2017-02-05-A Lesson on Connectedness
Topic: On Connectedness
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
The Beloved One: “Any day is a wonderful day to be alive, when on awakening one feels connected to the Creator, and a song of thanksgiving rises in the human breast about being alive. Included in this connection is also the appreciation of knowing that there is more to life than just what is visible to the 'naked eye'. Material eyes on their own, indeed, saw so very little until instruments were developed which permitted human eyes to penetrate the mysteries of creation.
“There are far more hidden senses within the human mind which are so very slowly being discovered, and are present in varying degrees. The 'inner eye' or ‘inner seeing’ is usually more developed in the visually impaired as they miss out on the distractions of the ‘outer world’ and have therefore more occasion to be connected to life itself because this mundane aspect is missing.
“Allow me to discuss some of this inner connectedness, which is far more real as it is part of a well-developed intuition which is usually connected to trust and belief, leading to faith and an inner knowing. Knowingness is the well-developed connection to the Source of all life, which remains as yet hidden from humanity. It is through the prompting of the Thought Adjuster within and the longing in the evolving human soul which feels the ‘pull’ to God, and seeks to know the Source of its existence.
“That precious connection to the Creator is established through human free will; even though the connection from the Creator to the creature has always been in existence. At that first moment in time when the human realizes more fully the awesome and precious existence of the Creator as fact is; because the inner connection is becoming more actively alive through the seeking on the part of the creature which has set this search in motion.
“As with all relationship connections in life, make sure that it remains a vital and an energetic living and growing connection as you express this in your life with all other relationships. This cannot be otherwise. As time goes by, you will come to know other creatures, who also crave this connection to their Source, as this gives the only stability in a very unstable world. Many hungry and so-called ‘lost souls’ harbor an inexpressible longing to be ‘plugged in’ and to be connected to something greater than themselves. They have yet to start flexing their ‘faith muscles’ in any and all situations, in which they find themselves.
“It takes time for the under-used muscles of trust and faith to gain strength and vitality but the Vital Spark from the Creator within is always waiting to encourage each one if they will only take the time to seek.
“The Spirit of Truth will guide each one in all truth and the Holy Spirit will help on request; to open the hearts and minds, so the soul can receive the nurturing it needs to grow, and so hopefully inspire the mortal to lead an actively connected life to the Source within and at the same time learn to actively seek the Will of God through loving service to others.”