2019-05-11-Boise Conference 2
Topic: Boise Conference Session #2
Group: Boise Conference 2019
Teacher: Dr. Mendoza
TR: Mark Rogers
[A petition was made to Dr. Mendoza for assistance to a small child for some healing, to bathe him in the light, to bear witness to the power of prayer.]
Dr. Mendoza: Thank you for this invitation, I call you to witness that it once again follows the pattern of your having the thought to ask for me, your expression in word of a request for me and your willingness to be here now to receive that which you petition. You have executed expertly this progression and now we may enjoy the benefits of your creation. I'm pleased to respond to your request to join you in directing energies towards this individual and invite you to expand your focus beyond the individual whom we will direct energy towards on a personal and individual basis. Having expressed the intention to do so and having shown yourselves willing to furnish the energy needed, you may rest assured that such energies are en route. There still may be some groundwork involved when such cases are undertaken long distance and without the direct participation of the inflicted individual. But these obstacles may certainly be overcome.
As you all have gleaned in this process that we have been involved in for some time, there is a requisite acceptance that must accommodate the human energy. It is not possible to heal someone against their will or without their contribution. So, having directed the energies towards an individual, it is then incumbent upon the physicians attendants to make the rounds and to as much as possible, condition the environment for healing to occur. But none of this is new to you, simply a reminder that while you may in fact do your part flawlessly, as I would summon you to witness even now, there still are factors which may be outside your control but may be mitigated by your attempts to condition the environment. So, to close the loop on such a healing, one must follow through and follow up to make sure the energies have been received and accepted, but you are becoming masters at this.
Perhaps, since I am at the microphone, I will take a swing at the question on the floor having to do with perhaps the distinction between fairness and balance. When in consideration between two differing examples, such as to use the male and female of the species for instance, there is a natural and normal balance which occurs. There are born almost an identical number of males and females. This should show you that the plan from on high indicates there is a natural balance. A balance between one and the other merely indicates fairly equal numbers of each. It does not speak to the traits or conditions or accommodations given to either, given that there are roughly the same numbers of individuals present.
When you bring up words such as fairness, you are leaving the measurable, quantitative, observable phenomenon of balance and entering into the values established by culture, society, peoples, planets and worlds. To say that just because there are equal numbers of these individuals makes them the same would never be an accurate assessment because there are great societal judgements and limitations and conditions placed upon these groups which determine this thing you refer to as fairness.
Fairness is an agreed upon standard where parties may have an inequitable standing towards each other and still consider that everything is fair. This is a reflection of the view of a society; how individuals are treated or if their opportunities are identical is a matter of choice by the society and even inequitable situations may be seen as quite normal, natural and even fair. When viewed from the outside they may be seen as out of kilter, obscured to one side and not particularly fair to all but by the definition of a culture, may be seen to be quite acceptable.
I give you the dramatic example of slavery. Slavery was not considered a crime, was not considered unfair, was not considered wrong for a very long time in your own culture. Then, as culture shifted, these same acts, while grossly unfair, were redefined and brought into a new light to examine them in the light of fairness and justice. Then culture created laws to enforce this new belief that all men are created equal and the culture changed and the acts that were legal, even moral, were now seen as illegal, immoral, and unfair.
As the roles of males and females continue to evolve in your current culture, your definition of fair and right will likely need to be challenged. Even in your own lifetimes you have gone from perhaps single breadwinner families to the necessity for all adults to work. While the needs of society change, your ideas of what is fair change and what is right and who should do what. So, it is good to consider that your culture, your society, is in a rather constant state of flux, all the way from selling human beings to considering the equality of all individuals and this requires that your definition be expanded and made to accommodate the new awareness that you now have.
I will point to you that this process has been slow on your world and that even though slavery has been abolished and the laws have been made to publicly state that all persons are created equal, still, many are disenfranchised and if asked if life was fair to them would certainly declare it is not. As women have become the leaders of the house and wage earners, their perspective and values have shifted and if asked now if they considered their life to be fair, they will judge it from the modern perspective of equality which is different than fair.
