2018-05-26-Closeness and Most Pleasant Times
Topic: Closeness of Most Pleasant Times
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Destiny Guardian, Juliette
TR: George Barnard
Juliette: “Here I address everyone who will hear our voice, has his or her love for Angels and Destiny Guardians and who is looking forward to spending time with, and learning ‘life’ from, said helpers.
“Cherubim and Angels are God’s creatures that, beyond planetary life, have most ‘business to transact’ with former humans on Mansonia One and beyond, even into eternity.
“The name our human gave us both is Juliette. As he only perceived one of us spirit helpers at any given time, he thought us to be one and the same. Angelic duality was foreign to him as, from the age of six, he rather rejected most aspects of the Christian religion of his immediate family, giving us the opportunity to train our human near-tabula-rasa in the deep mind. Among those things we taught him was our own story of failure and also of deep, deep trauma.
“Almost two centuries ago, my ‘counterpart’ and I took on the responsibility for a young woman called Juliette. We gave her our utmost best but as if controlled by an evil sickness she drifted from the most appalling of transgressions into total iniquity. It was a blow to our progress and yet we loved her so much — enough for us both to feel good to later be called by her name.
“Did we fail her or did she fail us? No, we were not in any way to blame for the ‘Juliette disaster’ but we came out of it all wiser, I say, smarter, and much more determined. And then we were later given this individual to guide and protect. Already he had accepted those who often stayed near to him — the cherubim — but who remarkably, never left any footprints in sand or in snow.
“When our time came, it was not at all difficult for us to make ourselves known to our new subject, but what really suited us well was that we became accepted, were seen as contributors and often found ourselves capable of sharing concepts in the deep mind. We were not just plain guardians but teachers in every aspect of his life, yes, together with the Midwayers.
“The most pleasant times and loving closeness we experienced was — and it still is in these days — when he prays to the Creator of All and invites us to pray with him. This is one of the two destiny guardians named Juliette, suggesting you always pray with your angels.”