2017-03-05-What About Health

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Topic: What About Health?

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Midwayer Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8)

TR: Valdir Soares



Dr. Mendoza: “Much of the lack of more effective health on Urantia is due to the incomplete Adamic Bestowal on the human races. Although the Andonic race was mostly pure, being the first race on Urantia, it lacked cosmic insight and effective resistance against diseases. Caligastia’s One Hundred gave humanity its first genetic boost with their superior plasma; however, the decisive one, the Adamic genetic up-stepping program was, unfortunately, aborted by Adam and Eve’s default. Since then, Health on Urantia is not a given, but rather a struggle, a result of an aleatory genetic inheritance, and social and scientific achievements.

Physical Health on Urantia has many variables, including geo-social ones; very often, good or bad health depends on income and location. Secondary Midwayers, like me, are in nature closer to humans than the Primary Midwayers, our lighter cousins. Accordingly, we have on Urantia a contingent specializing in physical healing, to which I belong. We have powers to manipulate material realities; we can, and sometimes do, physical healings. Our occupation is to attend human needs all over the world. Although we are lightning fast, we cannot help with all healing needs; therefore, we minister according to specific criteria from our superiors.

Psychological Health also is within our capabilities. We have access to the mind circuits, and with permission of your Thought Adjusters and your Guardian Angels it is possible for us to give you some insights to help with your psychological needs, including in situations of death. We may appear in human form and interact directly with our patients, sometimes engaging in informal or formal counseling, sometimes interacting with them subliminally, passing along suggestions that will help them with solutions to their problems. However, we do respect free will.

Spiritual Health is our most important involvement. When working in this area we have to deal with the human mores and religious beliefs — incredibly diverse on Urantia — not only in religions, but mostly in what individuals actually believe. Without favor to any evolutionary religion, we always try to propagatethe Master’s teachings in all faiths. We mostly try to reinforce our birthright from the Father and obedience to His will within the beliefs people already espouse. Sometimes, we may operate ‘miracles’ with this goal in sight, and some of us, at times, even join you in your worship services.


“Therefore, my friend, Midwayers are very concerned about all aspects of human health. However, in general, each individual can do more for himself than we can. Aside of inherited diseases, physical deformities and accidents, most of the health care is about what you ingest and lifestyle. It’s imperative that Urantians realize the importance of an everyday healthy diet, exercises and rest. Addictions are scientifically proved to all be harmful to your health. Self-control, then, is a practice to be learned by everyone. The improvement of social conditions, especially infra-structure, will improve health conditions. I am your friend, Dr. Mendoza. Be blessed.”


This message came to me after I received an “888” prompt, the number I assigned to Dr. Mendoza. This was the first time I received a message from him. I use various prompts as a kind of ‘note’ or ‘call’ from my Teachers.