2017-09-25-New Era Transition 25
Topic: Societal History, Reserve Corps of Destiny
Group: N. Colorado TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager and Planetary Prince
TR: Daniel Raphael
- Present: Roxanne Andrews, Craig Carmichael, Doug Dodge and Liz Cratty
- Invocation
MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. It is a pleasure to be here with you. Today we are going to switch speakers from myself to Sondjah Melchizedek. My official role to present the macro perspectives of the Correcting time to you and to the audience has been completed. I had hoped that there would be more questions on the macro perspective of the Correcting Time for this planet, but we have now completed as much as we can and we are glad to begin the next process of implementation with the presence of Sondjah Melchizedek and he is here now.
- Sondjah’s greeting
SONDJAH: Good morning, this is Sondjah Melchizedek. I will be your host for some time to come; perhaps a similar length of time as Machiventa served as the presenter for the last several dozen sessions. You could say this is a promotion for me, but as there are no promotions for Melchizedeks, what has occurred is that my responsibilities have broadened immensely. My work with the co-creative design teams has been of great assistance to me now to proceed with a much greater perspective. Working with you intimately, personally, one-on-one and one-to-a-group is something that I have learned through the eons of my life. I feel well prepared to assist you in working into the implementation stages and in the various teams and groups that we will be forming in the near future.
You may ask about that, and yes it is true, those will be groups. These will be mortal groups who gather together and assist us in meaningful ways in an organization of your making and of your choosing, with our guidance. You are enthused in this stage as it becomes much more “sandals on the ground,” as Machiventa said in a recent session. We will begin by working with the family, which is the essential unit for every civilization. And when I speak of civilization, I speak of national cultures and societies. If you were to look on a map and try to find a society or a community or a civilization, you would be hard pressed to find a zip code or a GPS location for such a community. As this is part of your instructions, you will note that communities and societies and civilizations are truly an imprint of the many factors of human social activity.
- The history of our socialization
Humans are sustainable by themselves, particularly so as a family unit or clan, but it is the family that is the primary organization/institution that enculturates, socializes, and educates the child who represents the next generation, and so on. This has been going on for your species for well over 200,000 years, or approximately 8,000 generations. Your species has been dabbling in social organizations for the last 10-20,000 years. Of course these are indefinable by your archaeologists as communities and societies and civilizations simply disappear. What is left are the artifacts of your material organizations, and are in some ways representative of those communities and societies but definitely not accurately representative.
- The intention to use the 7 core values as we proceed
What you can conclude from that statement is that social organization of humans is a recent development of your species. However, it has been going on long enough now that it is time to bring this into a conscious and intentional effort to develop social organizations that are socially sustainable — social organizations that have the capability to become as sustainable and stable as the longevity of your species. What we will be doing is to use the 7 values that have sustained your species and your families and interject them, embed them, in the organizational structures of your organizations. We wish to do this in the two major social/societal organizations in your society, of your nations. In this way, the intention of doing so is to give those organizations a decision-making mechanism that is similarly based and as effective as your species sustainability. This has not been done before.
- Reasons for past failures in our social organizations
As you know, if you have studied your social history of your species, whatever nation and whatever culture, wherever they are located in the last 20,000 years, you will know that these cultures and societies and nations, dynasties and empires have come and gone—they have all failed. They failed simply because they made bad decisions; they made decisions that did not sustain that society, or that organization, or that administration, or that government into the future. The reasons for this are two-fold, first of all, societies and organizations, governments and empires came into existence without a conscious intention for their long-term existence. It was simply thought that if they did what they did successfully one day and one year and one decade, that it would continue on into the decades of the future. As you know, they failed miserably—all of them failed, and the societies, administrations, governments and so on of this century, will also fail unless they also include in their decision-making the values that help sustain them and adapt to the future, and to the circumstances that are occurring.
- Learning to adapt to future needs
The support for organizations to become social sustainability organizations requires that they review their intention for their existence and make this a very conscious process. To just continue doing business as organizations, governments, and corporations do, offers no hope beyond a very fallacious understanding of the future. The future is something that changes constantly. One thing that organizations significantly fail to do is to adapt, and to adapt to conditions around them. It is one thing for a profit-making corporation to adapt, downsize, increase its size, or to enter into new market fields in order to stay profitable, but it is another thing to adapt to the changes of society and a civilization over centuries to remain in existence. Therefore, its intention for existence must adapt to the reality of the future and to the constancy of social change.
