2018-01-04-No Stone Left Unturned
Topic: No Stone Left Unturned
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Midwayer Mathew, The Damascus Scribe
TR: George Barnard
George: “…and by leaving no stone unturned, you’ll gather lots of bugs, brother.”
Mathew: “Seriously! Someone infinitely more important, useful and advanced than either of us is about to arrive and talk with you. Try not to . . .”
The Scribe: “If one leaves no stone unturned, one may find the occasional golden nugget or a sparkling gem and this semi-precious stone could well be the only one of its kind to be found in all of our far-flung universes even when the finder lived already a lifetime of turning over stones. We congratulate an 11:11 Progress receiver’s and associated Thought Adjuster’s adeptness in timing this specific creative thought in her human counterpart and with the involved Deity’s thought. We thank both Michael and the Father for allowing this never-before-used procedure be ratified to be adequate for releasing Borderland Thought-forms.
“So unique is this method, neither Orion, nor any of his Life Carrier brothers, neither Machiventa, nor any of his Melchizedek kin, either knew or even intuited this efficient way to resolve and harvest thought-forms for Urantia.
“At this point I need to now clearly express that it was high time for a suitable method to be found, since there is little in the way of human planetary advancement to be achieved when a local time-space Deity is left far behind. A certain semblance of balance — an approximately even balance — needs to be achieved between mankind and Urantia, the developing Embryo of the planetary Daughter of the time/space God the Supreme. Without approval for this method a more regular method was unlikely to be discovered, proclaimed, or even thought of.
Help is needed at your end, the human end. Those of you who feel they can make available an amount of time on a fairly regular basis are hereby asked to let it be known to the members of the 11:11 Progress Group for receiving the required information. On our part, the Life Carriers and Melchizedeks are learning their parts by observing the one and only office presently ‘scribing’ 1,111 daily names. And as you have witnessed in all details of the full color packages (thought-forms) that are set free.
“Step forward and let your names be counted in this clean-up and makeover of the full to bursting Borderland reservoir of potential fuel to the spiritizing of your world and the delight of aiding the progress of a time/space Deity. There will be more to come on this adventure. I am the Damascus Scribe.”