2017-01-29-Human Justice versus Universal Justice
Topic: Human Justice versus Universal Justice
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Ophelius
TR: Chris Maurus
Chris: “Teachers, a request has been made by a reader if you could please discourse on Human (criminal) Justice, and Universal Justice — the problems, the benefits, and the differences, respectfully in that order?
Teacher Ophelius: “Dear One, you might think about Universal justice as the very best and most merciful part of your justice system, but without Deception, Corruption, Ego, and Politics (DCEP). If any of you had been summoned to be a juror at a criminal trial, you would get a glimpse at foundational justice as it was conceived by your society — to be ‘fair and impartial’ as you are being briefed by the judge of the court. Soon after this briefing, you begin to see how the politics and partiality set in because of the many factors that muddy the system having to do with human nature as it stands today. Human justice is ‘micro’ and has more to do with penalty, punishment, and victim recompense for an individual, a group, or society for the life as it is lived on the earth. Universal justice is both ‘micro and macro’ — it is super-human and has to do with mercy and healing — moving all things forward toward a greater destiny.
“In defense of your crude system, you must realize that you are dealing with truth and perception — something very subjective and seldom pure. Because you cannot read the mind of a defendant nor see into his soul to extract the true intention, you must deal with deception and perception — which includes the prejudice and judgment of other ‘stakeholders’ related to the case and the defendant — all of which DCEP finally finds its way to fill in the gaps between the facts. In the end, the jury must decide on the fate of the defendant based on this subjective story where defense and prosecution must convince the jury ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ and try to serve justice to the satisfaction of the laws of society. The biggest problem with the system is how the missing pieces are filled in, and is it free from emotional and political interests?
“Simply put, the less DCEP you have in the process, the more likely are you to have a fair and impartial outcome. This can only improve as the moral character (spiritual IQ) of society itself improves.
“Universal Justice, on the other hand, is nearly instantaneous because the soul of an individual, after he or she passes on into the afterlife, is an open book — there is no deception — the true intent is known and the vibration of that soul determines where on the journey they shall continue from. They shall have a life review and see the comparison between the life plan as compiled by the Thought Adjuster (guidance) and the actual life lived by the free will choice of the individual. They shall have much time and opportunity to compare the two and extract the meanings and values and ultimately discover what the path of correction is to remedy those things that impinged on the will of other souls during their life in the flesh. Those ‘ripples’ created by the individual will have to come to rest with all life in the universe at some point.
“Mercy is exhaustively pursued to the nth degree when remedial paths are considered by the judiciary bodies that aid in the healing of an individual soul and how best they can contribute co-creatively to the Great Plan, if they so choose to continue. Even those who have committed the most heinous of crimes while on Earth shall find a calculable remedy should they accept this path of correction. It is imperative that souls come to an understanding of where they are with respect to the entire organism of life in the universe and where they fit into this coalescing and progressing organism — the progression of all beings and systems to answer the call of the Universal Father, ‘Be you perfect, as I AM perfect.’ Universal justice is mostly beyond human understanding but if you begin to use the soul mind of the universe citizen, you may see the differences between the crudeness of human justice and the merciful goodness of universal justice as it relates to the eternal adventure.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”