2018-09-06-How to Turn a Toughie into a Softie
Topic: How to Turn a Toughie into a Softie
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Uteah
TR: Anyas
“… the evidence to all the world that you have been born of the spirit is that you sincerely love one another.” (142:5.4)
Teacher Uteah: “When you host a fancy dinner party, you ask your guests to bring a hearty appetite. Just the same, when you solicit Our input, you need to prep your spiritual taste buds for a memorable culinary experience, as they will get a taste of Our lovingly concocted ‘daily special’. Indeed, Spirit does not compartmentalize Its love. The spiritual food It dishes up for you is thoroughly marinated in Love and Truth — the prevalent spices used in the Celestial Kitchen.
“This is the reason why Jesus constantly exhorted those who had ears to hear to love one another—a love that encompassed self-respect and self-love, as well as a healthy respect and love for others, including those ‘hard-to-love’.
“The proof that you have been born of the Spirit is that you get to regularly check names off your ‘hard-to-love list’. It is a personal transformative process — independent of the character improvements that those individuals may exhibit. Indeed, as you give Spirit an open-ended access to your inner sanctum, you undergo a mighty inner remodeling. Your capacity to love increases over time, as you feel a growing compassion and empathy toward your challenged siblings, thus overlooking their shadowy propensities.
“Once you come to understand that their dysfunctional outbursts or behaviors are triggered by a deep-rooted emotional pain, you wish to bring relief to them by alleviating their suffering. You are then guided to scout for their soft spots — the access code into their hearts.
“Haven’t you often experienced that, when you genuinely show interest for someone’s life, even the toughest ones turn into softies, as your love and respect satisfy their innermost cravings.
“Dear ones, rather than responding in kind to misguided behaviors, take to heart to disarm them, allowing those who display them to let their guard down, thus becoming receptive to their much-needed love quota. Indeed, love will always hit the mark of opened hearts and, because it flows, the initial stream of love, after quenching the thirst of such dried-up hearts, will dig a wider bed within them and hook them to the cosmic irrigation system of free-flowing love.”