2017-07-09-Spiritual Liberty and Divine Justice
Topic: Spiritual Liberty & Divine Justice
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Manotia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this opportunity to collaborate with one another and the Planetary Seraphic Corps for the transformation of Urantian consciousness. As we settle into our hearts, let our desires to be of service to you and our seraphim swell to new heights of love and devotion that what we generate from our hearts may be put to your purposes. Thank you for connecting us heart to heart, soul to soul, Spirit to Spirit. We offer ourselves to our seraphic corps now. May your WILL be done as we focus where we are guided. Thank you so much.
MANOTIA: My dear brothers and sisters, welcome to this time together this day. This is Manotia and I anticipate this call to be one of great collaboration between humans and seraphim as we work for the liberation of human consciousness from the rebellion mindset and agenda.
I invite you to think about this term “liberty” which you have some type of understanding. Most of you on this call live in the country of the United States, whose founding principle of liberty has rung resoundingly within the human heart. Liberty is a divine ideal, but it is a little bit of a different definition than what you have come to commonly understand. It does not confer unlimited, unrestricted access to all of the powers of creation, but it is a form of being able to enjoy your own freedom of expression that you are given as a child of the Father.
You are imbued with SPIRITUAL LIBERTY and it is in today’s infusion that I invite you to focus on this idea of SPIRITUAL LIBERTY that it may be generated from your heart centers to be applied in the circuits of human consciousness where it will produce change for the good of all Urantians. This works hand in hand with the qualities and concept of DIVINE JUSTICE.
But, as we begin I invite you to take in this ideal of SPIRITUAL LIBERTY into your hearts. Let it stimulate within you certain energies which the presence of the Father Within you can use to augment the spiritual energies you provide to us today. Sit with this for a few moments, inviting your Spirits to help you to conceive this concept and ideal of SPIRITUAL LIBERTY from the Father’s perspective. (Pause)
As the ideals and concepts of SPIRITUAL LIBERTY circulate through your minds and hearts, feel your desire for this to be more fully imbued into the circuits of Urantian consciousness. Allow your hearts to expand, and if you feel constriction there ask Mother to gently open you more to this ideal of SPIRITUAL LIBERTY that you may convey this from your hearts now as we take this and apply it where we see the need for this to function throughout your world’s consciousness. Of course, as usual you may use that familiar visualization of spiraling this ideal around the planet in that familiar counter-clockwise rotation, but what is most helpful is for you to feel the desire for the spiritual liberation of Urantian consciousness and that it may ring resoundingly within the circuits of the human heart and the Spirit of Truth. We continue. (Pause)
What you generate from your hearts of this divine ideal for us to provide to the circuits of Urantian consciousness is an expansion for the foundation of the spiritual values of TRUTH, GOODNESS and BEAUTY to have more room to function within the human heart system. The more people desire these divine ideals, the greater receptivity is within the circuits of the collective consciousness for this to predominate in the circuits of mind.
So many individuals of this world are still mired in fear, doubt, and confusion about who they are as a child of God. What you are generating today is so helpful and instrumental to move into those circuits where there still resides this insecurity of their status. This will help people to awaken more to who they are that they may perceive themselves in the Father’s perspective and to know that they are beloved sons and daughters.
Human insecurity creates so much fear and distortion within an individual’s perception of self. It is intended through this infusion of SPIRITUAL LIBERTY to help these individuals to awaken to the truth and beauty and goodness of who they are that they may respond to their own Spirit’s inner call and begin to see themselves more as children of God. This will not be easy for many individuals because they may feel certain emotions of guilt and shame tied to certain belief systems. So do your best to maintain that desire that these individual receive this infusion of SPIRITUAL LIBERTY that they may awaken to Spirit and know of the deep love within which they exist. Continue your focusing as you are guided, as you maintain that ideal of SPIRITUAL LIBERTY within the eyes of your heart. (Pause)
Seeded deeply within each individual is the awareness of Spirit. And as you continue to invite these energies of SPIRITUAL LIBERTY to envelope the planet in various places, we invite you to also add the focus on DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail. These two ideals form what you might call a synergistic bond. As you focus the desire for DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail upon the planet we can add it into the desire for SPIRITUAL LIBERTY. They function co-creatively together to help more people to respond to the internal spiritual pressure that calls them forth into a new way to perceive themselves and their reality, the way in which they understand the environment around them and their inner perceptions.