So keep in mind that these word phrases of fair, balanced, equality are in flux and in need of interpretation as per the current mores and standards of the time and they will need to be continually redefined as the culture redefines the value of individuals. I will recall to you that your black races were given the right to vote before your females were. Did any of that appear fair at the time? I doubt that many would concede that there was much balance in that equation and that fairness was a matter of who you asked.
So, I would caution you to be wary of such divisive terms and look for more inclusive terms as you move more and more towards the acceptance and awareness of the basic equality before God of humankind. Whatever race, whatever gender, to God, these mean nothing. It is only to man that we will fight about the rightness, the fairness, the correctness of these distinctions. So bear with your human terms and always seek to be inclusive and shy away from comparisons which only make others feel somehow less than their brothers and sisters. Always go back to the divine values of how God sees you and strive to see each other from this vantage.
Comment: Thank you for the explanation and answer to the question. Is it also inclusive? There are no real distinctions between the concepts of masculine and feminine as is considered by some to be a part and parcel of the positive and negative traits as is the example in the Urantia Book by the functioning of angels, away from the consideration of the gender question.
Dr. Mendoza: Such a world on such a planet, where you have both the commonality of the human race and as well the unique expression of individualism. Common-ness is the enemy of the expression of diversity and so if you attempt to envision a scenario where everyone is the same or has the same or does the same or thinks the same or acts the same it defeats the purpose of the expression of individuality. And so it is a slippery slope, as you say, to consider that you would like to see men and women equal, blacks and whites equal, different races from different regions somehow equalized and standardized.
This was never the intention of the Creator. You are each one a unique gift and will grow and flower as your own individual being. You may have similarities to a number of the other flowers in the garden because you share common ancestry, but just because you are a flower does not mean that you have to replicate and be the same as all other flowers. The idea is that each one will have a uniqueness to it even though they all may bear a resemblance. Likewise with the human race, you are created, in God's eyes you are all equal; you are all endowed with the very same equality of opportunity and chance. How you grow and manifest into who you are will dictate your individual expression of this gift from divinity.
So I invite you to consider the value inherent in being different, being allowed the space to bloom into who you are. God has provided you with equal opportunity, if you will, to find Him and to be like Him. It is up to you to manifest the expression of your individuality in the manner you see fitting and appropriate and to grow into the flower that you so choose. It is unfortunate when any degree of separation is introduced into the matrix of understanding of how this works and the degree of separation only serves to slow the progress of the individual and of the collective.
So in what matters, you are all the same. In what you develop, you are all different. You all have the pathway to the First Source and Center before you to choose and access, to find the Father and become like Him. You will each and every one do this in your own way, in your own time, under your own circumstances. But as a culture and a society it is incumbent upon you to insure that you all are recognized as valid, valued individuals presented with the same opportunities in your culture that we are referring to on your divine path, the opportunity to pursue simple basic happiness and peace.
So these issues arise and these terms are used about fairness and balance and they are your challenge, your axe to grind with meshing the gears of this forward momentum. Always err on the side of: As above, so below. Your Father has presented all of you with an equal opportunity for an eternal career and asks each of you to pursue it individually. So when your society pops up with inconsistencies which do not meet up to these divine values and principles, you make laws and you create new ways of embracing the greater awareness. There is no final resting place, this is a constant evolution of awareness from slavery all the way to - we all are one. It is a long path and will take some time to navigate. But fear not, you already know how it turns out. You already know you are saved, that your eternal career is secure simply by virtue of your choice. So bring this perspective to your worldly affairs, that the plan is proceeding and can be tweaked, modified and made better, those are your choices as well. But do not dismay that things are not perfectly fair at any point, only work towards it.
Comment: Thank you that Dr. Mendoza, marvelous.
Dr. Mendoza: And thank you my physician's assistants for your steadfast pursuit of working with this art of healing.
Question: So in order to not invalidate the thought form concepts which people, our brothers and sisters, post about the masculine and feminine aspects of personhood, how to keep from invalidating ones treasured thoughts and still substitute the idea of as above, so below?
