2018-02-25-Entire Seraphic Corps
Topic: Entire Seraphic Corps Weaving in Loyalty to Father's Will in the Sovereignty of Christ Michael Into Planetary Circuits
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Manotia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Mother and Father, it is our intention today to join with our Planetary Seraphim to continue to build the circuits of your LOVE into this planet’s system of consciousness. We are ready to serve, and we thank you for connecting us as one in your LOVE that where we are guided to focus may produce more of the fruits of the Spirit in those who are ready to receive all around the planet more of these energies of change and transformation. We are grateful for this opportunity to serve and may your WILL be done now. Thank you.
MANOTIA: Greetings, my dear and devoted brethren! This is Manotia. Today we will engage with the larger group of Planetary Seraphim that encompass the twelve sectors of planetary life. As you know, human will is the deciding factor in building these circuits of LOVE all upon the planet. Many changes are underway. Many individuals are feeling the internal pressure to awaken to the presence of Spirit Within, and we are grateful for all of the humans who participate in this time of correction to change their lives and to be conduits of love to your brothers and sisters.
There is a bond between Creator Parent and human child that builds these strong characteristics of the divine nature to demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit in daily life. You have helped us build these circuits. And today we will continue to foster the immersion of these circuits into those deeper areas of planetary consciousness that require more change and spiritual transformation. Tohelp human will more fully align in what we are here to provide with you is to focus on the coding and energies of LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL. This immersion will go deep into those areas that have been recalcitrant to open to Spirit; going into those places where the rebellion agenda is still, what you might say, operating at broader bandwidths throughout your planet’s system.
LOYALTY TO FATHER’S WILL is what builds the planetary divine culture. And in today’s infusion, we invite you to focus on these words and to center your own gaze upon these words that they may radiate and infuse the deeper levels of earth plane consciousness to conform to what this means in terms of the changing of the guard and the immersion of Michael’s LOVE and MERCY into the planet. You have helped us build these circuits before during our times together—during the Magisterial Mission focus—and this is a continuance of building these circuits, albeit now at a deeper and broader level.
So feel you own desire to be more LOYAL TO THE FATHER’S WILL within you as we begin here helping you imprint upon these at deeper levels of your own systems of consciousness, and then we will focus on the planet as a whole that the twelve sectors of Seraphic involvement may use what you generate from your hearts to build these into their areas of operation. Let us begin. If it is helpful, focus on the words I AM LOYAL TO THE FATHER’S WILL, and feel your need for these to reach into deeper levels of your own beings—even into the denser circuits of your physical bodies, and we will support your focus now, my beloved brethren. (Pause)
Breathe deeply and slowly as you allow this infusion of LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL to reach into those places in your own beings where there still maybe some subconscious resistance, bringing you into deeper relaxation that your own Indwelling Spirits may help you outwork anything and all things that may still be misaligned with your Spirits’ presence within your minds and bodies. (Pause)
The socialization of your planet into the universe culture can only come about when there is more LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL operating within the circuits of your planet’s consciousness. There are many constructs that have interfered with this, especially at some very deep levels of your planet’s history. Much of this is beyond the realm of waking consciousness. But here is where you can assist us by simply now shifting your focus slightly maintaining that desire for more LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL to prevail in these deeper levels. If it is helpful in your focus, you may see these words gently pulsing upon the earth, or even in the subterranean channels of the earth plane underneath the surface of the ground.