- Essential organizational development process
Machiventa has reviewed with you several times what it takes for organizational development to be complete. There must be a vision of the organization in the future, and that vision must be couched in those 7 values; there must be a statement of intention that is also congruent with the values that have sustained your species. If the intention does not couple itself with the existence of the human species and social adaptation, then that corporation will fail and the government will fail. There must also be a mission statement. This is something that is quite normal for most organizations to have. What is behind that mission is an operational philosophy that incorporates both the vision intention with the mission. The operational philosophy exists, works through and envelops every decision that is made in the organization, whether it is who makes coffee in the morning, or sits on the board of trustees at the annual meetings. It is something that is important to guide the ethos of that organization forward into the coming centuries. And of course as you know, the objectives emanate from the mission fulfilling what actually will be done. In many ways, the organization of Christ Michael and the Triumvirate incorporates all those same specific actions or developments of organization.
You have been looking forward to the time of implementation. This involves the objectives of the mission of the Correcting Time. We call the Correcting Time a program with various missions underneath; and then there are objectives that we co-creatively attend to, which need implementation. We are at the stage now where implementation will involve many areas within the social/societal pillar of your societies. Functional societies, as you know, have three main pillars of support: 1) the social/societal, 2) the governmental/political, and 3) the financial/economic. These three areas must function with stability and sustainability in order to carry the society into the far distant future.
- Failure of the past as lack of unified means
What has occurred in the last 20,000 years of human social existence is that there has not been a unifying and unified means of approaching social, commercial, governmental, economic existence. It has simply been the need to dominate and control, to control developments so that one mindset, one philosophy or one political orientation is dominant and gets its way. This simply does not work to sustain a society into to the distant future. What is needed are for your societies—these three pillars—to develop a holism, an integral holism of all social, governmental and economic activities based on one set of values to guide all decision-making in each of those three areas. When this occurs, then you will find that the purpose and the meaning of existence for a society will become known and expressed and will become a part of the enculturation for your societies with each new generation.
I will bring a halt to my discourse, my opening statement, at this time and invite questions about that. I know and I expect and anticipate that you will have many questions regarding implementation in future sessions, though you are most welcome to ask them now if you choose.
- Question regarding presentation to a university
Liz: Good morning, Sondjah, this is Liz Cratty. It’s an honor to be with you this morning. As you may or may not know, my friend Jeff Cutler and I have an opportunity to write the syllabus for a 4 credit class at Southern Oregon University on teaching social sustainability. We make our presentation to the decision makers about that in April and we are very excited; in fact today is the day we begin writing not only our presentation, but the syllabus that we propose. I was going to ask if you have suggestions for what to include, particularly in the presentation as that is my initial focus. We will be talking many times between now and the time we make this presentation to refine the syllabus. But I think that your opening statement tells me a lot about what needs to be in this presentation. Regardless, I will ask if there is anything specific to a 4 credit class in the Honor’s College that you think that we should include in this presentation?
- The holism of the 3 pillars of support
SONDJAH: Most definitely, I do have some definite thoughts about that. One is that you and Jeff would be of a mindset as planetary managers and that what you are doing through this first initial class is to open the subject as a holism of these three supports, pillars of society, of a nation and that you would present this material in the syllabus; that you are attempting to create a holism of human existence—social existence—that has not occurred before. You will need to couch that in terms of the class, and the dimension of the class, but it is through the values of your human species that this holism can be brought into reality. This class will be an exploration into social sustainability, but it also has the pragmatic ability to become applicable to almost every social science field in a university.
- The pieces must fit together
This is not something that will overwhelm these decision-makers, but if they truly have not thought of the holism that a university presents…, it is rather ironic, is it not that the root word of “university” means “universal,” it means “integral,” it means “whole,” it means looking at all the pieces together. And in this regard, it is our hope that the class would present this holism to the audience, to the students. This brings together the intra-organization of all that a university is striving to do. Think in terms of the decision-making tree ‡ —the priorities of decision-making in a society, that education then becomes a primary enculturating, socializing and decision-making organization that enlightens individuals how to make personal and organizational contributions to their society and to civilization. I suppose that may sound a little bit overwhelming to you; I hope it is not. You can glean these words, you and Jeff, to organize your syllabus into thinking in these terms. You must remember that university officials and those who devise the curriculum for all the departments and schools think in terms of specifics, of specialization. However, what is truly needed to bring order to your world and to your society and is a sense of general awareness of all the pieces fitting together, the values that have sustained your species do bring all those activities from specialization into holism where your general approach is very necessary and needed.
