2018-10-10-The Sins of the Fathers
Topic: The Truth as You See It
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Ezekiel
TR: George Barnard
Session 1
George: “Both Michael and the Damascus Scribe were standing to the right and they were only interested in hearing what was said. To the fore stood Ezekiel in his distinctive mantel with such a colorful bright green and thin red band all around the front. He seemed no taller than five foot and six inches, but he was a big man, yes, that I knew.
“In the foreground was a picture of two strong nurses trying to deprive their patient of a plastic spoon he had almost managed to completely swallow. I screamed at Ezekiel, but no sound came from me. Then there was the sound of broken glass falling to the floor and a mention of much blood. Once again I screamed that silent scream at the prophet that I did not want to witness this patient killing himself.
Ezekiel: “They all are the sins of the fathers, my dear brother, shown you today for you to remember what you are now going to be shown. Except for a man in the process of killing himself, you would forget all that is to happen to your world --- self murder, no less.
“A nuclear device is planned to be exploded above Damascus and this conflagration will instantly take the lives of more than a million and a half souls. Millions more will slowly die, some beyond the Euphrates and find their last painful rest straddeled atop a shiny pipeline running from the north-east to south-west and into the land of a new oil merchant on the mediterranean coast.
“God forbid . . . You may not bomb Damascus. God forbid . . . You may not bomb Damascus. God forbid . . . You may not bomb Damascus, for if you do, a collective insanity will come over you and your 300 million plus numbers will be vastly depleted.
“I Am Ezekiel making this claim in the year 2018 as I did in my earthly life long ago. I now re-make my claim from God and no other in the presence of Christ Michael and the Scribe of Damascus.”
Receiver's note: Long ago it was suggested to have some needed goods on hand during the tough times to come — food for weeks or even months and silver coins as a means of trade. Ezekiel was the only part of this vision to come through in brilliant color.
Session 2
- November 15, 2018
George: The vision of Ezekiel, Christ Michael and the Scribe prompted just 4 people to enquire. And wait for it, 2 of the 4 were our own regular contributors. It’s got me worried; we seem to collectively not be concerned whether harm will come to us, or to the 1,500,000 citizens of Damascus.
It’s perhaps possible I sucked the whole story out of my thumb, but 11:11 readers should know me better.
Or here https://www.board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=28179 for a shortened version.
Ezekiel: “They all are the sins of the fathers that caused all this mischief shown you some weeks ago. Except for seeing a man in the process of killing himself, you would forget all that is to happen to your world --- self murder, yes, time running out.
“A nuclear device is planned to be exploded above Damascus and this conflagration will instantly take the lives of more than a million and a half souls. Millions more will slowly die, some beyond the Euphrates and find their last painful rest straddeled atop a shiny pipeline running from the north-east to the south-west and into the land of a new oil and gas merchant on the mediterranean coast.
God forbid . . . You may not bomb Damascus, for if you do, a collective insanity will come over you and your 300 million plus numbers will be vastly depleted.
“I Am Ezekiel making this claim in the year 2018 as I did in my earthly life long ago. I did re-make my claim from God and no other in the presence of Christ Michael and the Scribe of Damascus.
“Go your straight and narrow way, my friend, and pray, all of you, pray like never before that you be saved.”
Addendum November 3, 2018: At times I find it difficult to believe that mankind is making any ethical or spiritual progress when there are visions (warnings) of the above kind. May our heartfelt group prayers make Ezekiel’s horrific predictions turn out otherwise.
God bless this earth . . .
Session 3
- April 7, 2020
Ezekiel: “I Am Ezekiel, Son of man and Son of God as well as the descendant of the honorable man named Buzzi (spell), my father, and a member of an ancient tribe of those who ‘kept alive in mortal minds the one God of all’. I speak to you again about ‘The Sins of the Fathers’, as I did before. Who are these creatures as if you have not noticed in your long and busy life? And, pray tell, why have you avoided me, avoided those I sent you and here we are, so much closer to the day of diaster, rather, we might agree, the night of disaster.”
George: “I was not ready. You have asked me to do something that I am hardly used to doing. And, besides that, you are of the headstrong and impatient kind, still now, and who would not hesitate to have me take responsibility for your actions, this I believe. Already we have awakened those who are planning the conflagration of all Damascus, but carry on, old friend.”
Ezekiel: “I’m asking you to understand the term, “The Sins of the Fathers,” It is a collective term for anything that went wrong, and still remains that way, on our beloved planet and that is unheard of on normal worlds. Regarding my complaint it is certainly directed at those who feel they are above all others. Yes, those who consider themselves by birth or alliance to be special in the eyes of almighty and infinite God and Master. Yes, those who falsely expect to rise up to be near the throne of their God and Protector. Indeed, those who are prepared to lie, cheat and steal from His truly favored servants, to give to those who falsely claim a favored position with their God.
This is why I say:
God forbid . . . You may not bomb Damascus.
God forbid . . . You may not hurt Damascus.
God forbid . . . You may not destroy Damascus, for if you do, a group insanity will come over you and the numbers of your millions of citizens will be greatly lessened.
“Trust yourself, my friend and messenger, that your message will reach all those who feel themselves to be so important that they can allow themselves at a whim to ajudge the life or death of tens of thousands as if they were no better than soul-less animals. How they will cry and bemoan their God-given souls for not having cared for their absolute equals among all nations, black, white, red, yellow and brown.
“Expecting to see our world move into the era of Light and Life back then (1945/1946), we trustingly held our collective breaths to find that pure greed for lands and possessions deterred and deferred the plans from on High. Let us therefore wish and pray that we will earn the right to see the arrival of the Magisterial Son, at last, and the new Age of Promise begin as the pandemic is vanquished from our precious world.
“I am Ezekiel, Prophet of God.”
Session 4
- April 26, 2020
George: “On High, I’m sure, you can speak with anybody you wish to. This is an evolutionary world, as you well know, and it’s citizens have priorities. They have a need to earn a crust. As well they need to sleep to do it all again during the very next day and just before they close their eyes, here comes spirituality – a dim, stolen afterthought.
Ezekiel: “They all are the sins of the fathers, my dear brother, as I told you before. Now that you have been promised an Emmisary from Paradise, are you ready to receive Him? I think, not! There are those few among you who are ready, but collectively you are far from ready. In fact, as I look around, I see countless whom could well have been my neighbors in that now long-ago time.
“It will require a miracle performed by the God of all that’s seen and unseen for you all to become followers of a Magisterial Son, who will try to ease you out of the Correcting Time and into the days of Light and Life. For my part I tell you, later-day messenger, George, that you are far from accepting of such an event. Clearly, your feelings about those of different skintones is way out of line. There’s no forgiveness for those who adhere to a ‘strange’ political system and forget all who mean to worship another God entirely.
“Let me tell you what will be your saving grace, and, no, not yours personally, no, you were one of the early heralds to this time to arrive. Your saving grace will be the fact that your new Savior from Paradise will light His fire in the minds of your long-weary citizens. And they will speak of Him. And they will talk of His wonders, His magic and miracles. So it will be through the actions of your generations of young ones that the task of your Savior will come to fruition on our world, at long last.
“You, the Midwayers’ apprentice, will be following the slow goings on and together with unknown trilllions of souls, and I, and from far-away vantage points, will wonder how the Father of All has put together the many, many players that will each do their task to make this Correcting Time come to a close and Light and Life announce itself. Let me whisper this onto your ear, my dear brother, that, ‘Collectively you are nowhere near ready to wear the mantles of His Teachers, but a growing number of your young ones are.
“I am Ezekiel, the son of Buzzi. Have a peaceful day.”