Simply feel your desire for more of this to take deeper root, presence, and place. Breathe and relax as you focus here as our Parents support this infusion that more people and more circuits may open and align in being loyal to the divine plans now unfolding and that the Father’s WILL may take up greater space in these circuits that need so much transformation and regeneration. Simply do your best to focus at this level as all of the Seraphic Corps now move in what you are holding for us. (Pause)
Maintain that strong desire from your hearts that LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL prevail here, even down to the roots of the rebellion that are still operating within this planetary mindal system. Let us do our work through what you hold for us of that desire—the human desire—for Father’s WILL to prevail. Even though you may be small in numbers, you can generate a mighty heart-field for the will for this to prevail, and this is what we use to move in these circuits now. Continue to breathe deeply and focus as best you can. (Pause)
We now invite you to add the focus the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL to also penetrate into these deeper levels, into this subterranean chasm, if you will, that His SOVEREIGNTY may also add into the LOYALTY infusion to evoke more change and transformation to occur. (Pause)
Evolution means change, my brethren. The evolutionary plan designed by the Paradise Father as implemented by our Divine Parents is very slow and methodical. However, you are now living in a time of accelerated evolution and this is designed to return the order of life to the plans that have been implemented by Christ Michael and Mother Spirit Nebadonia for this world to continue on her path toward Light and Life. This infusion of LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL IN THE SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL is part of the spiritual scripting or recoding, you might say, of those circuits that deviated from the plans many, many millennia ago. And what you are providing to us today is the restatement of these energies through the circuits of planetary consciousness at very broad and deep levels.
So we invite you now to focus now on these words of LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL IN THE SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL that a more complete and perfect circuit may be instilled and infused within these deeper levels of planetary consciousness. This will allow human will to release more of the subconscious resistance, opening to deeper meanings of TRUTH and GOODNESS and help more individuals awaken to the presence of Spirit Within. We will continue to work in these circuits for several more minutes as you assist us in this most sacred and important focus today. (Pause)
As these circuits integrate, it is intended to free more of the planet’s mindal system to open to the goodness and greatness of the Father Within. There is so much beauty in the world, my brethren. Here I am referring to spiritual BEAUTY that is now taking shape and form. Many times you cannot see this because you see through the eye of the material and you see the outworking of the ways of the rebellion. But from the higher level of our vantage point we see the soul grow. We see the change, and we wish to assure that all things are unfolding in Michael’s plans, and that His hand is steering this world forward.
We encourage you to release the fear constructs that are still being perpetuated by those who know not the Father and His LOVE, and continue to allow your own internal changes to unfold in the natural rhythm of the Father’s Presence within you. We also encourage your engagement with us on a daily basis and to focus on these circuits of LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL IN THE SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL that more change may liberate the human heart and mind and release more spiritual energy to function upon the planet.
This is where you have the greatest power and influence, and we cannot encourage you enough of how important it is to maintain your daily stillness practice that your minds may continue to be upstepped and recalibrated to the lovely tones and energies of the Spirit Within, wherein you will find the greatest peace of mind and joy in your hearts. Continue to assist us for a few more moments as all of the Seraphic Corps ministers in their areas of involvement. (Pause)
My dear devoted brethren, we have completed our objectives for today. The human- Seraphic collaboration continues gaining momentum as you become more comfortable and familiar in cooperating and collaborating with us. And this is the way it was meant to be. But you are now recovering from a great setback from ages past that interfered with this collaboration. And we continue to encourage you to not only commune with the Father and our Divine Parents but with us, and to engage with us in those areas of your own particular interests that you would wish to see more change and transformation occur. The field is wide open and you can commune with many angelic groups, depending on the influence and impressions you receive from your own Spirits on a daily basis.
So let your love flow from your hearts as your minds engage freely with us and know that we are here to take whatever modicum of love and compassion you are willing to share with us to leave its indelible mark upon the planetary mindal system. This is part of your responsibility to the Planetary Supreme and also a part of your cosmic responsibilities as evolving sons and daughters of God. Grow in your relationships to Spirit at all levels and dimensions of your lives, and know that you are serving in great ways even though you may not always perceive or feel that what you are doing has merit. I assure you that it does indeed, and you are creating more of that ripple effect to reverberate throughout these circuits that the energies of LOVE may be spread far and wide, deeply and highly all through this great vast system of circuitry.
On behalf of the Seraphic Corps, I thank you for your involvement today and your continued engagement with us in between these sessions, and may we all flourish in divine GRACE and BEAUTY and grow the planetary spectrum of consciousness LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL THROUGH THE MERCY OF MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY. I wish you all a most blessed and peaceful good day!