, but you provide more space in the circuits of mind for your brothers and sisters to also perceive a higher way of truth and goodness. The human heart longs for this liberation. The spiritual pressure on the planet is speaking to the heart and helping you awaken as a collective body of consciousness to this evolving Godhead—the Divine Mind of the planet—wherein you become more effective as sons and daughters of God, and more motivated to be of service to us to help your brothers and sisters awaken and participate more fully on their spiritual paths.
With that being said then, all you need to do today is to feel your desire to be more operative in these circuits of the Supreme. You may not fully understand or appreciate the significance of this. But the Spirit Within is ready to translate these higher cosmic truths into your understanding to help you grow in comprehension of what this means for your own individual lives. All we ask you to do today is to feel your desire to receive what we provide to you, that this higher mind may have more room to function in your own individual systems of consciousness, and give you a great lift upward and inward of the presence of the Divine Within.
This will also foster you on your path to greater self-mastery. There is much information to be gleaned the more you operate in this higher planetary mind. But that will be for your discovery, and you will delight as you are edified in this, and gain great awareness over time of your role and rightful place in this fabric of the Divine Mind of the planet. If it is helpful for you to focus today, simply focus on the words CIRCUITS OF THE SUPREME. Let this settle over your hearts as your Mother and I move in you now my beloved children. (Pause)
Each one of you has a particular role to play in this evolving Deity consciousness of the planet. It is as if every thought of love, every feeling of love, every act of love leaves an indelible mark upon this Supreme Mind of the planet. Some individuals become aware of this circuit and do much to support its growth. We encourage you to become more beholden to this idea that you may be more consciously aware of your privileges and responsibilities to grow this circuit.
Most humans of this world are still slumbering in spiritual darkness and have yet to awaken to their own rightful place and contribution to this. But the Spirit Within knows your potential and applies pressure upon your minds to help you open to higher cosmic truths that you may enjoy greater participation in this circuit of the Supreme, and live lives that are truly a joy to behold, not only from the celestial level, but from the human level.
There is so much drudgery in material living, as you well know, so why not become more aware of your responsibility and privilege to grow this evolutionary Deity that you may feel more joy. Let go of doubt and fear, and come into a more simplified way of living. There is much to be gained as you grow in this circuit of the Supreme and it happens slowly. By and large, you are not aware of the growth that you are gaining, but you see it from time to time when you are in situations when your behavior is more positive, and your thoughts are clean and pure of any negativity. So continue to focus on these circuits of the Supreme as we move in you, letting your hearts open, letting your minds relax, as more Spirit is imprinted upon your energy systems. (Pause)
The evolution of human consciousness to the higher realms occurs within the growth of this Supreme circuitry. Each individual along this evolutionary trajectory plays a part, from the earliest times of intelligent life to the apex of the era of Light and Life wherein people are fully aligned in the WILL of Spirit and operating in a higher way. Your planet is on Her way, and it will be your delight to become more fully invested in this fabric of consciousness.
We encourage you to become more aware of your responsibility to this. How much do you wish to participate in the growth of the Supreme? You can direct these questions and desires to the Father's Presence Within that you may be more expertly guided in this direction. There is no limitation as to how far you can grow in this circuit during your human lifetime because the potentials within your material lives are very vast. So few people truly reach their potential of expression of their creative gifts.
But it is up to you whether or not to make use of what you have been given, and you only need to come to me, not only as your Father, but as your brother Jesus, for I too participated in the growth of this Supreme circuit during my human lifetime. I left my mark upon this circuit, and you can tap into it when you are in need. When you come upon situations in your lives wherein you have questions and may not know the way, I will help you. This circuit is available to you as it is to all individuals of this world. But most people are unaware, and so they cannot take advantage of what is there for them to perceive and gain strength in their own inner sense of who they are.
But as you learn about this circuit and as you grow in it, you will come into a deeper appreciation of how you can tap in, as you say, and perceive greater truths of cosmic reality. As these words settle in, let these energies go deeper. Let these circuits open you to greater truths within your energy systems that you may shake off the past and the influences of the lower mind, and be upstepped in the higher levels of planetary consciousness impinging upon the Divine. (Pause)
Urantian consciousness is changing, my children. You are participating in this great change, and I encourage you to become more aware of how you participate: the quality of your thoughts, the integrity of your feelings. Let this be a time when your minds truly elevate to the higher realms that you may not only perceive greater truths, but delight in your souls shining forth. This is where your souls reside for a time while you are here.