Dr. Mendoza: You make a good observation that one should be very careful about actively attempting to invalidate anyones perspective. It is not really possible for you to do that, it is only possible for you to get in trouble thinking you can do that. Peoples perspectives are their own possession and we may not understand them or how they got to them or why they hold to them, but they are their own perspective earned by their own experience and harbored within their hearts as real and genuine because they have been personally experienced.
One is not served to attempt to discount or invalidate another's approach. One is only served to offer an approach that is superior, if you feel you have one. By not challenging their assumptions and their perspective you are not setting a wedge between you and by offering your perspective, your take on a situation, then it provides them the opportunity to consider another approach because another perspective has been offered. They may or may not embrace or assume what you may consider to be a new and higher way but this is the only way that it could ever happen. The offer of greater truths, the offer of higher ways without the unkindness of dismantling another's cherished beliefs.
As you have been told, the truth will crowd out the error. So if you feel you have a superior vantage, a higher way, a better answer, then offer it. You do this for each other constantly among your people, constantly sharing perspectives and ideas. When you are in need of expert advice you go and ask for counsel, for other perspectives and ideas so that you may adopt them and in such a case, you are ready to do so. You are willing to take the suggestion offered. But if you are dug in in your conviction that the particular vantage that you have is unassailable, then so be it and nothing on heaven or earth may change your idea.
As in all things, simply choose to be the light and allow it to dispel the darkness naturally. There is no struggle, there is no friction, when the light is energized it simply dispels the dark. This should be your approach in all things. Do not struggle when you find contrast, do not attempt to outshine them to their detriment. Simply be who you are and the light will speak for itself. There is not much need for confrontation when one comes from a place of divine values, a place of truth, beauty and goodness, they simply are and there is no confrontation. There is simply acceptance, or not.
I feel that there is a request unspoken for an overall view of this gathering from an outside perspective. After all, you all have done this for quite some time and it is always good to get the perspective of someone from an outside vantage. So if I may be so bold as to attempt to provide my observation of this gathering that I have been in attendance for, I would say that it is quite obvious that the light that has been developed over the course of this gathering has permeated all individuals. It is recognized from afar as a bonfire, that all these individual light workers who have assembled and come into this huddle, have been recharged, have been inspired, that have felt the love, felt the connection, that have seen for themselves the magnitude of what they are involved in and they will each one take their light and go to their corners and treat their mission with a little more enthusiasm.
They will bring a little more light to the equation. They will recreate these moments of peace and awareness that they have shared and they will gain strength from them. This fellowship is such a necessary component, particularly to those who are the forerunners of an enlightened way, who look to make peace, who look to exercise their faith, who look to heal and to love. These are the children of God in whom He is so well pleased and they have gathered here together, physically embraced each other and spiritually embraced each other and the Father.
I invite you to join me in my prayer for all who are involved here to be blessed as they are and to have their capacities for awareness expanded to know that this is so, to be able to feel their connection ever stronger to each other and to spirit. You have engaged once again in building this neural network of familiarity to access spirit. This tool is so very important to be developed and this is what you are accomplishing moment by moment as you fellowship together.
So from my vantage, I see lots of light, lots of love, even inspiration taken from such a gathering that will send all the participants home with their spiritual batteries charged and their inspiration raised so that they may do the work of the Father, be the hands of Michael, participate in joint activities with celestials, engage and seek contact with their Father Fragment within and be calm, be still and be certain in their embrace by their Divine Parents. If even for a moment, it is ever worth doing to reaffirm these truths.
So, being largely unaware of any expectations, I would say that all who have come to this well have taken up this cup and have shared it and have been refreshed by it and recharged for the road ahead. Wherever it may take them, they will surely take with them on their journey the memory of these episodes of fellowship and the recharging of the spiritual battery. So I invite you to go now in peace, that you have done that which you have been prompted to do in service to others and invite you all to not leave the hall without taking a healthy cup for yourselves. The Father is no respecter of persons and would have you nourished and recharged just as you seek to provide the opportunity for others to do so. Let it be so, as it is, even now.