2017-12-27-Human Responsibilities

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Topic: Human Responsibilities

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: The Damascus Scribe

TR: George Barnard



Most people on this irregular planet hold the Gods responsible for whatever befalls them. On regular planets the citizens know it’s they who determine their future.

For those who choose to listen to their Spiritual Teachers, the everlasting, ever-loving spirit world opens up. For those who like so many others demand that the Gods take notice of their instructions, life can become an endless course of perceived rejections.

The 11:11 Progress Group listens to their Spiritual Teachers and understands that the Gods experience their lives through us and also that our experiences are those which slowly evolve the time-space Gods like our own Urantia also known as Gaia or Mother Earth.

Extraordinary events, expressions and thoughts that happen to the citizens of this world are the materials that contain the valued information of Urantia’s education and evolution. The mundane is of no interest. Aggressive physical exchanges or thoughts and like expressions are rejected by this time-space deity — still an embryo of a God in the making. These aggressive, hateful thoughts continue to exist in the Borderland, called “packets” by the Midwayers, “thought-forms” by most people.

Urantia does not wish to and can’t entertain these thoughtforms and over the millennia they have crowded the Borderland. These thoughtforms are of human origin and therefore of human responsibility. The local Universe Creator Son, Michael, wants the entire Borderland cleared of unresolved matter and humans must do this as follows:

Group One. Comment by Lytske.

In December 2016 a life change happened when I offered my free will to the Universal Creator of all. I received a ‘download/assignment’ at that moment when I ‘heard’ Father Michael answer a question from a being, who turned out to be Life Carrier Orion, Michael said: ‘Ask this receiver (of celestial messages), who knows and understands.’

When a celestial and mortal conceive of a similar Idea, Heaven moves them together to make that a reality. This new assignment I accepted for the further duration of my life.

The method of collecting names to be released from the Borderland are done by my computer whiz friend, Bruce, who searches lists from the past of thought-forms which might exist in the Borderland. Like those with unresolved Conflict Shocks, Trapped Emotions and those who suffered horrendous deaths, like hanging, burning, torture, wars, prisoners of conscience and drownings, etc.

The lists are send to me and I transcribe onto paper each day 1,111 names, which are blessed early the next morning while invoking them in the presence of a Celestial, who at that very moment sends the energy of these names to wherever they are needed for further processing. Those, whose names are called have the choice of choosing eternal ‘life’ and carry on to Group Two.

(The celestials taking turns at present are Orion, a Life Carrier Specialist, Manovandet, a Life Carrier/Melchizedek and Manovani Melchizedek).

As for the search for names by Bruce, the writing of these names by Lytske (allowing the Celestials to pick up the ‘sound’ of names from human thought) and the next day’s Sevenfold Prayer of Creation, is a method by which collaboration between Celestials and human can occur. In a vagely similar way Group Two does its task.

Group Two. Comment by George Barnard.

The members of Group Two are skilled in addressing the many thousands of thought-forms that have potentially accepted the suggested resolution of the Life Carriers and others. These members direct the thought-forms from their timeless waiting rooms to many individual elevators to ‘go up’ (‘go home’ to be accepted by Urantia).

In a collaborative way Group Two members were aided to create their ‘inter-dimensional’ waiting rooms and elevators and it is a simple task to convince the occupants of the waiting rooms to enter the elevators and press the single button marked ‘HOME.’

Group Three.

These members seriously trouble the dark side, if needed, to produce a workable environment for Group Two.

Other members of the 11:11 Progress Group and a number of associates could aid the above two groups.

I note that those members who are using given spiritual names or who use imaginary names, tend to see this work through without interruptions. When using one’s real name regular attacks by the dark side (black witches and elementals) can occur.

Additional Information

George Barnard --- The 11:11 Progress Group. eleveneleven@tpg.com.au

Chris Maurus --- www.thecorrectingtime.org --- and for additional information. sync.552@hotmail.com