2020-04-07-Prejudice Lies At the Heart of Much Suffering
Topic: Prejudice Lies at the Heart of Much Prejudice
Group: At Large
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vicki Vanderheyden
Monjoronson: At the heart of much suffering lies the practice of prejudice. Whether you wage a war against your fellow human or yourself, there is a disregard, a prejudice against the truth that defines your heritage as a son or daughter of your creator and as a brother or sister of humankind. Humankind from the beginning of time has been either the cause or the victim of prejudice. Some would say, that prejudice is even seen in the lives and habits of all living things and that it has its rightful place in our evolution. And others might even believe that physical strength, the biggest weapons, and the best ability to eliminate those who are different is what defines the survival of the fittest. Let us not forget that there are other forces in play during the evolutionary process that deserve more credit for the survival of life on your planet. If it were not for the symbiotic connection that living things have with one another, many species including your own would not exist today. Indeed, within your own bodies are thousands of cooperative and symbiotic relationships at work to ensure your good health. In most instances, cooperation and unity provide better opportunities for survival.
As you observe the quickly changing landscape on earth where more species become endangered and extinct, you will notice that they become more dependent upon your cooperation to maintain a healthy environment in order to survive. And in turn, you will witness the loss of valuable living resources that disappear in front of your eyes. The true threat to the survival of all species on Earth is, when one is given a choice, they choose to respond in an irrational and prejudicial way toward their environment and other living things whether it be the air, the water, the soil, the plant, animal or fellow human being. This then, is the beginning of their demise.
Behind all prejudice lies a degree of fear and ignorance. If you could truly see yourselves as the offspring of one divine source, interconnected in the most basic ways and then embody that, you would have no reason to feel prejudice in your lives.
The feelings of fear and hostility would diminish and you would then function from a place of love, compassion, and mercy. You would not perceive your fellow human as better or less-better than yourself but instead as social equals. You would have a reason to approach all interpersonal relationships in a loving and helpful manner. You would then understand that when you eliminate prejudice you are actually supporting your own ability to survive as well.
This would truly be the mark of a mature and highly evolved society; one that seeks truth, beauty and goodness and within those values finds a love for the diversity found in his environment and in his fellow man. This is indeed the path to your quest for peace and survival on this planet.
Vicki: Oh! Thank you Monjoronson. I hear what you say and it sounds so simple and easy and yet on this planet it is almost impossible to achieve. There must be reasons. Why is that?
Monjoronson: First of all, there are many more obstacles on this planet with a history of rebellion and an interruption in the normal path of evolution. You literally have not been able to complete the process of blending into one compatible race nor have you received the benefit of the upgrades or the consistent guidance that are afforded to those inhabited planets that progress in a more natural way. Instead you have experienced the nefarious influence of those who had evil intentions for a period of almost 200,000 years and even today as you are welcomed back into the care of this benevolent universe, the remnants of those fearful and ignorant times reverberate in every aspect of life here on Earth.
Vicki: Yes, I can almost feel the weight of this burden that we must overcome. At times it seems like we are only spinning our wheels no matter how hard we try.
Monjoronson: I can understand that it can be overwhelming, however there is room for hope. This situation was not created in one human lifetime and will not be corrected in one lifetime. It will take the effort of many generations with the support of many celestial beings to accomplish it. But from a broader view, the progress that has already been made in a very short time is commendable. You are a resilient species who within you hold that which is necessary to create a heaven on Earth. After all, in each one of you is the seed of your creator! This correction will occur and your efforts no matter how small will be felt exponentially.
Vicki: You have so much faith in the human race, Monjoronson and I am grateful that you shared that with me.
Speaking of the blending of races, In the Urantia book that some consider the most recent epochal revelation, it talks about the early primary and secondary races that were to blend into one race over time and it states that these early races were diverse in their characteristics and were not equally endowed. People of various colors still exist today and these citations have created quite a stir among certain racial groups. Many have completely given up reading this important revelation because of this. As we struggle to create equality among our mixed populations, there is a fear that this will encourage the racial prejudice of some against others. How do we reconcile this Monjoronson?
Monjoronson: Let me first say this. The chance for this blending into one race to occur any time soon, is not possible. Your evolution toward a better world, a world of peace will occur however it will take a more difficult path and will require different measures. It is a misconception to think that these early races exist today as they did then. Each and every human on Earth is already the product of much blending. That blending has already created a versatile and intelligent mix of mortals with abilities well beyond the early races regardless of their color of skin today. These citations do not in any way justify or excuse the irrational opinions of racial prejudice we see among the people of your time.