Let yourselves enjoy these times of change, and fear not what you see outworking, for it is the shadows of the past coming into the light for exposure and transmutation. You only have to call on us when you feel these energies move through you. Let the past be released, that the divine ways may be further imprinted on your energy systems, and help you leave a greater mark upon the Supreme level of human consciousness upon this planet.
I withdraw now to leave you in the capable hands of your Mother, who will speak to you. Thrive in my LOVE, my children. Let the fears of the past no longer be a part of your energy systems that you may grow and gain in faith in the process of evolving your consciousness in the Divine Mind gaining strength upon Urantia. My blessings are upon you. Be in my PEACE. Good day.
NEBADONIA: My precious children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! Yes, you are all a part of this wonderful fabric of the Divine Mind of Urantia. Take your rightful place in Her. She is your evolutionary Mother, and this circuit of consciousness is your home. You will still live in two worlds for a while, the material and the spiritual, but more and more you will feel the urgings of the Spirit helping you elevate your thoughts to this higher realm where you will actually live in the world but not be a part of it.
Life becomes so much simpler and you will find that the desires that plague so many—the pressures of material life that so many of your brothers and sisters are beholden to will no longer taste well within you and it will be easy to let that go. You will find that your quality of relationships improve, your desires to be of help to your brothers and sisters expand, as well as your own interests and mastering yourselves and learning more about who you are as children of God that you may express your personalities more creatively and freely.
What joy you provide to us as your Parents when we see you grow in this way! What joy you will feel within, and what a blessing you are to your brothers and sisters as you pass by and share your love with them. Again, there is nothing you need do other than to focus on your desires to gain more placement in this growing evolutionary circuit of the Supreme. We are here to help you receive those circuits of LIFE that will foster your development in this way. As I continue to move in you and through you, simply open to me and feel your desire to be held more fully in the embrace of your Divine Mother Urantia, the aligned planetary consciousness in the Father's WILL. (Pause)
The more you gain strength in your awareness of your role and participation in this evolving Godhead, the more you will provide space in the circuits of human consciousness to evolve in this way as well. It is, as you say, a win-win situation for your world. What you are releasing from your own consciousness is the memory energy of certain ideologies and behaviors that have curtailed your growth in a collective way. The scourge of war diminishes in scope. The stain of poverty and the specter of illness and disease lessen in its influence around the world. And instead, what is replaced is a greater understanding of cosmic laws and divine truths to stimulate human creativity and imagination, to bring in those discoveries that truly support the flourishing of all life here from the plant forms to animal and human life.
So you see my children, there is much to be gained the more you become aware of your role in this evolving Supreme consciousness. And while we understand that you are growing, place no expectation upon yourselves to truly understand this all at once. It is a gradual awakening of your role, and over time you will see the gains you have made when you look back. Little by little, you are losing the imprint of the lower animal nature and each day you are making gains in your divine nature coming closer to more intimate, direct and conscious communication with your Spirit and with us as your Parents.
And how we delight in seeing you grow and develop as mighty and noble sons and daughters of God. Oh such joy! Such joy you give to my Mother's heart! And I share that joy with you, and it is yours to engage with, feel, and experience to the depths of your beings—to the cores of your essences. Sit with this now and let these energies resonate even deeper that you may outwork and release more of what holds you back and become more fully integrated and aligned in this circuit of the Supreme. (Pause)
Your Mother Urantia holds your consciousness. Some parts are still beholden to the lower levels, but more and more you will experience the yearnings and urgings of your heart to grow in your Evolutionary Mother. Let this be a time to make great gains in your understanding, your experiences, and your living inner realities of the Spirit Within.
Do not be surprised when some new thoughts come your way throughout your activities. If it is helpful, keep a notepad by your side that you may record some higher thoughts to stimulate you and provide you comfort and direction throughout your day. Trust that your mind is indeed evolving to a higher level and that human enlightenment is one of the goals of your integration into this fabric of the Supreme.
Never doubt how you are being urged forward and inward, my children, and it is a journey that will bring you such peace and happiness that most humans of this world never achieve. But you will demonstrate that this is possible to them and help them outwork that which no longer serves them, that they may participate in this wonderful adventure of growing the Supreme on this beloved world.
I will leave you now in this manner, but truly I am always in you, and the Spirit Within is ever moving you in the direction of growth and comprehension of who you are and your cosmic responsibilities and the privileges of being a son and daughter of God. Enjoy these energies wherever they take you, and look for new opportunities to serve large and small wherever they may come. My blessings are upon you my children and I wish you a most wonderful, joyful good day!