- Note from Daniel: Sondjah is referring to the illustration at the end of this session.
Liz: Thank you very much for that answer. We have been speaking with the President of the Honor’s College and it is our intention to create a 4 year degree program in social sustainability, but that is a long way off; this is a foot in the door and we are very excited about it. We want to make sure that we lead with our best.
- Question on the Reserve Corps of Destiny
I have a question that is more of a curiosity nature, and I don’t know if you would entertain this. In our Urantia Book study group last week, we were reading that in the sixth century before Christ Michael came here, the Salem teachings were in danger of disappearing, and then suddenly, Confucius and Lao Tzu and the Buddha all came along at the same time. The question was posed: is this what it would look like when members of the Reserve Corps of Destiny are activated?
SONDJAH: Most certainly, and you have grasped that very well. What you have not grasped and are not aware of are the master teachers who are among you now. There is such an abundance of data—literally data—and new interests and social media to share all these interests that there have not come to a point of settling out of the major developments. This is yet to come in years and decades ahead. The Reserve Corps has been bolstered tremendously; you have some numbers from a past session you may want to refer to, the numbers that were given in the Urantia Book were very miniscule compared to what is available now. What is important in this process is that when the Reserve Corps is expanded, you will also experience an expansion of consciousness, of awareness, and this awareness is necessary in all major segments/sectors of society’s existence, so that there will be someone in the physical sciences, someone in the social sciences and so on, who will recognize something important and see that before others do. They are the “sentinels of development,” and it is important that the individuals of the Reserve Corps act as sentinels to make others aware of what is coming and what is here, and how to prepare for that. And of course there are those individuals of the Reserve Corps who are doing exactly that; they are preparing for a future that they may not even be aware of, but that they are working on. There are, in fact, very few of the Reserve Corps who are conscious of their membership in the Corps. This is as a protection for them so that they neither use their abilities nor their position for selfish reasons, and that they also might protect themselves so that they are more productive. You will find that when individuals are aware that they are a part of the Reserve Corps of Destiny, they may slip into immense humility, or they might strive to be in self-aggrandizement, or overwork themselves in service to the cause. Does this help?
Liz: Yes it does! Very interesting reflection and I thank you for that.
- Accepting projects on their own merit without endowments
SONDJAH: I would like to continue with my previous answer about your presentation to the Honor’s College. Yes, you would be in a better position if you had half a million dollars behind you. Saying that the college ought to take on this project, but in fact, what is necessary for this to be truly an effective and authentic program for the honors program is that it be accepted in its own right, rather than from the money. It would be disheartening for you and for us and for many that if the money stopped, that the college would stop its program in social sustainability. It is our deep and fervent hope that sustainability would become accepted as a study to be pursued in its own right, rather than the funding that it would garner. Is this clear?
Liz: It is. Of course, colleges require funding to continue, and when one comes with an endowment, an idea for a course of study and brings its own endowment, we have their attention immediately. It is only through Jeff’s dogged persistence that we are at this point now, because we have not done any type of fundraising or proposed any type of fundraising. So this is being accepted on its own merits at this point.
SONDJAH: Wonderful! It is our hope that the least we would achieve is that they would say, “This is a wonderful idea. We will implement it immediately and will do so when the funding can be provided to do so.” With it, its acceptance with the proviso of funding. Do you understand?
Liz: Yes, thank you. I take that as a promise of assistance from the celestials and that is welcome news.
SONDJAH: Then you are reading between the lines. No promise is implied.
Liz: Thank you very much, Sondjah; it’s wonderful to have you with us.
