2017-01-22-Imprinting Upon Mother Nebadonia
Topic: Imprinting Upon Mother Nebadonia and the Planetary Supreme
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are grateful for this opportunity to connect with you and with one another in support of the Magisterial Mission. As you combine our energies into one circuit in this heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit to spirit connection, may we be guided to focus where we will do the most good in support of planetary healing and the Magisterial Mission. As we offer ourselves up to you, may our celestial helpers come forward and begin to do the circuitry weaving necessary for more love and light to heal this world. We are here to act in your WILL and may it be done. Thank you.
MONJORONSON: Greetings to one and all, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson. I am pleased to join you in today’s call as you have been faithfully working with us collaborating in these circuits of consciousness for more transformation to be perceived within the human constructs of mind.
I am here today with a message of hope and encouragement. We understand that many hearts are heavy due to some of the political activities underway on your world. I invite you to elevate your perspective to the agenda of the Correcting Time wherein Michael’s plans of correction are being implemented into the constructs of human consciousness. Never before upon Urantia has there been such spiritual pressure. Never before have the circuits of the heart received so much imprinting from your Divine Mother to awaken to the truth of who you are as children of God and your rightful place in the universe of Nebadon.
The human heart has been heavy with error and feelings of abandonment and betrayal, and what you see outworking is the years, generations, and millennia of these rebellion ways being perceived by many, and it is designed for people to make more conscious choices to reject what they perceive in their hearts and to find the Father Within that will lead them on the path of truth and righteousness.
You have been participating in this call for many years now, and we appreciate so much what you have provided to us of your heart energies to increase the spiritual frequency on the planet. And so, in today’s message and infusion, I encourage you to remain hopeful and positive in what you see being outworked through the circuits of human consciousness. You have been focusing on your Mother and the great planetary Mother of your Planetary Supreme Mind and there are many adjustments being made in this circuit of your evolutionary consciousness to help you become more fully participatory in the growth of the Planetary Supreme through the action of your Mother Nebadonia. So, what is there to fear, my brethren?
I ask you to consider this and to consider your own emotions, your own perceptions and comprehensions. When you have doubts, you are always invited to turn to your Divine Parents and to the Father’s presence within for that steady internal hand to guide you in the rightful direction of perception and feeling. Let go of despair, rise above judgment, be patient and kind with one another, and above all, learn to love more fully each and every day. There is much to be outworked in your planetary consciousness and each person is responsible for his or her own spiritual development.
Now you know this, but we encourage you to become more mindful of this that you may participate in the growth of the Planetary Supreme Mind and operate more fully from that domain in your own lives. This will, in turn, provide you with more hope and encouragement that things are indeed on the mend. With that being said, then let us move into these infusions from your Mother and the Planetary Supreme that you may not only receive, but you also may share those energies as we focus into the collectives in a few moments.
My mission is here to bring MERCY and TRUTH and to help you in the establishment of the heavenly culture upon Urantian consciousness. So feel your desires for this. Let your hearts swell with hope and joy that the rightful ways are being reestablished upon Urantia and that order will come from this current chaos that you now see. Invite your Mother Nebadonia to order your minds that you may be more aligned in the presence of your Father. And if it is helpful to maintain that inner gaze while we move in these circuits, you may focus on the words MOTHER’S LOVE or any attenuation of Her name. Whatever is the most conducive to your maintaining that internal focus, let your gaze settle upon that from your heart center and we will move in these circuits now, my brethren. (Pause)
The healing of the human circuits of mind is of paramount importance during this Correcting Time. We provide you with the energies of LOVE and LIGHT and LIFE for you to use in your own upstepping for those misaligned energies in your minds and bodies to be gently altered that you may flow in divine GRACE and BEAUTY. But it is up to you to decide how deeply you want to be transformed in your Mother and Father and to be guided more consciously and directly by the Father’s presence within. No one can make that decision for you. But we do provide you the means by which you can accomplish this, and we place no judgment upon you whether or not you choose this path. The way is opened; it is up to you to walk this faithfully each day.
