2018-07-20-On Physical Death

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Topic: On Physical Death

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Prolotheos

TR: Valdir Soares



Prolotheos: “Death is an important and crucial moment in all human existence. Death may be an interruption in a life’s career or — for comparably few — an irrevocable ending to their existence — depending on whether during life a faith decision was made in respect to doing the will of the Father. Death is an important event because it is the moment of harvest — timely or untimely — of a life’s career. Death is exiting life by way of interruption of vital functions and is of consequence for human beings that did not reach the status of spiritual identification with their personal Thought Adjuster. Such would have allowed them to leave earth life in fusion with this Spirit, rather than by disruption of life’s energies. Irrespective of the manner in which death occurs, it presents three aspects related to the cessation of energies. Let us consider these aspects:

Death Moment: Cessation of Energies.

“Death is a unique experience for each human being and although observed daily, it has never been fully understood to satisfactorily explain its implications or to anticipate the experience of it for each individual. In this sense, it is a veiled mystery that awaits one’s personal translation. In death, physical and mental energies stop their activities. Physical pulsation stops, and mind without their physical support and structure also ceases to function and vanishes. The immediate consequence of these physical and mental energies’ cessations is the loss of consciousness that, although similar to the slumber state of sleeping, registers no dreaming experience, no mental activity at all, being a wholly non-conscious state. In death a dissociation of energies occurs: you lose realization, but not your reality.

Death Exigencies: Transference of Energies.

“While in death some energies disappear never to return, other energies are only transferred to different settings, but continue to exist and can be retrieved. Such is the case of the personality, spiritual, and morontia (soul) energies. The exact after-death transitional location of the personality of each individual is known but by our Creator; however, they do not disappear. During the earth life, the Spirit Within, the Adjuster, was engaged in building a morontia counterpart self with all spiritual values that the individual sponsored in life. These values are stored in what we call the human soul of morontia nature. At death, these morontia energies linked to the soul are, together with it, carried away to the heavens by the guardian angel in charge and delivered to the care of the archangel of destiny, under the custody of whom these energies await until the resurrection, the re-assembly on Mansion World Number One. The Spirit Within keeps under its own care the actual memories of relevant life information of the expired individual. In that way, personality, spiritual and morontia energies are transferred from the body to elsewhere, mostly for future re-activation and re-circuiting.

Death Aftermath: Resumtion of Energies.

“Death produces the cessation of energies, but also by this same cessation death liberates some of these energies for new circuiting in a new body of a morontia nature. Yes, indeed, for the vast majority of human beings, personality, soul and the Spirit Within are reunited in a new morontia body and duly connected to the Cosmic Mind on Mansonia One, that being the so-called resurrection of the believers. As these energies resume their functions, so a morontia life starts for the individual that was taken by death in his or her native planet. Thus, for those who on Earth sheltered even a faint spark of faith in the life beyond, a new life after death undoubtedly awaits and they will resume their lives in a better setting, a better country, which you call Heaven.


“Therefore my pupil, if the individual does not meet the conditions for fusion with the Spirit Within there on your world, death is the established means for advancing from the flesh to the morontia/spiritual dimension of your existence. It doesn’t matter the manner, the time or the place, death will carry you to your next station on the universal plane. So, do not fear death, even though your animal instinct of survival fights against it. When the time comes, peacefully surrender your life’s energies into the hands of the One who once gave them to you — all is prepared to receive the faith-sons of God and make good the promise of eternal life the Father made on Urantia through his Son Christ Michael. He is faithful; He has taken care of everything. I am your teacher-tutor, Prolotheos, and I know of what I speak because I once experienced death and even now I am communicating with you from these spiritual spheres on High. Peace be with you and all.”