2019-03-05-In What Sense Can Christ Michael Be a Savior

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Topic: In What Sense Can Christ Michael Be a Savior?

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Prolotheos

TR: Valdir Soares


  • São Carlos — SP, Brazil

Part I

Prolotheos: “The creation of ‘saviors’ is common to most religions and comes from the inability of human beings to deal with guilt about sin and the growth of a consciousness increasingly refined. In Christianity, by means of Paul’s theology and a misconception of Jesus’ ministry by the Twelve, the idea of Jesus Christ as a Savior came out mixed with a horribly mistaken envisioning of the Father spiritually enraged against humanity because of sin and requiring atonement by His Son in order to give salvation. In fact, the Father is not an enraged perfect being against sin and who demands the perfect life of His Son instead of the lives of sinners to grant salvation. Rather, the Father is a loving Creator who lovingly and mercifully offers pardons to His children conditioned upon just faith and the teaching of repentance and obedience. No sacrifice whatsoever is needed. Jesus is not your savior because he died for your sins, neither to satisfy the perfect justice of God. However, there is a way to see Christ Michael, the same that incarnated on Urantia as Jesus of Nazareth, as a Savior — in fact the greatest of all.

Firstly, Christ Michael is a Savior through His Bestowal Program

“Christ Michael has executed seven bestowals; the last one on Urantia when He was born of a woman as Joshua ben Joseph. In each bestowal he assumed the life of one type of His universe sons. These several bestowals had the objective of giving the experience of the creature to the Creator in order to make Him experientially sympathetic, compassionate and identified with them, really knowing the life of His creatures, in order to reign as their absolute Sovereign. The kind of Salvation a Master Son like Christ Michael offers to His creatures is the salvation from existential isolation. Through these bestowals creatures are never again isolated in their inferior condition from the Creator because the Creator became as one of them and lived with them, showing them how to live a perfect life to the Father.

Part II

Secondly, Christ Michael is a Savior by His Intervention on the Lucifer Rebellion

Prolotheos: “When the Lucifer Rebellion broke out in Nebadon, more specifically in the Satania System, through its then System Governor, Lucifer, Michael elected to remain aloof to it and let Gabriel deal with it. While Michael, through Gabriel and with the help of the Constellation Fathers and even from Uversa, took measures to avoid the freely spreading of the Rebellion beyond the System of Satania, Christ Michael planned more broadly healing measures to happen later in connection with His last bestowal, the one necessarily through incarnation by human birth, on Urantia, so it could be effective not only in that system but beneficial even for all His on-looking Universe of Nebadon. When incarnated on Urantia as Jesus of Nazareth, Christ Michael discussed the Rebellion with Lucifer and Caligastia and offered them each a pardon and rehabilitation if they would only repent and accept His pardon; but they didn’t. However, on acquiring total sovereignty from the Father over His own created Universe, Christ Michael forever settled the destiny of that perverse rebellion against His governing. And in doing that He deposed both Lucifer and Caligastia from the positions they had and He became the new Prince of Urantia. In this way, Christ Michael saved you from the misguided, usurped and perverse governing of Caligastia, Lucifer, and his associates in Urantia. Therefore, Christ Michael is a savior, especially for you Urantians, because he freed you from the deleterious government of the usurper Caligastia, on Urantia known as the Devil.

Thirdly, Christ Michael is a Savior by His Perfect and Paradigmatic Life of Jesus of Nazareth on Urantia. “All life in this Universe of Nebadon, came to reality by the conjoint ministry of the Creator Son Christ Michael and His Consort Nebadonia, the Mother Spirit of Nebadon. However, the spiritual seed that inhabits the mind of all normal human being in Urantia comes at the age of reason, through the Spirit Adjuster causing the birth of the human morontial soul in the individual. Notwithstand, there is a sense in which the Life of Jesus of Nazareth has a saving role in your life, and that is as it became the perfect paradigm for your own life in the doing the will of the Father. He is yours and my highest role model in life. By having Jesus’ life as your spiritual life paradigm you are saved from personality fixation and also, for you too say as he says: “make it Your will, not mine”.

This is Prolotheos, your teacher- tutor on high. Peace!”