- Sondjah’s method of working with our group
SONDJAH: Thank you. You will note that I will be much more pragmatic than Machiventa. This is a dialog, more of a dialog than you have had before. I will be asking for clarity in the questions from you when it is not clear and that you would be able to have the latitude to ask questions for greater clarity and understanding. As we become more pragmatic this is necessary. For us, it is much like raising children. We are training you to be much more pragmatic about your spiritual education and your spiritual practices, as this is co-creative. If you had a teenage daughter or son, and you were striving to teach them how to become co-responsible with their father or mother in the family, you would assign them chores and responsibilities to attend to, which are normal in a family with children. You would ask them if they understand the instructions and they would say yes or no and ask questions, and then they would be assigned a time to begin this chore, whether it is studying or reading or doing homework, or it might be washing the car, or doing the laundry. And then you would teach them how to do that and then you would inspect their work along the way, without interfering. When the final results are there, you have already asked them to ask you to review their work when they are done so that there are no sudden surprises for anyone. The idea is to have completion of work, and a work that is effectively completed. It is no different than in the business environment that you work in.
Are there other questions?
Liz: I have no further questions.
Craig: [Let us know he joined us late, but I couldn’t understand his phone transmission clearly. He did not have a question, however.]
Roxie: I haven’t received any questions from the audience. I’m sorry I am so discombobulated today. I’ve been working with upgrading my knowledge to enter into the 21st Century with technology and my mind is swimming. But I am still working with the group that is doing the new archive. I sent off all of our Colorado transcripts to them last evening to put into the archive. I’m making some progress, but it’s slow. Unfortunately, I don’t have any questions, but I am certainly glad to have Sondjah with us once again. I value your information and your assistance greatly! That’s all I have.
- Sondjah’s closing statement
SONDJAH: Thank you for being here, all of you and those readers and listeners; we appreciate your attendance and we deeply appreciate your co-creative participation with us in this implementation stage. We will have more specifics about that in the future weeks and months. And yes, it is a slow process; yes, it did take us 30 years to get here to the implementation stage, but it is necessary that we have a settled audience who is prepared to engage the moment and the future. You, who have been with these movements for all of these years, know and understand and have experienced the tumultuous upheavals that you have had with your groups and with individuals, and so on. It is necessary to go through this with mortals in this situation as we have experienced on other planets that new developments take time to become accepted and the new concepts and values to be understood and useful to individuals.
This is, yes, a rather plodding sort of experience for you, but in terms of the morontial and spiritual realms, we are jackrabbits moving ahead rather quickly, compared to the tortoise-like schedule of developments on a planet that is not a decimal planet, and a planet that is a decimal planet that is not in turmoil as has been Urantia. So compared to the other 99% of all planets, we are racing ahead with great speed. And in doing that, we also must be careful that we do not bang into the pillars and posts and impediments along the way, that we take into consideration the mortal necessity of growth and development of the mind mechanism and the personality and the integration of spiritual values and meanings into the individual’s life, so that they can become more effective partners with us as we implement these social/political/economic programs. We give you our peace and love, and may peace, love, joy, and understanding be with you each day. Good day.
the illustration and explanation of the
“Priorities of Decision-Making in a Sustainable Society.”
The following was excised from, “Designing Socially Sustainable Democratic Societies,” page 88-89. This document is available as a downloadable PDF from
Second, decision-makers of all organizations need to understand the hierarchy of decision-making that supports the social transcendence of their host societies as shown in the illustration below.
[Note: The illustration is not possible in the email format. Please refer to the original document in the attachment.] ILLUST - Priorities-Decisn-Mkg JPG
What is not obvious in the illustration above is the distinction between the individual/family and all else that is social. Families and individuals can sustain the species without the social elements of societies, governments, and economies, but societies, governments, and economies cannot sustain themselves without sustainable families that raise the individuals who will become the sustaining innovators, leaders, and decision-makers of those organizations.
- Because families provide the foundation for societies and civilizations, making decisions that support families to become functional and socially sustainable is the premier priority of decision-making for organizations within the social-societal, political-governmental, and financial-economic pillars of functional democratic societies.
- Societal sustainability is not possible until organizations become responsible participants in the symbiotic relationship that supports societies, communities, and the individual/family. By working to teach and train all people how to make socially sustainable decisions, we can build socially sustainable families, communities, societies, and nations. Doing so will create a societal system of sustainability: Parents teach their children how to make socially sustainable decisions, who grow up to use that value system in organizational decision-making, that support the development of socially sustainable families, communities, and societies.