Vicki: I agree. With the advent of more widespread DNA testing that people are participating in, they are often surprised to see just how many nations and races they are already a mix of. But there are still some who question the descriptors used in the Urantia Book and who do not understand why the races were not more equally endowed from the beginning. Can you help us understand that?
Monjoronson: Let me begin by explaining the big picture. In your current status as a mortal of this Earth, you are veiled from certain realities that exist beyond this world. And for the purpose of learning, you are veiled from certain realities about yourselves as well. The parts of you, that are expressed in your current life do not encompass all that you are. It is more that you are placed here in a scenario that allows you to grow into and discover certain characteristics of who you are.
This is a planet of nativity, which means that for many of you, this is your first material life as a spiritual being in a physical body. This speaks to the purpose of your residence on Earth. You cannot fully understand who you are unless you are provided many opportunities to experience different aspects of yourself in the context of a material life. You are here for the education and growth that will occur as you live this mortal life and you will then grow in understanding yourself. And along the way we hope you will also grow in the understanding others as well.
This life on Earth is a journey you have chosen. It is an opportunity for you to rediscover yourself in a deeper and more diverse way. If you choose to continue with this ascendant career, you will experience many such lives that will continue to enlighten you and hone you into an individual of increasingly divine intelligence.
However, this cannot occur in an environment where all are equal and life is easy. Growth occurs through opportunities that challenge us. You could even say that those who are most challenged and least endowed, are more blessed because in their struggle, they have been given more opportunities to grow.
That is why many are flocking to your planet. Not only do they come to offer assistance but some also come for the challenge, so that they may grow. To find this degree of challenge in a friendly universe is in some ways, rare. All who experience these obstacles will benefit in their individual development. Whether it be one who is endowed with much intelligence or one who struggles to accomplish basic daily tasks, they will leave with an experience that is uniquely theirs and depending on what they do with their life circumstance, they could grow immensely from it.
You, as Agondonters, who believed without seeing in life beyond Earth, will leave this planet as a strong, resilient, highly valued spiritual beings due to the rougher road you followed.
We do not view those with tremendous power and wealth as being any more important than the homeless individual who struggles to maintain a semblance of sanity. Your life will not be measured by how much wealth you accrue or what positions of power you gain. Instead it will be measured by what you do with what you have been given.
Vicki: Whew! I could sense your passion in discussing this with us, Monjoronson. I think many of us understand these things to a certain degree, but we forget sometimes just from the sheer struggles we are engaged in.
Monjoronson: That is understandable and that is why it needs to be said time and time again. Within one lifetime you will experience suffering and in the same lifetime, with or without intention, you will cause suffering. In either situation you gain important insight that when situations flip, provide you with a fuller perspective. These are lessons that temper your fear and correct your ignorance. These are the life experiences that assist you in eliminating your prejudices and teach you to love.
Vicki: I think I can speak for others in saying thank you for helping us grow and understand. Do you have final thoughts you would like to share?
Monjoronson: You are most welcome. Remember, the life you have is a gift. It is an investment not only in your future but the future of mankind on this planet. Regardless of your life circumstance, know that you are deeply loved and monitored, that any travesty you experience and that you feel harmed by, will have a moment in your long ascendant career to correct itself and you will be stronger and smarter as a result of it.
For now, monitor your thoughts, explore your prejudices and correct them when you can. Walk among your brothers and sisters in a spirit of understanding and compassion for their struggles. Teach your children that you are all social equals regardless of your race, color, gender, age, intelligence or life circumstance. And always remember, that you need the diversity provided by your environment and many other living things to maintain your very own health and wellbeing. May you feel my compassion and mercy for you, during your times of struggle. Know that eventually, all will be well. Good Day!
Date: February, 2018 - Released April 7, 2020
Dear Friends, This particular transmission is one of many messages that was received a while ago, yet is being released publicly for the first time. It one of a series of essays from Monjoronson and includes a question and answer section as well. It is rather dense…but chockful of information. If you are saving it to a database I suggest that you archive it by the release date. And like all other transmissions I receive, please feel free to share.
Sincerely and gratefully, Vicki