There are times when there is resistance within the human energy system that thwarts you on this path. But that resistance is not insurmountable, and you only have to turn to us to help you see what holds you back: what habits of thinking and feeling, what situations of the past have prevented you from seeing through the eyes of truth and goodness, forgiveness and mercy? We understand that this is challenging at times but do not forget that Spirit is greater than any human problem and that there is always a way through any difficulty you encounter in your lives.
Feel your need for your Mother to help you with any corrections you may need. Appeal to your Father Michael for His validation of who you are as His son and daughter that you may grow in comprehension of who you are in your own personhood as a child of God. Let these energies continue to move in you as these words deepen upon your minds and help you form more spiritualized ways of thinking and perceiving your reality. (Pause)
As your Mother continues to move in and through you, let the gaze from your heart encircle the globe, asking for Mother’s action to move into the circuits of the Planetary Supreme. We will add what we can from where you gaze from your hearts. And if you wish to use that visualization of the spiral of energy of MOTHER’S ACTION moving around the planet, counter-clockwise, feel free to do so. What is most significant to us is that you feel your desire for your Mother’s presence to gain greater space and stature within the circuits of evolutionary mind that the Planetary Supreme may function more consistently throughout these evolutionary circuits. We continue to add from our end. You are helping us to seed into these collective circuits now. (Pause)
There is great change moving through the circuits of planet’s consciousness now, my brethren. You have seen evidence of this and there is more to come. Where you wish to see spiritual change, take a few moments to place that heart-felt gaze upon any circumstance, condition, relationship, or geographic region as we follow your gaze. Invite your MOTHER’S ACTION to be imparted into that particular area of focus, but also let yourselves feel love for whatever it is that you are gazing upon that Her ACTION may be best applied. (Pause)
Do you appreciate what is occurring upon Urantia? Do you see with the eyes of Spirit through the chaos into the action of your Mother bathing this world? I say this to you because there is more trouble to come and it will require this spiritual perception to see beyond the material into what is truly occurring during this particular phase of the Correcting Time. The stage is set for great things to occur, but it is occurring through human action—the changed heart, the liberated mind, and it is up to you to decide how much you wish to participate in this.
In the coming days I encourage you to spend more time in stillness communion with your Fathers’ presence that you may be more expertly guided in your thoughts and feelings and behaviors to stay the course of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY in your actions and conduct with your brothers and sisters. Remember you are all responsible and responsive to the Planetary Supreme, and we will help you to the degree that we can but it is you who must do the internal work to maintain your spiritual focus through these times of change.
Please join with us now as we lift this beautiful world up to the Paradise Father in appreciation for the divine plan being reestablished upon Urantia, and be grateful for your role in how the Father’s presence within is directing your participation in this Correcting Time. Let us spend these final moments together in appreciation for the Father’s divine plans moving upon Urantia, restoring LOVE and LIFE through His Paradise LIGHT through the ACTION of your Mother. (Pause)
As we descend back to Urantian consciousness, may these circuits of LOVE ever embrace Urantia and build the Father’s WILL upon this planet through the ACTION of your Mother. Stay strong and steady in Her. Appeal to your Father Michael, when you are in need of more of His PEACE and PATIENCE and COUNSEL and WISDOM to guide you. There is much being outworked now and it requires strong and steady men and women to hold this spiritual focus and participate in the growth of the Planetary Supreme that these circuits may imprint deeper upon the human system of consciousness and be a healing balm to all life here. (Pause)
Live your days wisely, my brethren, that the Father’s presence within you may guide you more expertly each day. We are with you as you go about this sacred time of change and growth upon Urantia as the laborers in the fields of service and love, and we are with you when you minister to your brothers and sisters in this way. Thank you for your participation, and be in the Father’s PEACE. Good day!