It is part of, you might say, “taking off the blinders” of human perception to perceive the great truths of the Father’s LOVE for His children and Michael’s MERCY being applied here in the circuits of your Holy Mother Spirit. Simply add this desire for DIVINE JUSTICE to reign here now as we continue to focus on those areas where we know it will take good root and produce fruits of the Spirit in human consciousness. (Pause)
As the rebellion mindset loses its grasp upon the circuits of human consciousness many people will awaken to new truths and ideals of the Father’s LOVE. Many people may feel the pangs of guilt and shame as they become aware of the implications and ramifications of their actions that have not been aligned in the Father’s WILL. When you are confronted with these individuals who may come before you as opportunities for service, be loving and gentle with them. Invite them to open their hearts. Invite them to speak what is troubling them with patient heart-felt listening on your part that you may have an opportunity to convey something of a higher nature and value to render them more receptive to receiving the Father’s LOVE.
Help them to see beyond the human frailties of their misguided actions and decisions to a realm where the Father’s MERCY, FORGIVENESS, and UNDERSTANDING lead them into more compassion for themselves that they may grow to have more understanding of themselves and begin to understand that this love, forgiveness, and compassion is available to all individuals. While many of you still struggle with your own limitations having various types of material problems, emotional disturbances, and mental anxieties, we simply encourage you to bring these to your Father each and every day that you may continue to grow in your understanding of SPIRITUAL LIBERTY and of the plans of Michael taking deeper root here in the correction of Urantian consciousness.
There is so much being outworked now, my brothers and sisters, that it would be very difficult to describe to you all of the changes we see occurring. We have asked you to trust in the MERCY and GOODNESS of Michael as He steers this world to its glorious destiny. This world is in His hands, and it is His LOVE that releases the energies of SPIRITUAL LIBERTY and DIVINE JUSTICE through the circuits of your Mother to take deeper root within your minds and heart to elevate you into new planes of exploration in the realm of Spirit.
Continue to focus on SPIRITUAL LIBERTY and DIVINE JUSTICE for the next few moments as we continue to move in your hearts and the energies you generate from them to apply them where they will produce the most good. (Pause)
My dear brethren, this is truly a remarkable age in which you live. The blinders of human perception are dissolving that you may perceive the Spirit Within and know more of Michael’s TRUTH that He wishes to convey to you. Stay focused on your spiritual paths. Make this the priority for your life. Take the time you need to practice your stillness, to contact your Spirit, and to pray for more change to be imbued throughout Urantian consciousness through these circuits of SPIRITUAL LIBERTY, DIVINE JUSTICE, GOODNESS, MERCY, TRUTH AND LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL. When you do this you add more spiritual vitality to the growing Planetary Supreme Mind. You provide a more fertile environment for our work to become more effective that we may move into various areas of seraphic involvement to build the Father’s WILL.
We thank you for your participation and collaboration. We have completed our objectives for today. We are deeply grateful that you have developed yourselves to the point where you can consciously, willingly, devotedly collaborate with us. And we will be there in your stillness when you focus on the planet and ask for more healing to occur. This is part of your responsibility as a cosmic citizen, and when you do this you truly do more good than you know.
In the coming days when you feel more of that internal spiritual pressure simply go within and ask the question, “Where do you wish me to focus? What can I do in service to the greater good of this beautiful world?”
On behalf of all of our corps, I thank you. I invite you to join with me as we conclude this call to send our love combined together as one to Michael and Mother for the plans of corrections upon Urantia that you may receive more of their blessings for your lives to continue to progress on your spiritual paths and grow in Father-consciousness and likeness. We of the seraphic corps thank our Divine Parents for the opportunity to be of service to these dedicated truth seekers and we ask that they become more fully imbued with the light of LIFE and LOVE that they may further empowered to carry on their sacred service on behalf of Urantia and the Correcting Time. Receive their love, my dear brethren, as we take our leave. (Pause) Good day!